I don't strictly care what others think, is it realistic or not, but I personally find this kind of wind noise sound when driving open wheelers in sims very immersive. It's crucial for a sense of speed, even in VR. There is some wind noise to a degree in AMS2 and some other titles, but it's maybe 10% of the example below. Yes, I'm aware that wind noise is so loud because this is recorded with GoPro and its mics are exposed to extreme wind, but I repeat, that LOUD wind noise effect would be great to have in sims, as optional.
Yes, there is wind noise in AMS2, with added wind volume slider, but you are probably missing my point. Even at 100% wind noise volume, wind noise volume is around 10% compared to the above video. I can barely hear it in Formula Inter for example, instead hearing only wind noise that will suppress engine sounds how loud it is (like in the video above). That is one way to experience speed and bump up the immersion.
Wind sounds irl are muffled by the helmet but if you want a helmet less wind blast effect you could try turning down all other sounds and increasing the master volume to accentuate it further and hear what the go pro heard.
Yeah, that is actually not a bad idea. Not sure why I didn't tried that before. Shame that AMS2 ditched the old sound format where you could edit and replace WAV files. I played a lot with sound environments in AMS1.
Well if that's the case, I bet Reiza didn't ditch it, but the Madness engine doesn't have that support
With modern helmets and noise cancelling earplugs wind noise is not really a concern. and should only be present on external view cams not the drivers first person cockpit cam. Of course this is just my opinion. But in my 45 years of experience as a motorcyclist I've seen and heard the great advances in Helmets over the years at the consumer level. I can just imagine what a custom made no expense spared F1 drivers helmet can do.
i might try this trick with the raised wind sound volume later - weirdly I think sound is kind of underappreciated for immersion. The new 1.6 tyre sounds mix makes the game loads better, i still remember the moment i first got in 1.6, jumped in the Formula hitech, span it at Copse a Silverstone National (the best circuit in the whole game!) and heard the new wheel sounds. Big smiles!