Super Impressed

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Harry H, Mar 27, 2020.

  1. Harry H

    Harry H Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 25, 2020
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    Just a quick shout out to the Reiza team. I was looking forward to the official release, was going to buy, then saw it got pushed back. Decided, what the heck, I'll stump up for the beta access. I've only recently returned to sim racing. Needed a hobby in retirement (yes I'm old and slow, but a relatively safe driver in i-racing).

    AMS2 feels more like the real thing to me than any of the other sims, hands down. I've tried them all except for ACC and RR. I'm also loving the different cars and tracks from Brasil and getting a virtual glimpse into that part of the motorsports world. The P4 cars are just perfect for an old duffer like me :)

    Best of luck with the ongoing development, and I hope you guys have a lot of success with it!
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  2. Al Gartner

    Al Gartner New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 5, 2016
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    Being also and old (68) simrracer - old hand too, since,geoff crammond's grand prix 3 - i wished to post something mixing congratulations ++ to Reiza studios & a bit of feedback from an early backer (and AMS1 <525 hours> user :))
    ...Fairly impressed as I've never been for a long time (currently involved in RRE - ACC - and a somehow put aside Iracing A license) : Gave a go lately (Beta 4) to the Ultima GTR at Brands : pure addiction and handling delight, was expecting good but it came far above my expectations : totally impressed by the FFB (with that car, track and a Fanny csw 2.5) : wheel weight is spot on, accuracy and information (bumps, braking, lateral forces, tyres/suspensions work, understeer, oversteer, banked spots etc) are nothing short of amazing afaiac...highly addictive and that's all on default car setup, did not find any serious reason to tune so far...Great stuff, thx and gratzz guys:cool:.
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  3. Dan44AFCB

    Dan44AFCB Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    Just thought I would join this thread to add my gratitude to what has been achieved so far. FFB is better than I was expecting. So far away from PC2 which is great. Love the loss in grip of one front wheel feeling. So intuitive. I have the same feeling driving AMS2 as I did when I cut my first laps in AMS. Can't wait for the future. Bring it on!
  4. Yacouba

    Yacouba New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 22, 2019
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    Would you mind sharing your csw2.5 settings?
    This game is such a delight, agreed.
  5. Al Gartner

    Al Gartner New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 5, 2016
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    CSW V 2.5 [driver 336, firmware 656, formula V2 fw 28, podiumw advance paddle module]
    settings :
    > in game : custom - gain = 100, lfb = 0, fx = 0, menu spring strength = 0
    > on wheel : sens = auto, ffb = 100, sch = 100, abs = off, drift = -5, force = 100, spr = 100, damper = 100, fei = 100
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  6. F.Santos

    F.Santos Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 3, 2020
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    Thought I share mine set up/ffb too, if you wanna try. quite happy with it.

    CSW V 2.5
    settings :
    > in game : custom - gain = 80, lfb = 30, fx = 100, menu spring strength = 0
    > on wheel : sens = auto, ffb = 100, sch = 100, abs = off, drift = -2, force = 110, spr = 100, damper = 100, fei = 100
    • Like Like x 1
  7. Yacouba

    Yacouba New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 22, 2019
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    Thanks for sharing guys, I will have a look at them.
  8. Daniel Rodriguez Correa

    Daniel Rodriguez Correa New Member

    Mar 1, 2020
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    Really? I had to reduce in-game Gain to 55 to get no clipping on my CSW 2.5. Loving it though!
  9. Koala63

    Koala63 Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Hey there. I also want to heap praise after a couple ofhours of driving - emitting squeeks and groans of joy instead of the usual cries of anguish. Context: Total sim racing newbie, recently retired with (in a few months) 40 years of pretty extensive driving and motorcycle experience. I'm not a race driver's arsehole, but I've got some idea of how vehicles behave when your're dancing on the edge of sanity and have the occassional moment. I'm such an old fart/newbie combo, that I almost exlusively drive one vehicle in my sim games - the 1967 Lotus49. But an obession with one vehicle is a useful comparison standard across the established racing sims. In short, for the first time in my 3 month old VR sim driving career, my (almost) 40 years of RL road experience and reflexes make sense and can be used to effect. Everything seems to happen for a reason, every time I "off" I can understand why and best of all, finally, I can recover from those little "moments" just like in RL. I'm bloody loving this! Praise and all hail AMS2! Running VR like a dream too - straight out of the box after about 5 mins settings tweeking. Can't wait 'till its finished. I will live in hope of more G1F1 cars and a Green Hell eventually. Bravo Reiza!
    • Like Like x 3
  10. newbert

    newbert New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 21, 2020
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    Another old (67) and slow retiree here who is enjoying the hell out of AMS 2 so far...

    I see that there's at least one other old guy responding to this thread -- so as someone whose reactions aren't what they used to be, I'm just wondering which (car)s/track(s) do you <ahem> mature gents enjoy most so far?

    Perhaps we could collect/share our favorites here?

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