my opinion too 1.6

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Micha-RSK, Dec 5, 2024.

  1. Micha-RSK

    Micha-RSK don´t mess with the rooster

    Apr 25, 2024
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    hi all
    ams2 (vers.1.4+1.5, with the openwheelers!) was the only sim for me besides gtr2 that I
    I was able to understand the driving behavior and fully implement what I had learned (setup and driving).
    but the ultimate was no longer good for me with the last update,
    But it still worked, a bit too much understeer with the same setup.
    I was very satisfied with ams2 (with openwheeler), moderate hardware requirements, nice graphics,
    very good ffb effects, understandable setup behavior.
    to the weaknesses of ams2(including 1.5xx),
    the "suddenly exaggerated break out",
    A car with rear-wheel drive and plenty of horsepower and driving aids switched off has to break away,
    but should also allow a controlled drift, for those who can!
    This is exactly why the adrenaline pack (offroad) is no good in my opinion!
    some cars “slip” a little less,
    e.g. With GT3, from cars with huge wings, etc., I expect a bit more "precise driving behavior"
    I was able to overlook it, but it was still fun, I only drive the OW's anyway.

    That's why I focused more on the great v10gen2.
    With top five times on all routes, there were also one or two track records.
    I have had ams2 since the beginning of November 2023, now with 498.6 hours. on the clock, of which 70% of the time is with v10gen2,
    I know the car well and can feel exactly how it behaves.
    I always drive ams2 and all other racing games without driving aids (without ABS, tracking controls, etc.).
    Small exception is the Nordschleife, sometimes I set the traction control with the V10 to 1 to compensate for the lack of access to the
    to compensate for “quick dampers”.
    With a view to the 1.6 update and the associated deletion of setups and best times,
    At first I didn't feel like driving.

    online, ams2 is immobile on the free servers (they drive in the cars, cutters, etc.), which is not reiza's fault.
    By purchasing an HF8 pad, I got the desire to drive again, only to adjust the effects of the HF8.
    then to test other cars from the ams2 portfolio.

    I chose “Oulton Classic” as the test track and drove the following cars:

    openwheeler: v10gen2, v12, all classic 1,2,3, ultimate/gen2 and some more.

    GT(a lot) and others(less): GT3gen2, GTopen, and others(caterham etc.).

    I left my FFB settings (with costum) exactly the same as with vers.1.5xx.
    This way I could see the differences from 1.5 to 1.6 much better.
    and not set to default/++ as many have described,
    This is pure misleading, perhaps to make people believe how much has changed with 1.6.

    Apart from that, the ffb is completely irrelevant for the driving behavior/driving physics of the cars!

    I'm old enough to have experienced the development of all steering wheels for PCs, from the rubber band without ffb, to high end today.
    This was never important when assessing the driving behavior of a car.
    Maybe all the stuff you/I have these days, is distracting from that too.

    and now to 1.6
    I had already written my opinion on the new user interface (arcade).
    here is my reasoning,
    I would take the first picture after selecting "route, car and loading",
    I'd rather see an overview of my setups, it would be nice to see my best (official/training) lap time!
    I always have at least one setup with my fastest lap time "e.g."
    and at least one with the name "e.g. v10-Oul-test" under which I save changes,
    If I get faster with it I save it with lap time, if I slow down I go back to my fastest.
    I always start with the best lap setup, do a few laps, try to get as close to this time as possible (or faster).
    Drive too warm, only then do you continue working on the setup.
    That’s how evolution is for me!
    So the last thing I use is the "drive" button.
    But the current user interface appeals more to people who just want to get to the track quickly,
    Click, click and you're on your way.
    This is clearly the focus of the new user interface!!!
    understood nothing, learned nothing, didn't feel like reading, but quickly went to the track, "great, I can drive a racing car."
    I would have liked it to be more “technical”, more “racing stable” than “arcade”.
    The route selection is better because you can now see more route layouts.
    But it's not that bad, I can get there that way.

    to ver.1.6 driving physics,
    Here too you can clearly feel where the journey is going!!!
    After the impression the new user interface made on me, I was already worried about the driving physics,
    There were also fears in other forums that ams2 would become too simple.
    As I already wrote above, I took a lot of time to test, which also includes the ams2 files.
    With 1.6 all the best times are gone, which is also true (with new driving behavior)!
    but that doesn't apply to the setups,
    Each update just creates a new folder for the setup!
    can be found under """c:\users\yourname\ducuments\automobilista 2\savegame\64293251\automobilista 2\vehiclesetups_1_6\ """
    All older setup folders can also be found there.
    You can easily copy the old setups into the 1.6 folder. When you start the game, all setups are available and mobile.

