Hello some months ago I tried join paddock club and have an entry on a bank statment showing a payment. I however don't recall receiving seeing a confirmation or a rejection and did not expect an immeadiate response depending on the development point in the title at which the paddock club would become live. Is there anyone who can advise, or has had a similar experience, or someone who can be contacted please.
Hey, so reassuring: Do you mean access to Paddock Club in general? You have the forum badge and access to it, you see the Paddock Club at the forums front page when scrolling down a bit. Do you miss a confirmation E-Mail with the Keys? (They can be sent to you again in case you've lost them - you'll receive a private message if needed) You are registered as Paddock Club member in any case.
Thank you for confirming I have missed the e-mail with the keys and would like to get them resent to me again please. kind regads. Andrew
Hi, sorry to hijack this thread but I seem to have “lost” my paddock club forum badge and access? I can still log onto the beta (did this am to see if the new cars etc were there but they were not). How do I get this sorted please?