I miss these logos on the steering wheels on the mp4-4, mp4-5 and mp4-6. The fun crown and Honda logos. There's just something about having those logos on the steering wheel that really ups the immersion. I'm hoping since the Shell logo made it onto the Hi-Tech steerings wheels, these will be added in soon. Anybody else notice/tickled the wrong way by this?
Probably, but the Honda logo is there on the car already. And the crown logo could be added as something that looks similar, like the "Fasters" or Porsche "Racing" logos. idk
Yes! I sweat the details like this lol. Inaccurate replay cameras also irritate me in the same way. An easy way for Reiza to ‘fix’ this, would be to add the steering wheel stem to the car livery template. Then the community can fill in that gap. The same problem is there with the Formula V10 Gen2 early 2000 cars having the big Reiza logo there, not being able to edit it. Having only the right hand glove in the suit template is another baffling thing.