    I will now go into the driving physics (1.6) in more detail.
    If you lower the rear wing 1-2 clicks in the old setup,
    the front 1-2 clicks more (depends on what min. and max. the wing is, e.g. 36/24 or 3/12, etc.),
    to illustrate my wing settings,
    oult. classicik, v10gen2, vers.1.5:, 36/23 trackrec.
    vers.1.6:, 36/19
    nordschleife/tourist, v10gen2, vers. 1.5, 12/8 top five
    verse. 1.6, 14/7

    With so much traction moving to the rear wheel, you can push the brake balance a little further back!

    with these adjustments ams2vers-1.6 runs the same as ams2vers-1.5(FAST),
    only the tires wear out faster.
    but unfortunately only "FAST" with a big difference, I would rather drive 1.5 again with the small defects.
    The "sudden excessive breakout" was tried to be eliminated with more tracking on the rear tire.
    I think “too much of a good thing”.

    Despite the driving aids being switched off, all cars drive as if the traction control remains switched on.
    The same thing I had to complain about with Raceroom is now also with ams2,
    """too easy""" to drive
    Without driving aids, I just expect a little more life with enough horsepower on the rear wheel!
    the formula classic gen1 turbo monster in which the turbo only comes on at high speeds (it used to be like that),
    are now far too harmless.
    Porsche, Lambo and other cars from the 60s, 70s, etc., with 300, 400 hp, weren't called widow makers for nothing!
    With a car from the ams2 f1 retro/classic range, hardly anyone here could even start in "real life" (I probably wouldn't either) without stalling or turning in the opposite direction.
    The older "real life f1 cars" could only be started with a "combination of wheel spinning and the right clutch".
    I can now (1.6) with, for example, the gt'open, ginneta, rear-wheel drive with over 500 hp, all driving aids switched "off" (in the setup and options),
    in a tight curve, in a low gear, step on the accelerator fully without the car skidding or the wheels spinning!?!?!?
    try doing donuts with the V10 or the Ultimate (both of which have no driver aids), you'll really notice how much grip there is on the rear wheel with 1.6.
    all "real-life racers" prefer oversteering cars, all "real-life race cars" are built like that if possible!!!
    cars for road traffic are designed to drive with understeering because it's easier and safer for non-racers.

    I'm not even writing this hasty, I've been taking the time to test on several days since Friday evening
    and tried things out (donuts, etc.) so that I don't make premature claims.
    To date I haven't read any reviews/opinions from others about 1.6,
    neither here nor anywhere else.
    Unfortunately, my first impression of the "new" driving physics hasn't changed,
    So far I've only adapted the setups better.
    Even with a well-adapted setup you can still “feel” the rear.
    If you don't understand that, you won't notice the difference between sim and arcade.

    my conclusion is:
    The appeal here has moved more towards the masses for economic reasons
    and has made ams2 as accessible as possible.
    For me it doesn't have much to do with "sim" or "get real".
    it's clear,
    Most people want it to be easy, exactly these people would otherwise give a rating with,
    give thumbs down and undriveable,
    because they don't take the time, neither for setup nor for learning to drive.
    and because it is the (paying) majority!
    and as soon as the next hyped new game is on the market, they are gone again
    or even worse, there are only kiddies left at ams2 and fast ones are gone.
    why didn't reiza take the people who are in the top ten in the respective classes(?) for beta testing?
    These are the people who have dealt the most with the cars and their setup and driving behavior????
    I don't think they just want it?

    When it comes to “real live” it’s a nice incentive for people to stick with it (AMS2).
    and to get into the top teens!!!
    Now I also believe the hype and the long wait,
    for artificially produced,
    so that there is a lot of commotion on the internet and others become aware of it.
    And publishing on Black Friday isn't stupid either, more people browse on any other day.
    clever marketing move from reiza,
    In contrast to the current driving physics, I came to understand this.
    They want/have to make a living from it and they also have costs for licenses.

    But honestly, when it comes to driving physics,
    Reiza just changed the balance a little bit, screwed up the tracking at the rear!
    It's easy to do with an editor, I think the three files are in the /packfiles/ ****.bff folder.
    With GTR2 I also have full access to tire temperatures, traction, ABS, etc., etc. with an editor.
    and I've already tinkered with it.
    why should it be different with ams2?

