Started running helmet cam today and have to say im impressed, finding it hard to chose between cockpit and helmet cam now. I seem to hit my apexes so much better. Anyone else run helmet cam?
I tried out out too, damn you people giving me more variables to deal with, and also saw that it caused a significant drop in FPS. Turning the helmet off in the menu, but still using the view, recovered that lost FPS. Was good fun though.
Well that surprises me. You wouldn't think sticking an overlay on your face would have that much impact. I used to use a third-party version of this back in my AMS 1 days before I switched to VR.
Just note that you cannot have the Helmet Overlay with large aspect ratios (i.e. large landscape monitors or triple screen setups).
I like the helmet cam concept. It just adds this WOW factor while driving the open wheelers. However, I do not get the technical reason for such a heavy price in performance. With 1080Ti switch to the cockpit view simply because of the performance differences. What render element consumes so much of a computing/rendering power in the helmet overlay ? Any ideas ?
I play at 5760x1080 with 56 FOV and the helmet overlay is fine! Only the visor doesn't line up properly as ive reported already with no reply from Reiza about if this will be fixed ever as it's still the same as back in pC2 days.
In PC2, the Helmet Visor is disabled at a certain threshold based on aspect ratio and FOV. I had assumed that trait was in this version of the Madness engine but it appears they have allowed it to scale. However, depending on the FOV (and available vertical pixels) used for triple screen, you may only get the visor effect and not notice the upper & lower parts of the helmet overlay.
If i push FOV past (i think it was) 88 with triples the Helmet turns off , but 88 is now where near what most triples screen users will be using !
The sides of the visor not lining up is what annoys me about the helmet cam ! Other than that i love it and wish all Sims had this feature ! This was the same problem with the helemt can in pC2 , in fact its the same helmet!
Haha, will try this cam (playing in VR here) but can’t imagine that I will like it. I have an old Oculus Rift and dream of a modern VR-headset with wider field of view where I don‘t see the edges of my headset. Now, with „helmet cam“ the field of view will be even more restricted! ;-)