Was gonna use the bug report but I think its more car/track specific stuff. So joining races, crashes to bug report screen (filled out) Spectating, same thing. Then tried to join once more and this below. Am I alone on this?
It seems the whole multiplayer isn't working. I crash when trying to join any server, and when I create one, other people crash when trying to join.
Same here, seems to be a port forwarding issue for me. If I put my PC into DMZ I connect with no issues, take it out & it crashes to bug screen. I can join lobby's no problem but crash when I try to connect. Also I've tried port forwarding the normal listed Steam ports with no success, I can connect to & play on AC & ACC servers with no problem.
Correction, multiplayer is working as long you wait in lobby. When others join on lobby, the track loads correctly and everything is fine. Crash happens when others try to join in a session already running.
Had the same issue last night, it only affected Bathhurst MP. I could join other MP rooms no problem. Strange little bug, sure it will get sorted very soon.
Tanks for the fix Edit: perhaps i was premature, because the session crashed during transition from free practice to the next, But no CTD Second edit: all went well the next race
I had this problem, and almost the same problem with PC2, this is how I solved it. This is for windows 10, I'm not sure about other operating systems: Open the windows start menu Type Windows security >Virus and threat protection (left hand column) Under Virus and threat protection settings scroll down to exclusions, click add or remove exclusions Click add an exclusion, then click 'folder' Navigate to Steam/steamapps/common/ folder, single press the Automobilista 2 folder, and choose select folder at the bottom of the window. Restart PC. Hopefully, this will work as nicely for you as it did for me