Hello, Can anyone tell me how to contact the person who makes the Mods on: Project Cars Modding Team [mod edit: Links to ripped content aren't allowed on this platform] as I have already sent several unanswered emails to : 'project_cars_modding_team@protonmail.com' Because in my emails I reported the following information: --------------------------------- Hello The following 5 mods : - Alpine Pack v1.5.6.7z - Ferrari_FXX-K v1.5.6.7z - Lamborghini SCV12 v1.5.6.7z - Porsche 935 2019 v1.5.6.7z - Porsche 992 cup v1.5.6.7z ...do not have .txt files with the information to install them with __bootfiles_1.5.5.6 & jsgme_2.6.0 Can you please do the necessary quickly and notify me by email to enable me to download these vehicles again with the added corrections. Thank you for your prompt reply... Sincerely --------------------------------- PS: Don't give me as answer to use “CONTENT MANAGER” because I prefer to use “bootfiles_1.5.5.6 & jsgme_2.6.0”. --------------------------------- Thanks to anyone who can contact this person with the above information. Thank you
I mean, for each taste there's a color, but what benefit does jsgme have over CM for you? Genuinely curious here.
Nobody is forced to use Content Manager, but don't force modders to work for you either. The mods are there for free, use them or don't is your freedom.
If you are referring to the driveline files, on their website at the top menu bar there is a ams2 - drivelines option, click that, and use ctrl+f to search for the sections of the cars you need, and create a driveline file yourself.... Edit: Or just look a bit more closely in the zipfile of the mod and you will find the needed info in there as well...
Hi @Alain-Daniel, I'm the modder of those cars. But iirc, mod cars doesn't need bootfiles anymore, a simple activation of the mod with JSGME is enough
Hello. I don't think it's easy for a ‘normal user’ to get in touch with you, and since I see you here, I'll take this opportunity to point out a minor problem with one of your excellent mods. The black livery of the Ferrari FXX breaks down when it is on the track, i.e. the car is missing body parts. This happens right from the start of the race and without any crashes. Don't take this as a ‘fix it’ but just to keep it in mind. I have used the translator. I say this in case there is something that doesn't sound right. ^^ PS: I'm a big fan of your Alpine and Lambo.
Good morning, sir, Far be it from me to criticize your work, on the contrary. However, on the page of your site related to vehicles, it is always indicated that you need to use “Bootfiles” to install the cars. It would be clearer for everyone if this information could be changed to indicate that only “JSGME” is required. The “NEWS” page also shows the names of vehicles that have been updated with IE : Car Updates: Pit Crew 4/1/2024 Robillard3381 has updated his car mods to game version 1.5.6. The update fixes pit crew models. The following cars by GvsE have been updated: - RUF (+ missing liveries, and steering lock fix) - Hellcat (+ brake torque and sound tweaks) - 992 GT3 (+ brake torque) - Scuderia - Viper SRT-10 - Fiat 500 (+ ABS adjustable now) More pit crew updates (21 April): - Ferrari 458 Italia - Ford GT 2006 - Ford Mustang RTR-X '10 - Ford Shelby GT500 2020 - Jaguar XE SV Project8 - Lexus LFA '10 - Mazda RX7 Rocket Bunny - Nissan Silvia S15 Rocket Bunny - Porsche 911 GT3 2018 - Toyota_Supra (+ brakes; taillights fix) Is the reading up to date concerning the cars you don't mention, i.e. : 2015 Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat 1.5.6 by GvsE compatible with 1.5.6* Ferrari FXX-K v1.5.6 by Robi3381 compatible with 1.5.6* 2019 Porsche 935 V1.5.6 by Robi3381 compatible with 1.5.6* Lamborghini Essenza SCV12 v1.5.6 Mod by Robi3381 compatible with patch 1.5.6.* Ferrari 250 GTO v1.5.6 Mod by Robi3381 compatible with patch 1.5.6.* Alpine A110 Pack v1.5.6 for AMS2 by Robi3381 compatible with patch 1.5.6.* Because nothing is mentioned about these cars! Last question please: Regarding the installation of vehicles and circuits, is it better to use CONTENT MANAGER or JSGME? Thank you for your answers... Sincerely
We're not allowed to post links to mods that are ripped from another game. That said, the group that made that mod is called the Project Cars Modding Team. If you search for them, you'll probably find their website.
