Hello everyone, and thank you for welcoming me to the forum. I have a question for the developers: AMS2 has a feature that I think should be changed (and it could be done relatively quickly), which is to make the surface of the mirrors BLACK MATTE for those who do not use the rearview mirrors but only the virtual mirror. This would avoid an annoying 'fake reflection' effect interacting with them. For example, I only use the virtual mirror (I do this in every simulator when possible because my PC's power is limited), and having this reflected light effect in low-light situations or night races only distracts me and causes me to make mistakes. It may seem like a minor issue, but trust me, it can make a big difference. Looking forward to playing your 1.6! Thank you
Good idea. From what I remember there is an option to turn out 'enhanced mirrors' (or smth like that). Isn't it helpful for increase performance and help with 'fake reflection effect' as temporary solution?