Good day. Current pc rig specs : cpu - Intel Core i7 4771, gpu - AMD Radeon RX 480, 16 GB RAM DDR3, 3 * 27" LG monitors 60 Hz, using AMD Eyefinity. Game graphic settings - low to medium. Shadows, bloom, haze and reflections off. Game runs 30 to 40 fps, with and occaisional freeze. Resolution 3 * 1920 * 1080. Currently has to run at 5720 * 1080, as per graphicsdx11 XML file. Wish to run at lower resolutions to increase performance. Did try to change the resolution using an XML notepad, but then almost everything is black. Can you please advise a simple method to run at a lower screen resolution for increased fps and smoother running. Kind regards Pieter van Eck
Yes. Run eyefinity for triple screen setup. However, when Eyefinity is selected, you cannot select Custom resolutions. Also using the performance profile.
So the custom resolution option in global display settings becomes unavailable? Maybe try CRU (custom resolution utility). Although I'm guessing you probably have. There must be someone here who can give you a definitive answer whether it's possible or not. Hope you get it sorted.
Thanks for the advice - will give it a try - can I contact you if I problems with setting up the utility ?