To set a cap on FPS, open steam launch parameters and add "-fpscap xxx" (x being the amount of frames - you might need to raise by 1 to 3 frames) As for render frames ahead, the lower the value, the less input lag, but the quicker your GPU needs to be able to work in order not to miss frame timing.
..isn't it the other way around, the more Render Frames Ahead the faster the GPU needs to calculate? "• Render Frames Ahead This setting is there to create some marginal amount of buffering to the displayed images. You can fight stutter with that, at the cost of some lag, and with a severe performance overhead."
As usual this is a balance of performance thing. Yes you need more gpu power to render things earlier but it also gives more time for each frame to be generated. frame drawing isn’t a perfectly timed thing. some frames take more times to be drawn, some less and this can be due to many factors aside for the amount of activity in the change between each frame. so an example is that at 60 fps, you have 50ms to draw 3 frames. they need a bit more gpu power and some memory to buffer them but it’s still 50ms to get the first frame out. so if the first frame takes say 20ms to render, the next frame only has 46 (which is still enough). if 2 frames take 20ms, the third frame has 42. it makes longer frame rendering much more forgiving but as it says, at the cost of input lag and you don’t want this in a racing sim at a single frame rendered ahead, your gpu has 16ms to draw and show the frame. so with each individual frame only having 16ms, if something happens to make the render time go above 16ms, you get stutter and/or frameskip depending on how things are configured and the gpu hastens to catch up and finally, your gpu has another setting under the hood: Ultra Low Latency Rendering, meaning there is no buffer at all. The moment the frame is rendered it is output and the next frame is rendered right after. It is much easier to notice the stuttering effect as there isn’t even a 16ms buffer to time each frame. I don’t recommend to use this at 60fps when using anything less than a 2000 series gpu since those cards have a much better direct frame rendering timing.
I know it goes against what everyone advises and I myself tried it for ages but I find using vsync works so much better for me. I bought into the disabling vsync and capping fps to lower input lag but I found the handling felt strange. Once reverting back to vsync it's like the game 'syncs' up again and wierdly the car seems easier to rotate... not sure why that is? Vsync all the way. (Also found my kill rate in fps games have massively improved with vsync) Don't always buy into the hype/advise that's out thier on input lag.
Amazing!!! How is it possible though that wgen i was using low shadows, low particles and low reflections i wasn't able to avoid some lag? I thought those things were the worst to keep high for performance!!! Now it flys!!!! Any suggestions for Assetto Corsa as well? Thanks for your help mate