VR Discussions, Questions & Feedback

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Heitor Facuri Cicoti, Apr 5, 2020.

  1. Nolive721

    Nolive721 Active Member

    May 17, 2020
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    for Pico users, feel free to comment as I own a Neo3 Link with the DP cable so pure image clarity with no compression

    I have spent my afternoon doing lots of runs at Imola, 31 cars and 12visible in night&rain conditions, cockpit view

    I do use relatively high Graphics settings

    Texture Resolution: High
    Texture Filtering: Anisotropic 16X
    V-Sync: Off
    MSAA: Variable (see below)
    Reflections: High
    Environment Map: High
    Car Detail: High
    Max Vehicles: 12
    Track Detail: High
    Pit Crew Detail: All
    Shadow Detail: High
    Enhanced Mirror: Yes
    Motion Blur: Off
    Render Frames Ahead: 2
    Detailed Grass: Low
    Particle Level: Medium
    Partical Density: Medium

    1. maintain 90fps is possible with stock PICO Link drivers but MSAA Off and openxrtoolkit with CAS 90% sharpness and FRR at Performance and Narrow
    2. maintain 90fps is possible with modified PICO Link drivers (so called 1.3 hacked resolution, available on discord) and MSAA High and openxrtoolkit with CAS 90% sharpness and FRR at Performance and Narrow
    3. maintain 72fps is possible with stock PICO Link drivers with MSAA High and openxrtoolkit with CAS 90% sharpness and FRR at Performance and Narrow
  2. manfer

    manfer Member

    Jan 2, 2024
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    Hey here my answers:
    1.I do races there, no hotlapping!
    2.maximum cars on two classes (all cars visible)
    3. I have at the race start min. 40 fps and after the first corners it's about 60 fps. Than it's after 2 minutes (not exactly) between 80 and 90 fps. It goes a bit down when someone overtakes me or I'm overtakes somebody (but not lower than 60).and yes, I've started in the middle.
    4. Of course in cockpit view!
    5.no other assistance!

    For me it's absolutely driveable, because in rain and night it's only at the start a bit laggy and in good conditions it's much better, that's okay!
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  3. DayrFile

    DayrFile Member

    Aug 9, 2021
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    OpenXR - How to Remove Artifacts from FFR with MSAA active:
    Small report about another VR finding regarding OpenXR-Toolkit.
    Background: FFR (Fixed Foveated Rendering) is a nice way to enhance performance in VR by heterogeneous resolution over the field of view. In the center it's as high as possible and it gets more pixelated at the borders. This is done via rings or ellipses in the openXR toolkit. When driving, it's hard to recognize at all.
    However, in my case combining this option with MSAA (to remove the shimmering) and FSR (upscaler), I was always getting heavy artifacts in the outer parts, like missing objects, partial objects, stripes, crosses, etc. I tried this morning a few settings, whether there are some "magic numbers" to remove those artifacts. The good news is: Yes, there are. There are no bad news, except maybe that I still don't know the exact formula to derive the correct parameters :)
    Using MSAA medium, the only resolution reduction factor which works for me reliable is 1/16. Also the middle ring makes problems, so I basically switch it off by setting it's size to the outer one (see the settings below). However, this is not enough. To get no rendering artifacts the headset resolution and the FSR resolution needs to be at very specific numbers. In reality it's probably only the FSR, but it's only controllable in 1% steps and some integer-casting or rounding is going on. The "magic resolutions" I found so far are (first one is the headset resolution):
    - 3100, FSR 0.80
    - 2918, FSR 0.85
    - 3200, FSR 0.72 (my current baseline), if my hand written notes are correct.
    - 3960, FSR 0.54
    To get the final numbers I sometimes need to add or remove 1-3 pixel on the headset resolution (always reboot the game) and suddenly for a certain pixel no. everything is fine. Typically the first number*FSR factor is dividable by 16, however, the last one proves this wrong :confused:. So fine tuning by a few pixels to really get the artifacts away after FSR (rounding effect I guess) remains.

    Here are the settings for very aggressive FFR (combined with my FSR 0.72 baseline above):
    FFR: custom
    Inner resolution: 1x
    Inner ring size: 40% (same as below, increase this one to increase both)
    Middle resolution: 1/16
    Outer ring size: 40% (same as above, lower this one to decrease both)
    Outer resolution: 1/16
    Horizontal scale: 160%
    Vertical offset: -16%
    Left/Right Bias: none

    The nice thing about the FFR is, that it can be switched on/off and the size can be modified on the fly, without any restart of the game. So when I encounter a low fps situation (Monaco track, or weather, etc.) I just switch it on or tune a bit the size (the settings stay stored), though, without pausing, something like the Döttinger Höhe is recommended :)

    Final note, probably already written somewhere, but I just discovered it today: when trying various openXR configs, where multiple parameters need to be tuned, it gets hard to remember all of this (old brain:)). In the registry (regedit) under HKEY current user / software / openXR. You can simply export the current settings per game (right click on its folder) into a reg file, e.g. to desktop. Simple double-click on it before starting the game sets the settings correctly. With this I can compare very fast two different "baselines" and decide which is actually the better one.

