Early Christmas present: Switch off all Antialiasing and super-sampling in game. Then run a resolution that is double your native. I am running 5120x2880 on my 1440p monitor. Then let the GPU downsample/downscale/downres (or whatever the actual tech term is) et voila, increased graphical fidelity. My sharp looking shadows now look beautiful, soft and smooth and the guardrails are no longer flashing like a strobe in certain lighting conditions. I have every other setting maxed out and am hitting 150-165 FPS and have better AA than when running max settings in game. My PC specs are, AMD RX6950 and i7-10700k. Not sure how Nvidia will fair but can't think of any reason the improvements wouldn't be seen there also. Give it a try and let me know how it works for you please.
If I understand it correct then its a setting out in the driver. In my ooold driver its called DRS ByTheWay: If you try it out would you please report back here if or how it works out for you
I just set it in the game. I think the AMD driver makes this possible and then automatically renders it to my native resolution. Edit: It is VSR virtual super resolution in the AMD Radeon software. It just does magic! Edit: reading the Nvidia peeps comments make me think this is not going to work for you. I am asking the game to output a higher res than native and then the driver reigns it back. The Nvidia way looks not to be the same thing. It looks like you will be asking the driver to render a higher res and then dial it back. I don't know. Look forward to hearing whether it works the same.