VR Discussions, Questions & Feedback

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Heitor Facuri Cicoti, Apr 5, 2020.

  1. amndingo768

    amndingo768 New Member

    May 10, 2020
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    Same issue for me. Headroom as reported by oculus debug tool is 20-30% yet I always get a brief stutter in the middle of turns. Not sure what is causing it. I've tried many combinations of settings
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  2. Koala63

    Koala63 Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Hi there. Can anybody please direct me to a way of getting the VR HUD elements adjusted. I was hoping that a fix for this may have made it into 1.0, but no joy. I vaguely recall discussion of a work around, but cannot recall where and this forum will not all a search of the term 'VR HUD".

    Has anybody worked out a way to re-locate elements such as the Speedo/Gear/RPM indicator?

    Many thanks.
  3. TheMattyOnline

    TheMattyOnline Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 31, 2019
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    The only way i found to do this was to set a custom resolution in windows 2560x1600 which then let me select this in game options in the UI.
    At that resolution, there was enough real estate around the HUD boxes to select/grab them and adjust as necessary. Then you can put your resolution back.
    Bit of a fudge, but it works.
    The HUD system is a bit WIP all round as far as i can tell. Def needs some work going forward.
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  4. Koala63

    Koala63 Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Thanks Matty. Just to clarify...

    Step 1 - set custom resolution as 2560 x 1600 from desktop with game closed.

    Step 2 - Open game and adjust HUD boxes. Should adjustments be made via VR or from monitor screen?

    Step 3 - Exit game and restore normal resolution?

    This is what I'll try anyway. Thanks again.

    Edit - I tried without success. Anyone got an idiot's guide?
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2020
  5. jpmmuc

    jpmmuc Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 29, 2016
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    HUD is easy and very adjustable after the first time :whistle:
    Don't forget to map a button to switch between the HUDs.

    In cockpit view there are three HUD screens and the 3 telemetry screens. Normal HUD is none, light and cockpit. Light and cockpit are in the HUD Editor customizable to your liking. To go to the HUD Editor select pause while in car and select HUD Editor.
    First of all set the screen mirror resolution to 1920x1080 so you have enough space to position the elements. To position the elements start the game in VR go in the car - pause - edit HUD. In the HUD editor you have to move the elements with the mouse on the flat screen "behind" the VR elements. You can click the element anywhere until the edge turns red than move this element. After that click on save.

    You can position each element and additionally most elements have full - minimal - off settings. So I have e.g. in light only the position and the mini dashboard while in cockpit I have all elements on full. While driving in cockpit view I can switch between none - for the cars with a lot of information in their dash and light - for cars with less information and sometimes I switch to cockpit - for all information.

    Additionally you are able to position each text message where want to have it.

    In VR it's also possible to move the HUD position on the fly in distance, size and angles.
    Details in this post: VR Discussions, Questions & Feedback
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  6. TheMattyOnline

    TheMattyOnline Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 31, 2019
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    I had no success at all grabbing the right hand boxes in VR. You have to click way off to the right and below.

    Selecting the higher resolution in the AMS settings 2560x1600 (in game in the performance tab? Can’t remember off the top of my head) allowed more “room” around the HUD elements so I could select the right hand ones.
    It just wasn’t possible to select them at 1080p resolution for me.
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  7. jpmmuc

    jpmmuc Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 29, 2016
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    As said above: In the HUD editor you have to move the elements with the mouse in VR on the second flat screen "behind" the VR elements. You can click the element anywhere until the frame turns red than move this element. After that click on save.

    It could be that if you first selected a high resolution and changed the HUD in screen mode and moved the elements to the edges that you need to move the elements first a little bit to the middle to select them also in the lower VR mirror.

    Means you see the elements in the VR position AND only the frames in a flat level behind the VR elements. You have to move the frames in the flat level where you can see the frames. You don't have to select the edge to move the element just click on the element until it turns red and then move it with the mouse.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  8. Koala63

    Koala63 Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    "...no success at all grabbing the right hand boxes in VR..." This is exactly my problem Matty.

