Has anyone seen an issue where the game will randomly minimise while playing? I will be driving and all of the sudden the game will minimise to the task bar. I can click to reopen it and it will resume without issue. I thought it was something in Windows grabbing focus and I had thought that it was an issue with Crew Chief but it happened last night without that running. It's possible that it could be something else which is running but it only seems to happen with AMS2 so I'm not sure what that might be. Has anyone else seen this?
sounds like a windowed/full screen issue. I think there are settings in AMS2 for this, I'd check that first.
I also have this problem, I play in VR with quest 3. If I recall I play in full screen mode, I'll try windowed mode as suggested above a report back if there are any improvements. Did you have any luck finding a solution?
If you're playing in VR just change the setting in Performance/Pause on Focus Loss to No and it won't effect your gameplay.
I've experienced this pretty frequently when the game is in "full screen" mode with Windows 11. No issues with Windows 10 iirc. Never found a solution other than to have it in "windowed borderless" mode. Small performance penalty but other than that no issues. Given all the problems I've had with windows 11 I think I'm going to permanently go back to windows 10, just need to find the time to do a fresh install!