Automobilista 2 Force Feedback - Overview & Recommendations

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Renato Simioni, Apr 4, 2020.

  1. NuScorpii

    NuScorpii Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2020
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    Marc, coming back to the discussion on the track detail feeling being distinctly less at Brands Hatch and maybe other tracks. I came across a comment on one of Ermin's videos that appears to be from you:

    I haven't seen this mentioned on the forum anywhere so is this something known on the beta side? Is this what caused the lack of some details at Brands?
  2. YoLolo69

    YoLolo69 Active Member

    Mar 16, 2020
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    I'm the kind of guy who like to have one slider to rule them all, but if they can't nail it for everyone I admit I would like also separate sliders (I'm adding engine vibrations to your list of Scrub / Road / Curbs / Understeer, etc.) or at least a very easy way to change for our taste and hardware. I mean not involving changing formulas, just changing some values at the top of the file.
    I never felt Scrub effect until yesterday when I took the custom file above, never, so something is wrong with the New Default and my configuration.
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  3. Steve D

    Steve D New Member

    Apr 28, 2020
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    @NuScorpii and @Karsten Hvidberg THANK YOU! Have just used the latest custom file and it's a huge improvement over what I was able to achieve with the New and Old Default settings. (Simucube 1, Small Mige with in-game Gain-45, LFB-25, FX-50) Have just tested various Caterhams so far but I'm in a much happier place! Really appreciate your efforts!
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  4. NuScorpii

    NuScorpii Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2020
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    After @Karsten Hvidberg 's musings on LFB I did some testing and found that the LFB slider at 0 doesn't just not apply a boost, it totally removes the low range force. Set it to 1 and it comes back. Must be a bug with the lfb function. (This isn't what Karsten was suggesting to do, just wanted to highlight the bug, point being - Do not set the LFB slider to 0, it will remove low range forces from whatever it is applied to!)

    Anyway, I feel that the rack FFB does need a little LFB, but certainly higher values don't feel too good. To accommodate the different tastes I've added yet another variable that allows you to tweak how much the LFB is applied to the rack forces:

    # Rack LFB Ratio
    # Range 0.0 - 1.0
    # Alters the influence of the LFB slider on the Rack force
    # 0.0 - No LFB applied
    # 0.5 - LFB for rack is half strength
    # 1.0 - Full LFB setting applied
    # rack_force = (rack_force * (1.0 - rack_lfb_ratio)) + (lfb(rack_force) * rack_lfb_ratio)
    (rack_lfb_ratio 0.5)
    Defaults to 0.5, so LFB effect is half as strong as that applied to FX effects. After driving a few more cars I've also tweaked the texture scalers slightly, but these should allow you to get a good feeling from just using the LFB and FX sliders.

    I have my wheel set to 25nm and use in game Gain: 30 / LFB: 10 / FX: 50

    Attached Files:

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  5. Tobi797979

    Tobi797979 New Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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    Here with SC2 pro i just use this (nothing editet in Custom Files or so on) and its ok for me with new default:
    Truedrive 25nm with 15% Damping and 10% friction and Recon 2(sometimes i use 1).

    Ingame 28-35 (depends on your own used Formula or bigger Wheel)/0/100.

    It feels great for me. Just my 2 cents
    The LFB is not needed now for DD Wheels for most of the Cars.
    Tryed this with Cars Ultima/P1-P4 and F12 /F10.
    Maybe in some Cars like the Sigma P1 a LFB of 1 is ok.
    Last edited: May 17, 2020
  6. YoLolo69

    YoLolo69 Active Member

    Mar 16, 2020
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    I download it and will test this new version tonight. I know it will probably change with the new update next week but in the time being, I'll enjoy some new FFB dimensions I just discovered, thanks! :)
  7. F.Santos

    F.Santos Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 3, 2020
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    When I first tried the V8 Supercars early into the betas it was so much fun, speeding through Adelaide. Since then I stopped because I couldn't brake properly, and really feel what the car was doing.

    In this new build, for anyone that gave up on the Super V8s seriously reconsider because they are incredible! Driving them around Adelaide still super difficult but ridiculously fun! Incredible work Reiza, I can only dream what's gonna be like when we have GT3/4s and tracks like Moutain Panorama. I'm pointing out this car, but all of cars or at least 90% of them feel incredible right now, this game is dangerously addictive!:D:hurrayreiza::hurrayreiza::hurrayreiza::hurrayreiza:
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  8. YoLolo69

    YoLolo69 Active Member

    Mar 16, 2020
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    @NuScorpii Ok, this new custom FFB file is perfect, I was able to fine tune and it's a great improvement over the New Default. I cannot feel Engine vibration at my settings but it's not an huge lost, don't really care as I will send it to my buttkicker (when I'll find a new Amp to manage it, 2 Ohms, pfffiiuuuuu hard to find).

