Stabilise GT3 G2 akin to ACC?

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - Help & Support' started by GoGoGadgetArms, Feb 7, 2025.

  1. GoGoGadgetArms

    GoGoGadgetArms New Member

    Jul 1, 2024
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    AMS2 is by far my favourite sim, however I find the GT3 cars far too difficult to drive.

    I am used to driving the GT3 cars in ACC where I can exit a corner full throttle and the TC will stop me from spinning, throw it over kerbs and not unsettle the car, touch grass and not just spin constantly.

    On AMS2 I have to feather the throttle, avoid the grass, kerbs etc. as the cars simply get too unsettled.

    Obviously I can change my driving style, one maybe more realistic than the other, but that’s not the crux here, the main point is how can I stabilise the GT3G2 etc to be ultra stable so they handle more like ACC.

    I have tried the following:
    Reduced Clutches to 4
    TC on 10 (still spin out regularly)

    in ACC I can run TC 4 and aggressive setups and never spin out with my heavy right foot the TC will stop me from spinning if I flat foot it on a corner exit.
    In AMS2 I can do donuts with TC on 10 and 4 clutches etc. which shouldn’t really be possible.
    Any tips on how to stabilise these cars to make them planted, on rails, more like ACC
  2. Turbo Granny

    Turbo Granny Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2022
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    You could lower throtle sensitivity at the wheel settings in game, have you tried that too?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. GoGoGadgetArms

    GoGoGadgetArms New Member

    Jul 1, 2024
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    Yea, I tried this but it didn’t work for me either.
    There’s threads with others mentioning the same about the rear on throttle issues in AMS2, I’d like to see a stable setup option or if they fix TC?
    A workaround will be useful for now though if anyone has any ideas until reiza fix it.
  4. Turbo Granny

    Turbo Granny Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2022
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    Its weird, looks like its a problem for some and not for others, maybe it really is the driving style. I'm one to not step full throtle out of a turn, so I dont have this kind of trouble. You could also try to soften the rear anti-roll bar, reduce clutch to 2 or reduce preload, but I really dont think it would solve your problem completely, but you could try.
  5. Flat-Six

    Flat-Six New Member

    Aug 26, 2024
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    I know what you mean but I think you just need to be more careful with the throttle maybe. ACC is really easy to drive generally. I love it but it is not as challenging as AMS2 to me. AMS2 is also really fun feeling. It's a different feel for sure. Who knows what driving one of these IRL feels like, LMU and ACC and AMS2 and AC and AC EVO all feel different lol. I haven't even tried iRacing. Who knows which one is closest. I just try to get used to each one and enjoy each one for what it is. I can tell you I have way more fun in this one, for whatever it's worth.

    The throttle is very sensitive in this game. Turning down throttle sensitivity all the way can help. If you have fancy gear you could change your throttle input curve for this game, or maybe you can do that in Simhub I don't even know.

    I just think you need to try to feel it more. You can get used to it. These are 500hp machines. It should probably accurately spin when you gun the throttle out of a corner. Just my two cents.
  6. GoGoGadgetArms

    GoGoGadgetArms New Member

    Jul 1, 2024
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    Yea, changing driving style could be the only solution as I can’t seem to dial it out. It’s just strange, as I can run hours in ACC without a mistake, slamming the throttle down when in a battle on corner exit, throwing it over kerbs etc.

    But in AMS2 I get 10 mins in and I have an issue with a spin or similar?
    It just feels the cars are planted in ACC and the traction control etc saves me. But in AMS2 it’s like the aids don’t save me.

    I agree that these are powerful cars, but with all aids on 100% with a full stable setup there is no way these cars spin unless every other sim is wrong and this is the only one that is right?
    I also noticed that steer ratio seems off?
    In AMS2 the lower the steer ratio the MORE you have to turn the wheel, the higher the steer ratio the less you have to turn the wheel?
    This appears to be in direct contradiction of all other sims, and the definition of steer ratio.
    From what I can summise, steer ratio is the following.

    for example:
    15:1 would mean you turn your wheel 15 degrees for 1 degree at the wheel.
    18:1 would mean you turn your wheel 18degress for 1 degree at the wheel.
    Therefore a higher ratio means you turn the wheel MORE for the same angle, causing a more sluggish and less responsive car.

