Hi. I always been a fan of the Formula Vintage gen 1 from Grand Prix Legends, Pcars 1 and 2 and now AMS2. My favorite car ever. But now with this latest recent update, this car is just fantastic to drive. I'm so impressed by the new tire grip and physics. A real joy to drive. Prior to these updates, I was not able to classify better than the 10th place on most track with AI set at 80% Since the last two days, I tried a dozen of tracks and now I'm first on them all. I'll be able to increase the AI skill a bit to match my level. So fun, beautiful overtakes, I have lot of fun. The grip is remarkable. Thank you so much Reiza for this update. The best racing game I have use ever. André Vaillancourt
I would agree, with this latest update these cars have come to life, love driving the Vintage 1 & 2. I just really like driving the Vintage and Classic cars, more my era, kind of dating myself but with all the graphics and now the physics are getting so much better, totally enjoying these cars and tracks. I'm hoping more of the Vintage F1 cars and tracks keep coming. Thank you Reiza for making this possible!
Like you, I would like more version of these cars like we had in Grand Prix Legends. But fortunately, Reiza gave us a new version with this Gen 2.
Hello! I am a little depressed... I like to drive the Formula Vintage Gen.1 & Gen.2 as well. Tried to do a championship. But the AI is no challenge even at 120% and high aggression. And i am not a really fast guy. For example i did a Brazilian Stock Car 23 Championship on, i think it was 107% with high aggression and it was really good challenge and tons of fun, fighting with the ai. But the AI with the Formula Vintage is so slow even at 120% I am using the formula vintage skin packs from RD with custom AI files, could the custom AI files be the problem?
Nope, the custom AI file is not the problem. Are you doing long races? One issue they have is that the AI suffer more from the fuel weight than the player on both of the F-Vintage classes. I lose 5 tenths to 1.5 seconds depending on the track going from 30l to 170l of fuel, while the AI lose 3+ seconds. So you go from getting pole by 2 tenths to having a 15 second lead by lap 5 in the race. They are also as you wrote slower overall than other classes on the same difficulty. It has been reported in the AI discrepancy thread, so hopefully they fix it in the future.
Thanks Buddy for this information! Yes i do long races, like about 90 minutes. It is exactly like you describe, the AI is so much slower in the race than in quali. Now i know why, thanks. Yes and even in quali they are not as fast as in other classes. It is ridiculous, that i am able to get the pole in quali at 120%. Usually i suck at quali Thanks for letting me know, that it is reported. Now i can go on to other classes, maybe it will be fixed somewhen. Have a good day!
Hi guys. New of ams2 but with experience in other sims. I'm really love the F1 cars especially from the '60 to the late '90, the best ever the '70 though. And this is the reason I landed in Ams2 that at the moment satisfies my passion. I have just a suggestion for this forum. What do you think if we propose to create a dedicated Thread to discuss about this typology of cars and possibly organize some friendly races among us? Last Sunday I have (together with a friend of mine) just opened a server with the Gen1 in Buenos Aires historic for some practice and a 8 laps races. Surprisingly we started a quite correct and challenging race with more the 15 cars on track. It was just forfun of course but a good way also to test the behaviour against humans instead of AI. Hope to read your comments.
totally agree. would be great to have a group of drivers able to challenge themself in some forfun historical races , and maybe in future organize a championship. I hope Reiza will continue to give us always more F1 historical cars! by far the ones that are able to give more emotions while we drive. atleast in my opinion . Formula Retro Gen 1 (74-75) and Formula Retron Gen2 (78-80) are my favourites! by the way, I was racing last sunday in the server opened by Djangopass and i can just confirm we had really fun time!
I am not a fan of online racing, but do love all the vintage F1 cars in AMS2, so would be up to a little racing. Issue is time unfortunately, most of my gaming hours are 10pm+, and I am at GMT-4.