I can answer for myself if you are curious. AMS2CM: pros: easy to use (some clicks and it's done) new features in 3rd iteration looks promising it works great for most of the time (sometimes it can ruin AMS2 while deinstallation) cons: it's like a black box sometimes causes a real thrash from AMS2 instalation directory structure it was written with .net so it's no so Linux friendly has too many bugs at the moment (version 0.2.1 works better IMHO) duplicate archives what is a waste of space on system storage very slow if you use many mods (reinstallation process) not so friendly discord for new users (I understand people can be lazy but if you provide support and direct users for certain place you should threat them with respect). In fact community help each other or go to discord and being insulted by kitty It's free but I recommend buy a coffe from time to time for every modder. JSGME: pros: you have full control over files give you knowledge about directories and files structure so in fact you know what happen in instalation folder (but there are cons of it I mentioned below) it's much like white box because of above point standalone and simple to use works out of the box on Linux (just open terminal and you are done with simple wine command) very fast easy to use It's free but I recommend buy a coffe from time to time for every modder. cons: you know what happened in installation directory but many things must be done manually (in two ways) if you know any scripting language above problem can be solved and you have in fact better version of AMS2CM MANUAL: Fast, easy, can be automated like you want but sometimes needs JSGME. AMS2CM gives you abolutely nothing in this scenario. SUMMARISE: AMS2CM is a great app (5 stars from me) because it simplified process of mod installation to minimum (it's a great gift for community and it's rightly considered as the best solution for AMS2). No doubt. But mainly for Windows users (majority but I think it should be mentioned). JGSME (also 5/5 stars) is older but if you want to know what you are doing, not like unexpected issues and clean installation of AMS2 then with some scripting knowledge it's absolutely ultimate solution. Works on Linux like a harm. I choose JGSME (for much more reasons than I wrote). These few lines above is quick summarize as much objective as I can write in a hurry. In fact people should choose tools they need and feel comfortable with. Stigmatization them because they don't want to use AMS2CM is somehow weird (at least) but I keep nicks and comments for myself. However I like a one from this post written by @Lab Pong: Cheers!
Well that’s what I assumed since you said CM was slow. Either way, if JSGME is very fast for you then I have no idea what I’m doing
Time back to school officer: Don't ask me what you are doing because: I don't know. I don't care about it My answer was to @Mazdaspeed. He asked: I decided to show my point of view (why not?) and it's definitely not off-topic. Like I wrote: You've presented yourself beautifully. Congratulations and have a nice day. If you had something interesting to say, I would take you seriously, but you're just a troll looking for applause, and I don't waste my time on such kind of people.
That was... quite vindictive. The fact is that JSGME is much slower than CM, although CM has this disadvantage of uninstalling and reinstalling everything each time. So if you have all mods installed with CM and you just want to add one, yeah, it may be a longer than adding a single one with JSGME. But if you want to install all mods, you will take infinitely less time with CM And JSGME also duplicates the archive But after all, you do what you want, everyone uses the soft they prefer, but there is no point in being so vehement. From my external point of view, you are the troll
Can I ask about your Z690 Motherboard, I have an MSI Z690, I bought four sticks of Ram, In two different occasions, So I had to buy one box of 2x8 for the 16gb, And then another 2x8gb sticks to make up the 32gb, I find AMS 2 far better with 32gb of Ram, I find 32gb I get no stutters at all, 16gb I get nasty stutters, But yeah I cannot enable XMP with all four ram slots full, But with two ram slots I can activate or use the XMP profile, I bought 5200MHz or ram for a reason, I am stuck with 4000MHz, And to be honest another 1200MHz is going to help the VR AMS 2 experience a bit better, lol, I found ram is important with Sim Racing not just the GPU, But do you know of any fix where I can get the XMP profile to work with the four ram slots full, As it stands I am going to have to get 2x16gb sticks, And try sell the four 8gb sticks that I have, It is Corsair Vengeance CL40 DDR5, I don't think I am going to get my money back, But yeah I find it a bit wrong that an expensive motherboard the MSI Z690 Unify cannot run XMP with all four ram slots full, But with two ram slots XMP profile works fine, I should not have to go into the ram timings, Plus I read ram is stable now at 5200MHz, i read it is when you gets to 6000MHz and above the PC starts getting sketchy, I know nothing about overclocking the ram and changing timings or voltages, I am asking just wondering if you have a motherboard with the four ram slots full, I also read if you is getting a z690 motherboard then get one with just the two ram slots, Would of thought by now DDR5 would be able to be in configuration of four, I read there is a reason DDR5 do not come as a pack of four ram sticks, Only two ram sticks in a box, Or is there any ram that is DDR5 that comes in a pack of four, I would of thought a PC would be more stable and run better if all four ram lanes are in use, But yeah I am well disappointed the z690 from MSI will not run all four ram slots with the XMP profile, Is there a fix for it by now, Do you know?? Thanks for reading, And happy Sim Racing....