    However in AMS2 this is inverted and when you LOWER the ratio the fork 18:1 down to 15:1 the car becomes LESS responsive and MORE sluggish.
    This appears to work inverted to ACC and other sims and appears to be in direct contradiction to the actual definition of the feature?

    I think these issues are setup or physics related, as other sims seems OK with GT3 being planted when all aids are on, but these cars are super unstable even at max ABS/TC/DIFF etc.
  7. Turbo Granny

    Turbo Granny Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2022
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    How would you say your driving compare to this video? Are you slamming the throtle in the middle of the turn or at the exit? You can see he controls the acceleration until the car is more settled, but I do think you have to be a bit more careful still in AMS2, there is another thing, are you runing in a cold weather? Tire temperature makes a huge difference in AMS2.

    Of course I'm not trying to say what is more realistic or what is not.
  8. Turbo Granny

    Turbo Granny Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2022
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    Edit: I dont drive GT3s all the much so I went and tried to drive it more agressively, I cant make it spin even if I try, I really dont know what to say to you.
  9. GoGoGadgetArms

    GoGoGadgetArms New Member

    Jul 1, 2024
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    I can literally spin them on a straight? habe you tried turning a corner and pressing the gas pedal?

    A good example is Adelaide. go to a corner and simply mash the pedal with the wheel full lock in first gear.

    In ACC / AC / iRacing etc you can do this and actually hear the traction control kick it and the car won’t spin.
    In AMS2 you can spin the car and do donuts with the TC on 10 which should not be possible according to all other sins.
    I’m so used to driving these others sins and mashing the pedal and having my TC save me (if I plonk it on max) and those who want to be less lead footed can reduce TC.

    i don’t believe you can’t spin the car in AMS2 as it’s very easy, simply either stand still, first gear, dump the throttle while on full lock and do donuts in a GT3 car with MAX TC.
    Or go round a hair pin, and mid way through the corner dump the throttle, car will spin with MAX TC but all other sins (in max TC) will stop you spinning.
  10. Flat-Six

    Flat-Six New Member

    Aug 26, 2024
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    Maybe check your gear, calibrate your pedals? Make sure there isn’t something going on in your wheel & pedals software? Also, don’t forget if you are saying 10 mins into a race you get a spin, watch the temps on your tires; It might actually be that you are overheating your rears. It’s easy to do that in AMS2 since the tendency in this game is to slide around through turns a lot. That’ll overheat your rear tires and you’ll lose the back end of the car a lot.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Turbo Granny

    Turbo Granny Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2022
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    Well, I could record it if you dont believe me :D
  12. Alwin Papegaaij

    Alwin Papegaaij Active Member

    Aug 16, 2020
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    What I have seen is that the rear tyres have the tendency to balloon (overinflate) much more than the front tyres. (Not driving the GT3 though) Even with them being in the ideal temperature range.
    So maybe take a look at that and possibly reduce the rear tyre pressure with 0,2 - 0,4 bar
  13. GoGoGadgetArms

    GoGoGadgetArms New Member

    Jul 1, 2024
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    Yea tires look OK and my gear is calibrated correctly as I race in iRacing and ACC competitively in leagues doing long races over 2hrs etc.