    Lets hope devs find what's going on here and fix New Default for everyone :)
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  9. Alegunner68

    Alegunner68 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 21, 2019
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    Thanks guys for your files, really helping me get the feeling I want.
    Any ideas what line(s) to adjust to get more straight line feel without raising lfb?
  10. Karsten Hvidberg

    Karsten Hvidberg Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    It bothered me too, so have just spend all morning trying to fine tune a custom ffb file for my own simucube 2 pro the way I specifically want it. Also was triggered by @shushkata, where it became clear to me that was the issue too.

    So road noise is improved here now when driving straight & to me the effects are ok balanced. Also I think this version works ok for non-DD wheels.

    Just noticed @NuScorpii 's "rack_lfb_ratio 0.5" fix, tested it & added that too, I agree it def. makes for an improvement & it seems this .5 value does not make my DD wheel go center-crazy like the normal one did, great find Nuscorpii! 8)

    Final file is attached

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: May 17, 2020
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  11. Tobi797979

    Tobi797979 New Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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    Want to try this out. Do i only have to copy your Text into my Custom FFB File or do i have to edit or delete something in greetings
  12. Goffik

    Goffik Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2020
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    Neither. Just place the downloaded file into My Documents\Automobilista 2, start the game, and choose the "Custom" profile in your FFB options. :)
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  13. YoLolo69

    YoLolo69 Active Member

    Mar 16, 2020
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    Just copy it, overwriting the old one ( or backed first as you wish) and selecting "Custom" in FFB menu. It will impact only the Custom choice in FFB menu so you can easily switch to New Default and Custom. If you're not happy and want a brand new custom from Devs just delete the same file and it will be recreated as soon as you select again "Custom".

    Edit : OK Podium: 1 - Goffik, 2 - me
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  14. Karsten Hvidberg

    Karsten Hvidberg Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    Hi Shadak,

    It would be interesting to hear if the custom ffb file I just posted works well for you and your DD1 wheel base 8)
    It is very different in general from the stuff you tried the other day & also has Nuscorpii's fix in it to use a % of the LFB again.
  15. Marc Collins

    Marc Collins Internal Tester AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    It's in the change log notes! Absolutely we should assume more road detail will reappear. Right now, my FX slider affects tire scrub feel (proxy for rear end of the car) and not much else. On a stronger wheel there may be more there, but likely we'll be back to the bumps and lumps and engine vibrations, etc. soon.

    I am concerned because to get proper feel now I have had to turn my FX up quite a bit. If "excessive" road feel is brought back in the wrong manner, it could force a bad choice between needed tire feel and avoidance of "driving over the filed of rocks" issue. But in Reiza we trust :)

    By the way, I am not going to use any custom FFB files for the time being, because I'd like to get the defaults working properly for the masses of non-DD users. All this custom file stuff is very helpful for Reiza though to see what is working and not working for various DD wheels--but all of you please continue to document very detailed feedback so some of this can make its way into the defaults to benefit the majority who won't be here caring or reading about all these details :)
    Last edited: May 17, 2020
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  16. Shadak

    Shadak Active Member

    May 2, 2020
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    Hi mate, I had a go actually and while its a bit better. On my DD1 I feel road noise instead of the road feel, as soon as I switch to New default, I can feel the road ondulations and relief in the center. Im honestly OK having the sticky center with but I do need the road the way it was in default :) ... I made my own custom file that only alters the scrub and I tink ill keep it like that until Reiza has a final FFB stuff out.
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  17. Ashaz

    Ashaz Member

    May 2, 2020
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    Is the colission feedback not implemented yet or am I missing somehting?
    Just did a race in the Impalas at Adelaide historic. Got rear ended, but the FFB didn't react to it at all. Then I got t-boned while trying to recover, and no response to that either.
  18. Karsten Hvidberg

    Karsten Hvidberg Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    Makes sense,
    no doubt the "real solution" will hopefully come soon.
    We can only add in some superficial stuff in the custom ffb file, while the Reiza guys need to add real scrubbing that fits with the real road feedback in to the lower layers of the code.

    I am REALLY looking forward to that, as I think it will bring everything up one more level, which is quite insane :)
    They hopefully will think hard about when & how they add in the LFBs & provide us some more sliders to control everything. Otherwise they will have to customize for each wheel base themselves.

    Only reason I spent some time on this file here is honestly because I have become addicted to the scrubbing & other sensations that have been there all along, that Reiza seems to have, for now, put aside in the default setups. Hopefully because they're working on the real versions of these!
    Last edited: May 17, 2020
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  19. YoLolo69

    YoLolo69 Active Member

    Mar 16, 2020
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    Tested this last custom ffb file and it's great, I switched again between it and New Default and it's night and day regarding braking, accelerating too much and scrubbing in curve. I'm also confident Reiza will sort that! Great time coming! :)
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  20. Tobi797979

    Tobi797979 New Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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    Which True drive an ingame Settings do you have...i test it in half an hour and try it against my posted Settings, i'm very excited. Thanks everyone

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