Physics 1.5 vs 1.6 what to expect and my comment on Stock Car now that it can be compared.

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by mustang_304, Jun 6, 2024.

  1. mustang_304

    mustang_304 New Member

    Feb 23, 2024
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    Hello everyone in the community, I am totally new to the forum and an active user of AMS2 in the last few months. I apologize if it is a topic already covered or if it is in another subtopic, I write to hear opinions from those who already have more time and experience.

    I am not an expert in physics, nor a specialist in automotive design, although I know the subject because I am dedicated to the auto parts market, as a hobby I practice Karting on weekends regularly and I have raced some street cars in tests with manufacturers. . . . such as Ford (mustang and ST series) and KIA (Stinger) as a special guest

    A few moments ago I gave myself the opportunity to test the new physics VS the previous ones, taking advantage of the fact that it is possible with the 2023 and 2024 Stock Cars as I understand it.

    As I mentioned there, I have mixed feelings. I just wish that all the proper technical information and really trained experts had been consulted on this topic, because if we only rely on a real-life pilot, for example, to tell us how something should feel, then I'm sorry to say that there are very bad pilots. Over there. In any case, I hope that there is a correct “focus group” and not just react to what the community indicates on YT or social networks because that being the case, I don't think it is the correct way.

    The current physics is not bad and should be calibrated based on everything that intervenes in the dynamics of the car and not just the wheels. There are cars that understeer and oversteer by nature and no matter how many adjustments you make, they will remain that way.
    It's also important to check the default settings as they tend to be terrible.
    Going back to the Stock Car, I felt the physics of the 1.6 was more like the ACC, correct me if I'm wrong, but that's my feeling at the moment. And I must say that ACC is not to my taste. And my main concern is that they want to look like ACC.

    I don't know if the current physics is realistic (I don't want to establish a position because I don't know much about the subject), but what I do know is that it makes you feel immersed and as if you were really driving, with its proper adjustments, whereas the 1.6 physics It felt heavier and lacked any sense of speed. But I insist it is just a personal point of view.
    With Physics 1.5 I ended up sweating, many nuances between the FFB and what you see.
    With Physics 1.6, as if nothing had happened, I simply went from Point A to Point B, I had no major emotions.
    what do you think?

    Greetings from Mexico
  2. CrimsonEminence

    CrimsonEminence Administrator Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 4, 2018
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    This is exactly what will happen ;)

    The tire changes that will take place will not prevent you from using on throttle characteristics of the cars and it will not suddenly turn into a "only front limited on rails" experience what i think you are nervous about.
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  3. mustang_304

    mustang_304 New Member

    Feb 23, 2024
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    Thanks, that's good to hear. Greetings and continue success
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