Ultra realistic SimRacing with AMS2

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Florian Langner, Mar 5, 2024.

  1. Florian Langner

    Florian Langner New Member

    Oct 13, 2023
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    Hello sim racers and fans of AMS, I don't know whether your own advertising is allowed?!If so, please ignore and or delete it.

    I love AMS2 and the hard work everyone involved is doing to continually develop this great simulation.
    I now have over 1700 hours of driving experience in AMS2 offline and online.

    I recently opened a YouTube channel in which I show high-quality races in my ultra-realistic motion simulator. Of course I drive the races in AUTOMOBILISTA2. GT3 and Prototype races but also classic races in historic cars such as GT1 and Group C on the historic tracks.

    Immersion in my races is my top priority.
    -32" triple setup-Motion platform
    -180 degree realistic cockpit
    -Ambilight for changing lighting conditions
    -RTX 4090 and reshade for best graphics
    -Change steering wheels and gearshifts to suit the vehicle

    I hope my work can help make this fantastic simulation even better known. I realized that the popularity of AMS2 should be much greater but unfortunately there are many sim racers who don't give AMS2 a chance and I don't understand why. Reiza puts in so much work with regular updates that continue to improve the quality of the sim. The many cars and international as well as regional tracks make the sim so interesting for me. last but not least the historical trackpacks.

    If you're interested, feel free to check out my channel. I'm looking forward to new followers and comments so that the channel and popularity of AMS2 can grow.

    Race Track Rebels
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  2. Horia M

    Horia M Reephur

    Nov 22, 2022
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    Screen and graphics are only as good as the camera can capture. You've got a good setup here - but there's definitely room for improvement in the presentation.
    1. You definitely need a better camera. Footage is quite blurry - if it's not the camera, then you might need to tinker with the settings. ISO, shutter speed, aperture, etc.
    2. Building on the above, definitely need to adjust the exposure and contrast. Footage is slightly overexposed (see Racelogic screen), and screen looks washed out - you might need to raise brightness of screens. You're also lacking true black areas, which also contributes to the decreased saturation.
    3. Sound - don't record from speakers. At least in your case, it straight up sounds bad. Either overlay the in-game sound over the video footage (and maybe edit the sound if you want to add any distortion effects), or change something about the speaker setup. But I'd probably go with the former.
    4. Camera shakiness. Sticking the camera to your head is definitely realistic, but all the microshaking translates very badly to a single screen video. It's why simracing VR footage usually looks so disorienting. I'm not exactly sure how you'd fix this - I doubt adding some sort of gimbal is realistically feasible, so maybe try video stabilisation in editing?
    All this to say, you've got a good base to work with here. Your rig looks amazing, and I have absolutely no doubt that in real life it's mindblowing - but unfortunately video cameras suck ass, and you have to bend over backwards to make the footage look good. Whether this advice is useful solely depends on whether you want to make more professional looking videos or stick to more amateur videos - but either is completely fine.

    Nevertheless, goddamn does that rig look good. ;)
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  3. Florian Langner

    Florian Langner New Member

    Oct 13, 2023
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    Thank you very much for this detailed review.
    I appreciate very much.you are right on all points.Getting the right lighting is actually very difficult.

    I use a DJI action 4. I have now figured out how I can render the material better to achieve better quality.
    The sound, yes, it is recorded through the speakers.I once put a second soundtrack from the game on top of a video.The sound of the engine was a little clearer.
    First and foremost, I try to imitate a real ride in the car with the videos.That's why the blurring is intentional and I think it's pretty authentic.
    The stabilizer is already switched on on the cam to keep the camera shake soft.

