[G29] Road effects are completely missing

Discussion in 'Automobilista - Help & Support' started by Kill KRT, Sep 14, 2019.

  1. Kill KRT

    Kill KRT New Member

    Sep 14, 2019
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    Good news! I've unistalled LGS and reinstalled G HUB (for the fourth times in 24 hours :eek:), but this time, before reinstallation, I have delete all keys from Windows register HKEY_CURRENT_USER\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MediaProperties\PrivateProperties\Joystick

    ...And this time the situation seems to be ok!!! :D

    Anyway, I've noticed that to avoid wheel weak feeling, I had to set FFB and FFB low to pretty high values, FFB at -95% and FFB Low at -90% and it seems quite nice, it's a way more funny to play with AMS now!!!

    Honestly I don't know which are the meaning/usage of those parameters and if increasing too much I risk to have FFB clipping or stuff like that...

    Thank you for your great support!
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  2. Scraper

    Scraper Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 9, 2016
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    All I use is the Logitech Profiler 5.10.127.

    DFGT 32-bit and 64-bit versions.
    G29 Logitech G-Hub 32-bit and 64-bit version.
  3. Heitor Facuri Cicoti

    Heitor Facuri Cicoti Good Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Great, @Kill KRT!

    Indeed, that is one thing Domagoj and some users have spotted: It's beneficial to clean the registry after uninstalling. There is even a Logitech application for that (though it is a bit hidden). I haven't mentioned it yet 'cause it needs still more investigation.

    Now the explanation I'm owing you since my early replies:

    Given our not so powerful wheels, there is a very limited torque range they can give us. I think you are familiar with the concept of clipping, so I'll fast forward a bit: the best way to know if there is clipping would be through a meter on screen, but unfortunately we don't have that. There are ways to read it through telemetry, but I've never done that. What I do is to drive around the track and find the most demanding corner FFB strength-wise (tends to be a high speed one). Then, mid corner, I'll do something I know would get me a jolt (overshoot the corner so I get to the outside curbs while still heavily loading the outside front tire), and see if I get that jolt or not. If I do get it: Great, I'm not clipping 'cause there's still torque available in my wheel. If I don't get it: I'm clipping, 'cause the wheel is already maxed out.

    What do I do if it's clipping? I go back to settings and lower FFB Strength (Forza FFB), so I have more torque room for jolts. But this has a side effect: the wheel gets lighter overall, and for low forces (around the center at straight line, for example) I feel nothing.

    So there is the compromise: Details during mid corner VS a tight wheel while going straight. Which do you see as more important? I see details as more important, because that's when I need to have quick and correct reactions in order to be fast. But that's personal preference.

    That's where the Low Force Boost (Aumenta Effetti FFB) comes into play. It raises the low to mid forces (as you can see in the graph in the bottom of this post), so the deadzone of our wheel is quickly surpassed when changing directions on track. It's a good remedy, but it does not completely solve the compromise. That's why we need not very high FFB Stregth and high LFB with our wheels.

    The last factor (which I think is your issue NOW) is the Steering Rotation. You have it set to 900° while the car (Marcas) was originally set to 450°. It's double. So you have double the looseness around the center, and (because of the leverage principle) feel half of the force through the wheel. I would suggest leaving "Auto Steering Rotation" set to "On". This way you can use those values I mentioned (-70% and 60%) and check if it got better.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  4. Scraper

    Scraper Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 9, 2016
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    Indeed, Steering Rotation and Lock can change the feel of the wheel and the responsiveness of a car drastically. I hope AMS2 explains this, and all things to do with wheel configuration, better than AMS1. :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Hector

    Hector New Member

    Sep 13, 2019
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    The FFB is still very weak, I use the setup you told me and I have the Logitech Profiler installed with 50 sensitivity and unticked the steering wheel centering.

    What happens if I deactivate the Logitech profiler?

    As I told you in Stock Car Extreme on my G29 the FFB is excellent, if you have any advice I listen to you.

    Thank you.
  6. Domagoj Lovric

    Domagoj Lovric Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 15, 2016
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    @Hector to get ffb resembling one from GSC @ old setting "Full" you need to set ams options to pure+effects.

