Hi everyone. Please can someone help me about a visual issue I am experiencing in AMS2. There appears to be diagonal lines in the sky which is very apparent in blue skys. Goes from left to right like this /. It's very distracting and I can't find any fixes to this issue. I don't have this issue with any other SIM racers except AMS2. I am guessing this is a known issue and would welcome any suggestions I will try to upload a picture but conscious you can't see it in photos. I am running in 4k60 with vsync but the lines appear on all resolutions. A lot worse in 1080p. I am hoping Reiza are already aware of this issue. I love this game but may have to go back to AC as the lines are just too noticeable to enjoy the game. Thanks
A picture would say everything. The sky has been built in hexagon-style. It's most visible during sunset/sunrise. Its just how Madness Engine is built to display the sky and the weather, etc. I've some pictures where I can see it clearly during sunset/sunrise. During a very clear day you've to really look at it to spot the hexagon-pattern.
Hope you can see it? My resolution in game setting is 3840x2160@59Hz. Do you think the 59Hz is the issue as my monitor is showing 60Hz?
UPDATE - tried matching monitor refresh rate with ams2 config file and that did not work either. Both showing exactly 60hz and in game settings. Any help is appreciated. Thanks
I might believe it's due the 4K monitor, cause they are ultra crisp. It's likely our community manager @CrimsonEminence has more answers because he works closer with the team than me.
It's most likely dithering which can be observed often in skies ingame indeed - i've asked if there is any option to mitigate it, but i also don't know enough about the render side of the game to give a safe advice.
I see it at low sun angles, at first I thought it was me seeing the pixels, and in VR it's very noticeable. I choose to not play at those times of day, also the game runs much better not with the long shadows, haha
Thanks for all the responses. I switched to another monitor and the lines were gone so I think it's due to the type of monitor I am using. Time to buy a new TV!
Yes both TV's are LED at 4k60. My Sony TV did not show the issue but my LG did so I'm going to buy another Sony TV.
I thought that too however I checked with my Sony TV at all distances and could not see the lines. The lines on my lg TV is visible from all distances.