    Finally, I would like to mention that I don't want to offend anyone here.
    I don't want to portray myself as the super great person here, but I'm not superficial either,
    I don't want to be right either
    I want to say the right thing, facts, logically comprehensible.
    I also understand that people don't want to go into too much detail, they just want to have fun
    and not years for learning damper settings, diff, etc. want to raise.
    It's just that "all" games have become much simpler so that they can be sold to the masses.
    “Frustration” doesn’t sell.
    In the past, PC games were only for nerds, so the games didn't have to be kept simple for sales reasons.
    For me, ams2 was a bit "gtr3", i.e. a gtr2 with better graphics, controller support, better ffb.
    1.6 for me, a disappointment!!!
    Unfortunately, I had already bought all the DLCs right after downloading 1.6.
    I haven't even driven the new routes or cars yet.
    If things continue to develop in this direction in the future,
    There will be no more new DLCs for me, I'll just leave off a possible AMS3.

    to the fastest ams2 riders, to compare: (especially the openwheeler lovers),
    drive gtr2 with f1 88 mod, and xd tool
    or even better the power & glory mod and xd tool, it already has f1 88 in it and a lot more.
    look at the beer stalls for the best times or I'll give you a lap time (one that I drove).
    If you have reached the same level in GTR2 as in AMS2, we would be happy to talk about driving physics.
    It's all about the understandable behavior of the cars!!!

    fanatec and others are not easy to set up, without knowing how you can't even get the led to work,
    but it works.
    That didn't exist at the time, a G25/27 was high-end
    and that was very good with gtr2.
    I'm happy to help!
    with that in mind, micha

    P.S. anticipating the incoming ****storm....................
    """DOES NOT INTEREST ME !!!"""
    what opinion
    and from whom
    and at what level
    I'm interested
    you have already read it.
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  2. Bull Shark

    Bull Shark "Later has already begun." AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 30, 2019
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    That is a lengthy post. A bit too long for me to read. Sorry.
    • Dislike Dislike x 3
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  3. Michael3

    Michael3 Active Member

    Aug 18, 2023
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    I don't understand because my experience so far is I can spin most cars I've tried at every corner with either braking or acceleration if I want to and catch / recover the vast majority. Sometimes I spin and don't catch it but I never feel cheated by the game.

    You seem to be saying that the cars spin suddenly "sudden excessive breakout" and that you can't control or drift them but that it's too easy? These things seem mutually exclusive. I'd say keep trying to control them because it is possible.

    As for people not wanting to setup a car you're perhaps right, but equally how would giving cars bad default setups to create a false sense of difficulty be anything other than pointless?

    Assetto corsa, which mostly had road cars, had the premise that the cars would be setup as they would be from the showroom, i.e the easy to drive, forgiving understeer. This game which mostly has racing cars that idea wouldn't really work.

    As ever, if it's too easy then push harder.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  4. McClutch

    McClutch Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2021
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    I have to agree to the oppinion of Micha-RSK. Even after the Update, AMS2 can't get over the point to separate the driving experience from the likes of Forza Motorsport.

    It can be boiled down to the "wrestle cars though corners at full throttle with predictable drift and power oversteer formula".
    • Disagree Disagree x 2
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  5. Lexelot

    Lexelot New Member

    Nov 14, 2024
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    The author provides a detailed comparison of Automobilista 2 (AMS2) versions 1.5 and 1.6, sharing their experiences, opinions on changes, and critiques of driving physics, setups, and the new user interface. Key points include:

    • Positive Aspects of AMS2 (1.5):
      • Understandable driving behavior and setups.
      • Great graphics, moderate hardware requirements, and good force feedback (FFB).
      • Enjoyable open-wheel racing, particularly with the V10Gen2.
    • Critiques of AMS2 (1.6):
      • Driving physics feel simplified, with excessive traction and understeer, even without driving aids.
      • Rear-wheel-drive cars lack the ability to perform controlled drifts, making the experience feel less realistic.
      • The new user interface is more arcade-like, catering to casual players rather than sim enthusiasts.
      • Despite adjustments to setups, the new driving physics feel too easy and less rewarding.
    • Setup and Testing Observations:
      • Noted changes in wing settings and brake balance between versions.
      • Tires wear faster in 1.6 but retain similar performance to 1.5 with adjustments.
      • Criticizes the elimination of challenging and realistic car behavior, particularly in high-power cars without driving aids.
    • General Commentary:
      • Disappointed with the shift towards accessibility and simplicity for a broader audience.
      • Believes AMS2 is losing its "sim" authenticity in favor of mass-market appeal.
      • Frustrated with the lack of consultation with experienced drivers or beta testers in developing updates.
    • Conclusion:
      • The author finds AMS2 1.6 a significant downgrade, particularly for enthusiasts who value realistic driving physics.
      • They express skepticism about the direction of future updates and may abstain from purchasing further DLCs.
      • Ends with a call for discussion with others who value realistic physics and an offer to help with setups.
    The overall tone reflects frustration with AMS2’s new direction, viewing it as a departure from the core simulation values the author appreciated in earlier versions.
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  6. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    IMG_2826.png IMG_2829.png IMG_2830.png IMG_2831.png
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  7. Michael3

