Game changing information regarding GT-classes

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Racer44SM, Feb 18, 2025.

  1. Racer44SM

    Racer44SM New Member

    Mar 3, 2022
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    Hello everyone. This is not a click bait title first of all! I am posting this in both the AMS2 SubReddit & the REIZA forums, as it truly is game changing information, and I want others to know, so they can also enjoy the game even more.

    I have been playing AMS2 since 2022. I have all the DLC, & over one thousand hours in. It is a great SIM, and the team at REIZA are a great development studio who listen to feedback, and put in a lot of work.

    With that said, I've always felt the GT3 cars have never felt quite right. The GT4's feel better, and the GTE's feel even better, but they all feel a little off at times. They have this strange snappy characteristic and at times feel disconnected to the road. GT3 especially.

    I've tried so many setup changes and experiments over the years. Some have helped a bit and some have not.

    I believe now that it is safe to say: I've discovered why the GT cars behave the way they do, and what the fix is.

    I thought about keeping the information to myself as it has given me a great advantage racing online and in general. However as a big fan of AMS2, I want more people to play it. I want the game to get even more success than it already has. Those are the only reasons, I have decided to share this information.

    Now I am sure there are a lot of aliens and really fast guys who maybe know about what I am about to reveal, and have known for some time. However I believe a large majority of the playerbase are not aware. So here it is.

    The engine braking setting in the car setup screen in AMS2 is inverted. Pretty much all the GT cars have a default setting of 4 or lower. Now what this means is the engine braking is extremely high on all of these cars. This single setting is responsible as to why the GT cars (GT3 cars in particular) behave the way they do.

    When you next go back into AMS2, reset your setup to default for all the GT3, GT4, GTE, GT Open cars. Every single one of them.

    Next... before you make any changes to the default setups, simply go into the engine braking setting (within the car setup screen). Dial that setting to at least 8. No lower. Next go out on track and do a few laps once the tires are warmed up.

    It is a GAME CHANGING setting. No exaggeration. Completely changes how the GT cars feel and drive. You can now coast into corners under braking. That snappy characteristic is completely gone. The front end feels connected to the road and the tyres feel alive. The car is no longer fighting you. It is now working with you.

    I have gone from saying the GT3 cars are the worst class in the game, to now saying they feel absolutely fantastic with this change.

    It is such a massive discovery. I came across it simply by accident and experimenting.

    The default setups for the GT3 cars have such aggressive engine braking. It seems such a random element. It is entirely the reason why the cars feel totally off.

    I hope REIZA can perhaps make a change to the default setup for these cars, and adjust the setting to at least an 8 or 7. I believe in real life those are the more general setting for these cars.

    Anyway, that is all folks. Spread the information and enjoy driving GT3 cars again. I know I am. See you on track.

    PS: I've not tried my little discovery with other Non GT cars. Not yet anyway... I've been too busy having a lot of fun driving the GT3's again. Feel free to try it with other car classes, which support engine braking setups. Enjoy.
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  2. Gevatter

    Gevatter The James May of Simracing AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    Wasn't it common knowledge that higher engine braking values do less braking? At least, I knew that from somewhere.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  3. Racer44SM

    Racer44SM New Member

    Mar 3, 2022
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    Common knowledge perhaps... However I do not believe it is common knowledge how drastic and game changing this single setting is on the GT3 cars in AMS2.

    It has been a revelation.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  4. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    Yes it’s pretty much as it’s described in the set up menu.
    And just like it says in that , it is personal preference setting.
    it can change depending on you driving style, how aggressively you brake or downshift into tight corners.
    what type of circuit you are running on. ie Fast open flowing turns or tight twisting with heavy braking zones .
    like any setting change it has pro and cons. but it’s definitely worth experimenting with .
    not sure it’s a secret setup hack though o_O
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. GFoyle

    GFoyle Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2023
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    Yeah, I doubt it's a setup hack as you can also benefit from it if you aren't good with applying tiny bit of braking for additional rotation etc. I guess it could be depending on you driving style. I don't see that many setups that uses less engine braking (higher value) though.

    Word of warning, don't set a higher than 5-6 value for F1 style cars though, there is some known bug/feature that can make the engine blow up in those cars as a result.
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  6. F1Aussie

    F1Aussie Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 21, 2016
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    I tried this and find the front of the car much more natural in its turn in and is more stable overall, really like the feel. The front doesn't pull into the corner now like it did with it set at 2. It's much more neutral.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Turbo Granny

    Turbo Granny Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2022
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    Who would think that raising the value would decrease the engine break, maybe I should read the tool tips with more attention, but yeah, the cars I tried like GT1, LMDH feel much better even tailbreaking because the rear is not trying so hard to push you into the corner.
    Even some car mods like the BMW V12 LMR that i tought undriveable because when you got from 2nd to 1st gear the car just spin dont matter what you do, is fixed now raising (lowering) the engine break.
    I guess one more example that the default setups kind of do a disservice to the game.
    • Agree Agree x 5
  8. F1Aussie

    F1Aussie Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 21, 2016
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    agreed, I have always had issues traibraking in AMS2 with the rear getting away from me but with this one change I can suddenly do it consistently now.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. mansell

    mansell Active Member

    Mar 8, 2021
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    i guess engine braking or whatever is called does not exist as an option in RL GT3 and GT4 cars and i m sure you cant find it anywhere in simracing accept madness engine.

    maybe this should be considered as an assist for certain classes in AMS2 and be disabled in modes when only manufacturer assists allowed.

    james baldwin, a pro simracer and a RL GT3 driver, noticed the decrease in power when coasting with his 720s in AMS2 v1.6 and in comments, some mentioned the engine brake setting in setup.
    i gave them some likes ;)
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  10. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    I could be wrong..but it make sense to me ..
    I believe it’s controlled via engine and throttle mapping IRL , which teams have control over , and as described in the Ams2 tool tip , it is basically a percentage of how much throttle is left open in deceleration phase , so if you have higher throttle open ( tiny amounts still ) then is reducing the amount the engine compression is acting on the crankshaft and driveline subsequently. effectively not allowing the engine to slow down abruptly.
    you can achieve the same effect in not electronic controlled cars by way of maintenance throttle, which I’m sure you are familiar with .

    it is indeed in other sims …maybe you just haven’t looked ..

    James made the mistake of not reading the information too, and then put the engine braking down to lowest settings ( full compression) , ie max engine braking and then complained that it was too aggressive . go figure..
    • Informative Informative x 1
  11. SpaceYam

    SpaceYam Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 23, 2023
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    Thanks for the tip! I pretty much only race McLaren MP4/6 F1 at the moment but if I feel like racing GT3 at some point I'll have a play with it. Next time I do some racing I'll play round with it on the MP4/6, haven't really done any lately as I've been playing other games

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