    There is a thread on overtake and one on GTP with many users discussing the same that GT3 cars are easy to spin, it’s as if the TC/TC1 or cuts are not working as intended and many attribute it to how AMS handles throttle input.

    something else I noticed was you can’t really pull a car to a stop and sit in neutral without the car rolling?
    Also, others have confirmed that Steer Ratio is indeed working inverted?

    is It worth creating a new thread for these particular issues as these could be contributing to some issues, for example steer ratio is working inverted, then if a car is set to 18:1 this should be “under steery” requiring a lot of movement when compared to a 14:1 car, but if you set a car to 18:1 ot makes the car pointy, so it’s inverted and means the default setups while technically correct (the numbers are correct) they are producing the opposite effect to what is desired.
  14. Turbo Granny

    Turbo Granny Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2022
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    You have those problems with the TC racing online races? Maybe its a specific bug? I have no idea as I just race singleplayer, just wondering.
  15. GoGoGadgetArms

    GoGoGadgetArms New Member

    Jul 1, 2024
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    it’s Both, I have a private server we use for league practice and the same issue there too.
    No other sim we use has this issue?

    We spoke about it and we all took the BMW M4 GT3G2 to Adelaide and every single driver can spin that car without even really trying, just pin the throttle coming out of the corners and a lot of steering lock.
    Not one person “couldn’t” spin it, which makes me think we are playing very different games if you are saying it’s categorically impossible to spin a BMWM4 GT3 (G2) on AMS2?

    also, everyone tested steer ratio and it’s also for sure inverted how it functions which on theory will contribute to this issue .

    I think we may just stop the league racing on AMS2 as it’s a bit of a mess with engineering features that work in reverse, don’t work at all or in this case have cars that are like driving on ice?
  16. Turbo Granny

    Turbo Granny Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2022
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    Yesterday I did a little 20 minutes race with the 911 GT3 gen 2 at sebring, I was hitting the gas hard at the exit of he turns and it just didnt spin any time, I did spin two times but it was because of mistakes when trail braking.
    I didnt try the BMW though, I'm always curious when people say that AMS2 slides too much and all but with me those more modern race cars feels dead planted on the track, but anyway, I'll see how the BMW behaves next time.

    You could try asking somewhere else in the forum about the steering ratio because I have no idea about that stuff.
  17. Leen-q

    Leen-q Active Member

    May 3, 2024
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    Why do you take ACC as a reference? Braking in ACC is far from natural braking behavior and also tuning a setup is also not realistic, then take e.g. RF2 LMU as reference or even AMS1
    • Agree Agree x 2
  18. JetRusos

    JetRusos New Member

    Jan 2, 2025
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    I guess it's in degrees of front tire steering, not a ratio. When your steering wheel is at maximum rotation, the front wheels will be at this angle. I understand this setting in this way.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. GoGoGadgetArms

    GoGoGadgetArms New Member

    Jul 1, 2024
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    ahh so they don’t follow the actual definition of “Steer Ratio” interesting. I wonder why this is.
    For example, in F1 drivers change the steer ration on their cars to get around the right corners, they use a low ratio, where as in this game you need to increase the ratio.

    Using your definition that would make sense, just a shame that that is the exact opposite of what steer ratio is and why they don’t state that they just made up their own definition of SR and didn’t think to mention that?

    whoever said why use ACC as a reference. I used AC/ACC/iRacing etc. that included LMU etc too.

    no other sim available allows GT3 cars such as the BMW M4 G2 GT3 to be spun and drifted with TC on 10 not one!

    I’m still astounded how this is the case and if you google BMW M4 GT3 AMS2 traction you will see threads about this and videos from you tubers, so it’s for sure a thing, and really annoying, but if that’s how it is, then that’s how it is. I accept it and we don’t use the content for league races we use the other sims.

    it just would have been nice to hold multiple leagues in 1 title (due to content) . But now we will hold none, which is a shame but it’s not a big deal for me, as I’m here to play not make money or run a business.
    We came, we tried, it doesn’t do what we need, that’s ok I guess.

    for the record:
    If Reiza do look at this.
    Make Traction Control Work Better!
    Improve throttle response.
    Allow cars to stand still in neurtal without rolling.
    Allow acces to TC/TC1/TC2 and Cuts etc. on GT3 cars that have such assists.
    improve grip and improve setups.
    Fix steer ratio definition.
  20. Racinglegend1234

    Racinglegend1234 AMS2 wiki founder AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 28, 2022
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    This is super annoying in IMO

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