    But I learn something new with every video and look forward to constructive criticism like from you.Thanks
  4. irishtim7

    irishtim7 New Member

    Dec 6, 2023
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    Nice rig. I'm in the process of doing the same thing with mine. As mentioned, the sound needs to be improved. You can just add the game sound capture to OBS but I'd probably just record the complete display with sound simultaneously and then sync it up when editing. Where is your camera mounted? It looks low. Or are you just reclining in your seat like an F1 seating position?
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  5. Horia M

    Horia M Reephur

    Nov 22, 2022
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    Fair enough. The blurring to be honest isn't that big of an issue. I was mainly basing my review on your CLK GTR @ Silverstone video, but some of your other videos it's definitely not so bad. For example, your latest video (BMW @ Interlagos) definitely looks good quality wise, but colours and exposure are still off. Still a bit of overexposure (in-game RPM lights and dashboard), and colours are definitely way too washed out, especially during clear weather.

    Strangely, the BMW V8 @ Daytona seems to be your best looking video, both in terms of camera quality and colour depth. So makes me think it's the camera settings not being set up quite properly, most likely to with the brightness of the screens.

    Looking again it's weird. For example, the CLK GTR @ Silverstone is sometimes unwatchable due to all the jerking (1:26 - 1:38 or 2:36 - 2:46) - but again, your last video is good. Relatively smooth and you still have some camera shaking, but it doesn't make the video hard to watch. It's weird.

    Definitely seems like you're on the right track with the settings - just gotta narrow it down fully for all weather and time conditions. :)
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  6. Florian Langner

    Florian Langner New Member

    Oct 13, 2023
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    I think the reason why the shots shake differently is because the vehicles have different springs.With the Sauber C9, for example, I have to reduce the intensity of the 2DOF motion because the vehicle reacts extremely hard.

    I'm working on the best settings for the camera.I also now achieve much better results when rendering with Davinci Resolve.
    I'm going to make fundamental changes to the sound.Filter out a complete soundtrack from the race.

    But I would also like to add that the focus is on immersion, especially for the viewer.Check out onboard footage of a real race.You don't necessarily get the feeling that the racing driver or anyone else is worried about shaky or overexposed shots.It comes closer to reality when I, as a spectator, see how hard the driver in the car is shaken when he drives over the curbs.If the recording were smooth and static, the immersion would be lost.
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  7. Florian Langner

    Florian Langner New Member

    Oct 13, 2023
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  8. Florian Langner

    Florian Langner New Member

    Oct 13, 2023
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    But it is also difficult and a challenge for me to hit the sweet spot.Interior not too dark, exterior not overexposed.But I am working on it ;)

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  9. Horia M

    Horia M Reephur

    Nov 22, 2022
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    Fully agree, it's incredibly difficult, more so that you're recording a screen. When I talk about exposure, it's more so to do with the whole image. My point is that the RPM lights shouldn't be the brightest part of the scene when recording.

    I'm thinking you could use a PP app (like Reshade) to make the game look brighter and more like a real recording, and then fiddle with the camera settings - maybe you'll find a PP filter that translates better to recording. After all, the only other variable you can change besides the camera is the game itself, and that seema to be where most issues with exposure and balancing come from.

    I wish you all the luck, I know very well how difficult it is to make the footage look like the real thing! :D
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  10. Florian Langner

    Florian Langner New Member

    Oct 13, 2023
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    Das Hauptproblem für mich ist gar nicht die Aufnahme des Bildschirms, sondern die gute Ausleuchtung des Cockpits.
    Ein hoher ISO-Wert führt zu Rauschen.Ein niedriger ISO-Wert verhindert, dass Details im Cockpit zu sehen sind.

    Ich nutze mit "Simhub Abient Lights" (vielen Dank an SIMHUB an dieser Stelle) eine extrem geniale App :), mit der ich die Lichtverhältnisse im Cockpit simulieren kann.
    Den Sweet Spot für alles zu finden, ist eine Herausforderung.Aber ich komme näher :)

    Heute Abend gibt es ein neues Video auf You Tube.Gruppe C im SPA'93.Diesmal habe ich in 4k gefilmt und bearbeitet und hoffe, dass die Qualität noch besser ist.

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