Features and Abilities (Wish list)

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by J-Port, Jun 9, 2020.

  1. J-Port

    J-Port New Member

    Jun 4, 2020
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    I have noticed a number of posts popping up asking if this or that something we may or may not get.
    So I thought let's try and have a single thread where we can add some things we may like to see within AMS2.
    And maybe the developers could shed some light on the possibilities and plans down the line.
    But let's try and keep it reasonable, we know they hard at work with its upcoming v1.0 and future content.
    Which they are doing an amazing job.

    Just as an idea here are some of the things I would love to see make it in AMS2 that I don't think have been mentioned.

    -Visual tyre wear and flat-spotting (Similar to rF2)
    -Ability to choose the state of the track at the start of an event (Mostly clean to looking like it just had a WEC 24hour race)
    -Pedal input hud that isn't locked to the telemetry hud
    -Ability to manually move around in the showroom
    -Ability to adjust side & rearview mirrors
    -Move info about the cars (Power & Torque curves?)
    -Improved replay cameras or custom camera placement (So the content creators can get them amazing shots)
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  2. SuperMonaco_GP

    SuperMonaco_GP Active Member

    Mar 8, 2020
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    I would ask for a very simple thing : be able to see how many laps a race has, especially onine. I always join a race without knowing how many laps it has.
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  3. alink

    alink Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 3, 2017
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    it would be great if the pit board has some more info like gaps to car in front and back as well as that it is not only visible with HUD. I don't use HUD so I never see it.
    In GPL there was a very good solution, the pit board didn't show the actual lap time or gap, it showed the values the lap before (logical because the board was shown before crossing start/finish line so no new values were available).

    a second thing is, I need a chart as in rFactor or in AMS1 for gearbox setup. A simple chart for visualization the gearing (speed vs rpm)

    a third, there is still too much auto-control when pitting (car is moved into box, gears are selected (automatic in N then suddenly in 1st and you engine is stalled)

    a fourth, I'm still missing the formation lap for standing starts

    But I think/hope that REIZA knows all these points, because the most have been available in AMS1 and hopefully come back in AMS2
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  4. dave_the_wave

    dave_the_wave New Member

    Jun 17, 2020
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    Since this is a wishlist, this might be completely unrealistic but I'm going to add it anyway. I would absolutely love offroad content including Stadium Super Trucks. This game has captured me from other games almost entirely with exception of Dirt Rally 2.0 and the occasional dinking around in iRacing offroad.

    Other racing formats like Drag, Oval, Autocross or Drift competitions would also be pretty rad. It fits with the focus on South American racing too.

    Also, snow..
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2020
    • Disagree Disagree x 3
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  5. Coanda

    Coanda aahhh whinge whinge f@#ken whinge.. Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 8, 2020
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    for a giggle..

    High, Medium, Low importance

    - freecam for live and replay
    - replay time advance on red time bar by mouse click
    - save/load controller settings for different wheels
    - motec or equivalent..

    - personal driver stats
    - enhanced interiors
    - finer and greater seat and pitch adjustments
    - pit strategies
    - tyre info and tyre management in pit garage
    - tyre set limits

    - average fuel info for timed races and fuel maps in pit garage
    - aero balance info in pit garage
    - car setup notes
    - flexible custom race weekend format creation
    - more vehicle info on the Ui. ie. What are the ideal hot tyre pressures..? Paddle Sequential or Stick Sequential..? Average steering torque range for DD users..?
    - showroom freecam

    - ping numbers and ping limits
    - TC, ABS engine modes mapped to buttons and multi switches
    - authentic TC and ABS levels

    - visual flag marshals
    - authentic driver penalties. none of this slow down nonsense..
    - HUD enhancements including widget scaling

    - 30+ opponents if possible
    - lap number display in pit garage
    - PSI for metric users
    - visual damage enhancements
    - audio engineer/info
    - gravel trap texture enhancements
    - tarmac texture enhancements on some tracks
    - visuals to be standardised across all tracks and vehicles. Some are great and some are clearly not at the same standard

    - vehicle flash headlights for GT/LMP cars
    - handbrake ie. Super V8 for race starts
    - skin templates

    - driver swaps for GT3 racing
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2020
    • Agree Agree x 2
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    • Winner Winner x 1
  6. Lukas Ranicar

    Lukas Ranicar New Member

    May 29, 2020
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    Would love to see the Ariel Nomad or similar in game.

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