Hi, I don’t know if it’s the update of sim racing studio or Automobilista 2 but for some reason when I accelerate only the right front actuator goes up and overall the behavior is a bit off, such as bumping into somebody else doesn’t do anything to my motion similulator but going over cobblestones on the side of the Nurburgring track for instance throws me almost out of the car (exaggerated). self testing in simracingstudio forward and backward is symmetrical left and right also works fine as does the traction loss… so I’m not sure what’s going on here. Both SRS and AMS2 have had some minor updates lately, and this has been going on for a few weeks now… not sure how to troubleshoot this. any suggestions?
To help isolate issues, I would suggest testing in other titles to narrow down possible software. If it only occurs in AMS2, then it largely suggests it's something internal to the title, or at least how the DOF software interacts with it. Within AMS2, try different car / track combinations to isolate issues further. For example, with both D-box and Qubic Systems I have used, there are certain cars that exhibit random or very abrupt motion effects (Some F1 cars for example, also SuperKarts). Some of the effects fall far outside the scope of the average motion effects produced by other cars. Of course, F1 car movements are much more extreme so I would expect a dedicated motion profile to be required but even then, some motion effects exhibit strange behaviors where they may be better left disabled for now.
Yes I found the issue. It is the latest version of sim racing studio. The last version which I have now installed version works perfectly. I feel everything properly even loss of traction is back. The latest version 2.35 is broken for automobilista 2 at least.