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  4. Cliff

    Cliff Member

    Apr 14, 2020
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    Use VoiceAttack
  5. Nolive721

    Nolive721 Active Member

    May 17, 2020
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    Nice experiment

    Thanks a lot for sharing
  6. Cooknn

    Cooknn Member

    Sep 6, 2020
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    I uninstalled a bunch of VR stuff today and fixed some problems I was having for all my games, but now in VR for AMS2 my HUD components are all angled - leaning forward. How can I adjust this?
  7. dryheat94

    dryheat94 Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 16, 2021
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    Access the HUD settings and select Help. The key's to fix are there.

    Edit: giving credit... found post where I discovered this: VR Discussions, Questions & Feedback
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2024
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  8. Cooknn

    Cooknn Member

    Sep 6, 2020
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    Will do. Thanks.
  9. UrsineSaturn9

    UrsineSaturn9 Member

    Sep 2, 2022
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    "I'm sorry, can you please repeat that?"
    I do use Crew Chief occasionally for fuel calculations etc, but he often does not understand me. Maybe doesn't like the Aussie accent or something? Anyway, noted to maybe one day trial voice commands again in the future
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. manfer

    manfer Member

    Jan 2, 2024
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    I'm currently trying to experiment with the sharpness in the distance and am wondering how I can get the sharpness in the distance a little better.

    Initial situation:
    -I have msaa: high
    -Anisotropic 16x
    -Texture res.: high
    -following settings in the graphicsconfigoculusdx11.xml:
    <prop name="SharpeningStrength" sharpeningstrength="1.00000" />
    <prop name="SharpeningClamp" sharpeningclamp="0.090000" />
    <prop name="OffsetBias" offsetbias="1.100000" />

    Nvidia settings:
    Power Management mode: Maximum

    My Problem: When I'm on a track I can only see clearly 50 - 100 meters away (I use the 50m signs before corners to know what 50 - 100 meters are)

    Unfortunately, changing the sharpening strength in the graphicsconfigoculusdx11.xml (between 0.0-2.9) does not improve the sharpness in the distance.

    My questions:

    1. Does anyone have any other ideas to improve the sharpness in the distance?

    2. What do the two parameters “sharpening clamp” and “offset bias” stand for? I do not get it!
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2024
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  11. UrsineSaturn9

    UrsineSaturn9 Member

    Sep 2, 2022
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    Try turning off fxaa. That generally just blurs the image in VR
  12. GFoyle

    GFoyle Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2023
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    My hunch is that it ends up compressing more if you run higher settings that you system can handle and it's not always / only the fps that takes a hit. Also it's never going to be that sharp in the distance without increased resolution and less compression (that requires more power / higher resolution capable headset). I never got my setup to be that clear in the distance, but I got it to a point that it's at least okay enough to be enjoyable experience (and note, I have 3080 + Quest 3, and I limit my vertical fov to 0.3, so much more than your 0.85 and I run the graphical settings a bit lower as well).

    ps. I ended up not using the increased sharpening after all to have the picture a bit more "calm" as it already can end up with quite a bit of shimmering without it already.
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  13. manfer

    manfer Member

    Jan 2, 2024
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    thank you for your experiences. I have now revised my settings on page 125. It gets slightly better, but it's definitely not a crystal clear view, but the best what i´ve found out.

    I'm still wondering what the "sharpening clamp" and "offset bias" settings are for
  14. Sirius360

    Sirius360 Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 20, 2023
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    My question got a bit burried but maybe someone can help me with my audio problem?
  15. Alegunner68

    Alegunner68 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 21, 2019
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    In the rain there should be a lot more water, blurring the windscreen so you have to use your wipers.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2024
  16. manfer

    manfer Member

    Jan 2, 2024
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    Can someone explain to me what the ASW is all about? When I have it turned on, I'm often at half fps, but otherwise I can't tell any difference. Can someone tell me something more precise?
  17. chonk

    chonk Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    Asynchronous Space Warp. It's frame interpolation, meaning in situations where you cant achieve native frame rate it will cap your frames at half refresh rate and interpolate the missing frames to output at the correct rate. Essentially it makes a very good guess at what should happen between real frames.

    When it works well and in your case if you don't notice it then it can be really useful if your GPU is otherwise struggling and when it works poorly you get artifacting, noticeable ghosting and it can make some people feel a bit funky.
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  18. manfer

    manfer Member

    Jan 2, 2024
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    thank you for your detailed answer. but why do I have 45 fps at 90hz in such situations? Shouldn't I also have 90 fps because the 45 fps are interpolated?

    How about AMS2 specific? I've read everywhere that you should ASW off, is that correct? If yes, why?
  19. chonk

    chonk Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    It depends on where you're reading the fps from. I'm not sure with oculus/meta whether with the Quest line ASW takes place on the headset or the PC. Either way the game is locked at half the refresh rate when ASW kicks in so the game reports that number. But ASW is producing the missing frames outside of that and making up the difference.

    Whether to enable it or not is really up to you. If you're not reaching the native refresh rate without it enabled then it's possible the reason you don't notice when it is enabled is because you're already experiencing choppy frames to some extent anyway.

    I would suggest lowering settings to a point where your GPU can smoothly output 72 or 90fps etc and then compare this to how it looks feels with ASW enabled. If you really don't notice a difference in image quality between it being on or off then you can do whatever you want. Having it on will at least be saving you on your electricity bill.

    Some people more or less sensitive to these things and some are just snobs. Do whatever works for you.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. Cliff

    Cliff Member

    Apr 14, 2020
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    You will need to give the phonetic spelling of what you're saying to Voice Attack so it will understand your accent and get it to pass a keystroke to Crew Chief to trigger the response you want. It will work perfectly.

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