Is the whole RCO x AMS2 thing legit?

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Chillblast, Jun 22, 2024.

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  1. Chillblast

    Chillblast Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 29, 2020
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    I've seen a some announcement from the rco side but nada from the ams2 side. Just looking for clarification on if this is officially backed or just them trying to jump on the lfm train.
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  2. TacticalNuclearPingu

    TacticalNuclearPingu Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 3, 2022
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    There’s a couple Reddit posts about it which are doing the rounds. I’m surprised even if there’s some kind of relationship that one side would announce and have nothing from the other to corroborate.

    From some screenshots from the RCO discord that are circulating on the Reddit post, it appears that the poster has originated from there.
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  3. ulotrix

    ulotrix Member

    Feb 12, 2024
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    Here is what I read on Discord a couple of days ago. Way before the LFM news was shared. It should be legit.

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  4. AllocDK

    AllocDK Active Member

    Jun 22, 2024
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    What i dont understand is, if thats true, why would he post this yesterday saying they dont return his calls?

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  5. ulotrix

    ulotrix Member

    Feb 12, 2024
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    He talks about the ignorance from Reiza from the past in that message. Because he mentioned a similar situation in this forum as well. So, in the past, Reiza didn't care about RCO but recently it changed and they probably approach every online services related to AMS2 and offered some help, etc. Yet, breaking news with LFM was a bit harsh for Roszman as he thinks RCO also deserved a tweet from Reiza which he has a right from my point of view but didn't happen. I'd consider emotions kicked in :)
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  6. Racinglegend1234

    Racinglegend1234 AMS2 wiki founder AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 28, 2022
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    Or as he said, the beer kicked in
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  7. ulotrix

    ulotrix Member

    Feb 12, 2024
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    It can be indeed :D
  8. TacticalNuclearPingu

    TacticalNuclearPingu Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 3, 2022
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    Not exactly a good look that, at all.
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  9. Jared Svetek

    Jared Svetek New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 19, 2023
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    It's pretty fitting that this comes only days after Reiza announced them working with LFM and improving the multiplayer aspect of the sim. To me, RCO isn't owed a single thing from Reiza and I'd honestly like to see the receipts about this "partnership". I highly doubt this is legit and does nothing but harm to the multiplayer user base dividing folks into sides supporting various platforms.

    I'm all for LFM helping improve the multiplayer aspect. Their services are legit and offer a lot of good racing options to the various sims they support.
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  10. stealthradek

    stealthradek I know nothing. AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 22, 2020
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    I was trying to follow the drama on Reddit, but cannot shake the feeling that some people can provide a good product/service but cannot deal with public relations when things go south.

    It sounded fishy when partnership announcement was posted by roszman with no official follow up from Reiza. Then when people started to question it (and rightfully so given the single and questionable source of this information which looked like a unfunny attempt at jumping on LFM's announcement bandwagon) he responded back with snarky comments.

    If you had a beer or two, don't post stuff online. Cool down if you're facing bad news and plan accordingly.
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  11. roszman

    roszman Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2020
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    Just to put things in context.

    I was sober on reddit :D

    I was answering in polite manner to any polite question, BUT there are people who are giving me really hard time on reddit, those people didn't asked questions, they were making statements and not expressing their doubts.

    Those people are usually trolling all my posts, trying to invalidate whatever I do or say, my every comment is downvoted within a minutes, sometimes within a seconds, no matter what the comment body was. We're talking about personal attacks made by someone very dedicated to his task of putting me down. Like a psycho.

    This, let's call it "hate", started few months ago, for some reasons one group of people started to call me a liar, telling that I am advertising RCO with fake stats and such. I tried to reason with them on reddit, but it was immpossible :/

    I've added 2 and 2 and I found discord with those people, there is an ams2 chat with a lot of hate speech about me and RCO, but mostly about me. Those people were talking about my recent reddit post, calling me a liar, fraud, scam, wishing that RCO should be stombed by Reiza do the mud (or something like that).
    They were writing there about going to reddit in order to "expose" my lies.

    So I've asked them there "Why so much hate toward me? Did I do any wrongs to you guys"
    I've got many answers from them about my "lies" and "fake claims" which they exposed so many times.

    I was/am totally suprised with such response, I've asked if they can provide some specifics, about those fake claims and lies. I've got some vague answers without any specifis.
    It looked to me like the mad crowd was brainwashed by someone, because it seems that they even didn't knew why they hate me. Creepy stuff.

    I am not a guy who is posting screenshots of messages to drag others down, I will not point fingers and will not provide url to their discord. But we have members of this community even here in this thread.

    It's just insane...

    So :) that's why i made snarky comments.
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  12. AllocDK

    AllocDK Active Member

    Jun 22, 2024
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    Well, they told me that they didnt invite you into their discord and who cares what people say on a discord...
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. roszman

    roszman Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2020
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    A lot of people cared what I am saying on discord.

    Nvm, take it as you want. Just wanted to give you perspective on my "snarky" comments.
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  14. TacticalNuclearPingu

    TacticalNuclearPingu Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 3, 2022
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    Yep, can confirm this happened.

    It’s not a nice position to be in as a community admin to have to tell the owner/proprietor of another community service that storming into some else’s community, bullying and harassing people for having opinions contrary to his and generally bringing “hate” (I am sick of the play the victim aspect of this whole stupid saga) into someone else’s place.

    Face it Roz; others are allowed to have opinions that you don’t agree with and they are allowed to do so, have opinions on how you conducted yourself, how you interact with others. We’re all free thinking adults allowed to come to our own opinions. I’m sure you posses opinions about people as well. As much as you want to grandstand arguments playing the victim there’s plenty of things out in the open air which give people cause to ask questions, cause people to not give you the benefit of the doubt. These are just facts of life.

    Grow up.

    I can’t believe I’m having to tell you this to your face again.

    I wish you and RCO all the best in the future, the rising tide lifts all boats, after all.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2024
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  15. ared

    ared New Member

    Jun 24, 2024
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  16. stealthradek

    stealthradek I know nothing. AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 22, 2020
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    I get it. My answer is to that is to not getting involved in such conversations with trolls. State what you have to say without naming individuals and move on. Snarky comments, even when understandably triggered shouldn't happen.

    And, trust me, I have plenty experience with people who want to see the world burn. And I'd rather want you to develop RCO further than wasting time on some pointless online "debates" where both sides talk, and nobody's actually listening or tries to understand the other side.

    Maybe it's a good time to hire a PR person to deal with that on your behalf.

    I'm happy to live during times where ranking systems can be created by players enriching the offerings from game developers.
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  17. CrimsonEminence

    CrimsonEminence Administrator Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 4, 2018
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    I think with that, everything has been clarified and answered. Thread closed :)
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