    Michael3 Active Member

    Aug 18, 2023
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    You should be lapping a good 30-60 seconds faster than everyone else who are having to use the brakes.
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  8. wegreenall

    wegreenall Active Member

    Oct 25, 2023
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  9. Micha-RSK

    Micha-RSK don´t mess with the rooster

    Apr 25, 2024
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    I don't want anyone to think that I'm writing this because I'm afraid that with 1.6
    I'm no longer fast enough, wrong,
    As a good driver you can also adapt to it.
    Let's just look at numbers!!!
    Numbers don't lie and have nothing to do with personal feelings.
    I had the record on both long Oulton routes in the time trail (1.5).
    In the timetrail (1.6) you can find a lap time and a setup from me at,
    oulton-park-classik + v10gen2.
    This is a setup adapted to 1.6, with which I tried to get to previous times (1.00.8xx).
    and to bring the driving behavior back towards 1.5 as far as possible.
    On one of the short Oulton Forsters, you can find the setup that I drove with 1.5 for comparison.
    don't take time as a yardstick, just wanted to get on the leaderboard,
    so you can download the setup for comparison.
    With 1.5 I mostly drove laps with 1.01.4-8xx in training.
    With 1.6 I haven't managed it faster than 1.02.5xx yet.
    strange because I need a lot less wings for 1.6 and was able to make the 7th gear a click longer.
    but let's not dwell on a few tenths, perhaps daily form.
    The biggest differences in the setups are the wing settings and the weight distribution!!!
    It's good when a car allows you to adjust the weight distribution!

    1.6 drives like you have a concrete slab in the trunk and the traction control
    cannot be switched off completely!
    There are places on some routes, for example, bumpy uphill sections (e.g. Oulton before the start/finish),
    where you had to be extremely careful beforehand as you pressed the accelerator pedal.
    you can now fully push through!!!
    The oversteer when downshifting into a curve with a sharp diff is gone.
    Have you ever slipped on the grass? e.g. atlanta, the long right turn after the start/finish,
    When it comes to the meadow, there is an unrealistic amount of weight, grip and traction on the rear wheel.
    and I'll say it again, racers love oversteering cars, that's a fact

    While I'm at it, what's the point of loading and saving all this?
    I drive, jump back to the box, ams2 loads,
    I make "no" change, go back to driving, ams2 saves, why???,
    I make changes to a saved setup, go to "drive", ams2 saves (marked with *),
    I drive, jump back into the box, ams2 loads,
    However, not the changed one (*), but the one I saved.
    ams2 can't remember which settings I used before?
    no matter what you do,
    ams2 loads and saves whether you have made changes or not.
    The thing with the autosave(*) nope!!!
    Everyone will be able to save a setup (e.g. official time) and one/or more
    for changes.
    Without autosave(*) ams2 would be more efficient, no one needs it.
  10. Supa

    Supa Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 5, 2016
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    My eyes glaze over and I tap out if a post is more than a couple of sentences... max 1 small paragraph!
  11. GFoyle

    GFoyle Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2023
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    I don't think you should do this, there is a reason why the devs make a folder with new name with a bigger update like this; they need for you to have the old setups deleted. For example, the devs always tell us to delete setups folder with each beta release to be sure that the setups and physics work as intended (the folder name doesn't change with smaller updates). With some changes, even the ranges of some setup adjustments can change, so even if the old setup might technically work, it might not work as it intended (there has been plenty of cases where physics of car has felt off without deleting the setup folder after a update).

    ps. similar logic applies in other sims as well, setups made for older version might not work correctly because the ranges of values have changed and the game isn't always smart enough to scale / adjust them automatically for newer version (rF2 comes to mind).
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2024
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  12. Micha-RSK

    Micha-RSK don´t mess with the rooster

    Apr 25, 2024
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    at least someone tried to answer with arguments, without
    to get personal!
    So that I don't just make claims, I have everything like that set as it was written by you.
    I set the FFB to difault, difault+, default++
    and the default setup is loaded in the setup menu, i.e. not an old one.
    I then adapted the default setup for the route and tried it as much as possible
    to get close to the best times on the respective route.

    to the FFB:
    I loaded my favorite costum-ffb-file (1.4 or even older) again,
    I like it the way it is.
    works very well, why should I change that?

    for setup:
    I get back to the settings that I had with an adjusted one (e.g. v10gen2, 3-4 clicks less rear wing)
    1.5 setup also drive so that I can achieve similar lap times.
    I mean lap times that are at least top five in the time trail, laps where I
    constant in a range of 2-3 tenths.

    I don't know why other people say you have to redo everything with every update!!!
    I have already edited files for gtr2 myself,
    who were responsible for grip, tires, temp, weight, etc., etc.
    and for ams2 this will no longer be necessary,
    I think it's an e.g. from those PHYSICSMENU.bff and others in this folder.
    Some things are not as complicated as many people think.
    Ultimately, everyone has to know for themselves what they do or believe (or believe they know).
    I take my old setups and adapt them to 1.6 with just a few clicks.
    And if anyone thinks I'm wrong, let them show me on the track.

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