    Needless to say, effects as they are called in ams or what was "full" in GSC is a setting we do not like as it doesn't remeble correct physical feedback. Effects on AMS or "full" setting in GSC adds artificial made up sine waves on top of physics based ffb,even adds some rear tires sliding on wheel.

    Anyway set AMS to pure+effects to get something alike. You could possibly copy over controller.ini from GSC, there is a chance game will update it with missing stuff gsc doesn't have, and have these artificial sine wave values transfered over.
  7. Hector

    Hector New Member

    Sep 13, 2019
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    Domagoj Lovric thanks for the feedback.

    It is true that when setting "pure + effect" (especially 3) the road effect feels a bit more, but the difference is the weight of the car.

    In SCExtreme the feeling of the car's weight and the distribution of the weight in the curves is excellent. Supreme.

    But in AMS the car feels very weak in the lines and curves and if I climb the Low Force Boost there is an artificial sensation of hardness that generates the centered effect of the steering wheel very high and unrealistic.

    I already reinstalled it, use the G29 beta option on Steam but the difference between the two games is very large.

    I also copied the controller.ini file from the SCE to the AMS but failed to match it.

    It's a shame because AMS has better graphics and more car and circuit options but I can't feel comfortable with the G29.

    I am from Argentina and here only the G29 is sold.
  8. Heitor Facuri Cicoti

    Heitor Facuri Cicoti Good Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    @Hector, have you done what Kill did here?

  9. Hector

    Hector New Member

    Sep 13, 2019
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    Heitor I am following the steps.

    HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ System \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ MediaProperties \ PrivateProperties \ Joystick

    But two values appear to me; OEM and Winmm

    What do I have to delete?

    All the Joystick folder?
  10. Kill KRT

    Kill KRT New Member

    Sep 14, 2019
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    @Hector I've deleted all sub-folders in the Joystick folder, but maybe it's enough do delete only ones related to your wheel.

    Anyway I agree with you, there is something that it seems not so realistic with G29 in AMS. I mean if I drive similar/same car on same track with Assetto Corsa I can feel a big difference. Despite of that I think AMS has a better car simulation, but I can truly enjoy it since of the FFB issues. :(
  11. Hector

    Hector New Member

    Sep 13, 2019
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    Thanks KillKRT, I will try to fix it as you told me.

    I had a G27 with the Logitech software and was doing very well with AMS, but since I switched to the G29 I feel it very weak.

    The LHud drivers don't help either, I installed it yesterday and the steering wheel never appears to me, how did you do to set the angle of rotation, sensitivity etc?
  12. Kill KRT

    Kill KRT New Member

    Sep 14, 2019
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    Did you mean G HUB driver? In case, you have to be sure to download the latest version (2019.8.24330) then if it is not recognize when connect to an USB port, try to connect to another one.
    I had lot of problem connecting to USB hub ports, so I am connecting to a mother board USB port.

    In case, you could also try to run as administrator (it should not be necessary, but I read that someone has resolved with this nasty trick)
  13. Heitor Facuri Cicoti

    Heitor Facuri Cicoti Good Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    @Kill KRT, have you read this part of my comment?
  14. Kill KRT

    Kill KRT New Member

    Sep 14, 2019
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    Yes, I am using the proper setting now.

    Anyway, FFB is better than before, but it still miss something that other sims provide (as AC and R3E).
    I guess the problem is with my G29 settings, since I read that AMS has one of the best FFB out there. Anyway, I will try other settings and keep AMS updated, hoping to find the right astral conjunction :D in order to enjoy it as it deserve!
  15. Hector

    Hector New Member

    Sep 13, 2019
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    I already tried all the options (install and uninstall LGS, LG HUB, only default drivers, the advice of Heitor and Kill KRT) but I still feel very weak FFB.

    I think the best description is that the car seems to have no horizontal and vertical forces.

    It seems to me that the Logitech G29 and AMS do not have good feedback, they are surely the drivers.

    Any advice is welcome.
  16. Kill KRT

    Kill KRT New Member

    Sep 14, 2019
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    FYI after last Logitech G HUB updates things are working a way better! :D

    FFB is pretty realistic now and I can feel the road on my wheel as in other sims!!!

    I've just noticed that when I start a race I have to make a full rotation of the wheel to make it works properly, but it is a little workaround that I can live with! ;)

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