    But my 1st attempt I followed your original advice to change the resolution "in windows" outside the game. Now I'll try the "in game performance tab" (or whatever) and see if that helps me grab the little buggers. Thanks for the follow up clarification.

    In a light HUD config I like to use the lap delta icon and the speedo icon, mainly for tire temps and fuel information. I just need to relocate them closer to my inside my peripheral view. Their default VR position (RH low outside cockpit) requires me to redirect and refocus my gaze away from my driving line of sight, which takes the best part of a long slow (sometime fatal) second... ;D

    I'll let you know how I go.
  9. Koala63

    Koala63 Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Jpmmuc, I checked this,,,

    "In VR it's also possible to move the HUD position on the fly in distance, size and angles.
    Details in this post: VR Discussions, Questions & Feedback"

    Those numpad inputs look really useful. I'll try them. Thanks.
  10. ayrtonforever

    ayrtonforever Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 1, 2020
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    I noticed that running at night the performances have a big drop. during the day ams2 is perfectly smooth, but as soon as it gets dark the fps collapse. i have an i7-7700k with 16gb DDR4 and a GTX 1070 8GB, not the top but not too bad either. is it a hardware problem or is it normal?
  11. Shpalman

    Shpalman Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 24, 2020
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    maybe gpu side...i've got an i9 9900k with 32 gb ram, but the same gpu and also for me at night there is a big fps drop
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  12. Mike1304

    Mike1304 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 17, 2020
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    Unfortunately I experienced a huge FPS drop with 1.0 (compared to Early access) in VR even at sunny conditions... :(
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  13. mike523

    mike523 New Member

    Jul 7, 2020
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    Anyone else having an issue with recentering view in VR causing insane flickering in the graphics? I'm using an Oculus Rift S and I have mapped the center VR button to the spacebar on the keyboard.
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  14. GregzVR

    GregzVR P1 passion, P10 talent.

    Mar 12, 2020
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    Looking at the HUD in VR, there are two vertically-tilted 'glass' panes in your view - one around the steering wheel location, and the other around the front wheel location in 3D space.
    That wouldn't be a problem specifically, if it wasn't for the fact that items on one pane, have their select/grab positions on the other pane!

    Everything needs to basically needs be on the same single pane, like how it is when playing in non-VR mode.
    This is a direct carry-over from PCARS 2, so it remains to be seen if Reiza can fix this issue at all, once they finally turn their focus to the VR aspect.
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  15. neal

    neal Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 1, 2017
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    I tried VR since the very early beta which worked really well and all I got was the back seat at the cinema and a screen many meters in front of me as the drivers view while being able to see the 'theatre' surrounding it all. what on earth is that? and how do I get back to a proper VR view?
  16. Kurupt CDN

    Kurupt CDN Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    Is in-game SS working for anyone?
    Switching between 1.0 & 2.0 with a game restart after each change has made zero visual difference or have any impact on GPU performance.

    SteamVR SS tho does.
  17. sgsfabiano

    sgsfabiano Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 28, 2019
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    How are you starting the game? Usually I do it like this, from the desktop:
  18. lensman45

    lensman45 Member

    May 20, 2020
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    I can confirm that, yes. In-game SS has no effect (apart from placebo which I fell for lol)
    I've now reverted to the Oculus Tray Tool to add some super-sampling.
    Thanks for the heads up :)
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. F2020

    F2020 Active Member

    Apr 1, 2020
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    i wondered why it ran so well haha back to tray tool tonight then ;)
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  20. mist3rf0ur

    mist3rf0ur Member

    Apr 3, 2020
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    Did they improve performance for the helmet view? I was racing the Formula Retro V12 at Interlagos Historic and the performance seemed similar to that of the non-helmet view. Tried it for fun at the end of the last lap of an 20-grid AI race at Virginia and also noticed not much of a performance impact.

    Fluke, crazy or fixed performance? If it's fixed, super please with this.

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