AMS2 vs AMS1 Physics

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by JS1, Aug 2, 2020.

  1. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    Hehe we will probably listen a bit more serious to your arcade comparasment of the F-Reiza when you have shown how high on the Brands LB you can crawl with this "arcade car".:rolleyes:
    Its a bit difficult to find you on the LB. Are you matteo.uggolottisomething?
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  2. CrimsonEminence

    CrimsonEminence Administrator Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 4, 2018
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    Have you tried fetching my setup and pushing it harder a little bit, already? I have reduced the gearing, so this car goes like a rocket, i recommend it :D

    (The car is pretty easy to drive shortly under the limit indeed, so i can understand the complaint, it's very settled, indeed)

    Also Matteo is holding the record right now ;)
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2020
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  3. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    Thanks my friend :)
    As I have defensive "mumbled" I will be back trying to up my position on theBrands LB.:D
    And I will surely test your setup out trying to get any help.

    But at the moment Im just about adjusting my selfesteem on some of the Hockenheim historics.
    Actually I hate Brands in all sims except AMS2.:eek:

    The reason is that I struggle a lot on all tracks where you have to modulate the throttle or brake at the same time when you gear down AND make corrections with the wheel.
    The reason is that because of legs issues (sport injuries) I have to use a fully handcontrolled wheel (without pedals and FFB) and cannot control the mentioned thr/br/gear if I at the same time have to turn the wheel.:mad:
    Thats the reason I can be pretty fast on more smooth tracks (historics) and struggle a lot on layouts as example Brands.

    ByTheWay: Hehe dont mention Imola because on this track BrunoB has really severe problems :rolleyes:
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  4. CrimsonEminence

    CrimsonEminence Administrator Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 4, 2018
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    Yeah, i read somewhere, that you are using this wireless hand controlled type of wheel.^^

    I think, you should apply a higher power ramp angle on my setup for your needs then, it will probably cost you a bit of time, but you will have an easier task to push out of corners.^^

    Never give up. We build our own walls way to high!
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  5. Jugulador

    Jugulador Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2020
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    I think we all can be very slow yet. Yes, the car is very tight on inputs, so the real F1. It's supposed to be easy to control and it should have a lot of grip on the rear. Lando Norris cursed iRacing exactly because it hadn't. "Check your physics, iRacing", he said.

    And, to be honest, I don't find this car that easy... when I said that I can bring it under 1:00.000 is that I'm already close to my limit. Of course there are plenty of faster drivers than me (there aways be in more disputed LBs)... when I put "the world" record with this combo proved only that the fast lads weren't there yet lol.

    BUT, reality wise, the car behaves as I expected from a 201X F1.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. JS1

    JS1 New Member

    Aug 2, 2020
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    With AMS1 you could download other drivers setups, in AMS 2 there is no option for this or is it done in a different way.

    I have a very limited understanding of setups so i rarely change much from default.
  7. JS1

    JS1 New Member

    Aug 2, 2020
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    I struggle to lock the brakes or feel i am at risk of oversteer turning into snap oversteer, my improvement in times is just later braking or better entry to the apex, improved reaction time by learning the track and being comfortable.(that is why it feels boring and arcadish)
  8. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    You can download every custom setup from the LBs if you load one of the other driver as your ghost.
    Because then when you are inside the garage afterwards you are allowed to l load this ghosts setup and save it.:)

    ByTheWay: My own thought when I read your arcade comment is that almost every cars in sims (and probably RL too) feels rather easy to drive if you do not drive them close to their adhesion limits.
    But when you get close to this edge the car can/will suddenly begin showing its real personality.
  9. JS1

    JS1 New Member

    Aug 2, 2020
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    The point i am making is not about me topping the charts as i don't put in enough time, is that with 30mins of play the car feels too easy to drive, it feels like it self corrects, very hard to lock up, etc etc.

    No that is not my online nick.
  10. JS1

    JS1 New Member

    Aug 2, 2020
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    Why on earth would they change the way you can download a setup with some weird ass way like loading a ghost car----seems way too over complicated won't even bother.

    I've only tried some of the F1 cars and the stock car V8---i don't want to try out more now because i fear finding out the whole game is disappointing driving wise---at the moment i have much to explore so it still feels like i didn't waste my money.
  11. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    OK. But you just have made a good example of how a car can or will be felt easy to drive if you does not drive it really fast(= close to what is possible with that car).
    That was the reason I mentioned your missing position on the LB - because a high position on the LB does show how close you are to be able to handle the car close to its physical limits.
  12. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    Constructive attitude :rolleyes:
  13. JS1

    JS1 New Member

    Aug 2, 2020
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    F1 cars are easier to lose control when you drive like a nanny with cold tyres and low down force, even F1 drivers lose control under the same circumstances---you see it all the time.(not in this game though)​
  14. JS1

    JS1 New Member

    Aug 2, 2020
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    30mins of play and being in the top 10 is pretty high up on the LB for now i would say, another hour or two i would probably be top 5-7.(i won't go faster because i don't play games longer than 30mins and lose enthusiasm, plus i get a headache)
  15. JS1

    JS1 New Member

    Aug 2, 2020
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    More me annoyed that game developers just "assume" we will work out how to do so with no explanation of the change from the previous way in AMS1.

    I'm not a gamer so how on earth am i supposed to know how to do so unless i sign in to a forum like this.
  16. CrimsonEminence

    CrimsonEminence Administrator Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 4, 2018
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    What is your PB on Brands Hatch right now?
    You will not encounter the car being edgy, if not driven at least close to its limits.
    It's definetly pretty easy to drive otherwise, but it was already in AMS1, when not pushed hard. AMS1 is a bit more sharp on the edge, but also faster in the higher regions with many cars. The car is probably capable of 0:58 and possibly beyond, if driven hard on Brands and in this area, when downforce is supporting the tyres, almost giving up on the edge.

    I will not deny, it feels better saveable, than the AMS1 car, but this can also be down to setup, different tyre model etc..
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  17. JS1

    JS1 New Member

    Aug 2, 2020
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    Did a couple of brief laps without completion on AMS1 and it is far more easier to lose control on the first turn especially---a touch easier to lock up the tyres, and you have to be a little more careful with the throttle out of corners.

    I don't like the experience in both AMS1 and 2 for this particular car but at least in AMS1 it feels more challenging and engaging.
  18. CrimsonEminence

    CrimsonEminence Administrator Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 4, 2018
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    Yeah, probably right, you can't expect the car to feel absolutely similar, though. It's still a racing game and not real life. All of the different variations will have variations in car feel. (i have to give a lot suspension of disbelief for the F-Retro in the comparison AMS1/2 in this regard, for example)

    Try to push sub 1 minute and you will probably notice, that this car is actually not un-lose-able at all.^^ Also default setups are often made to hit a safe side of things in AMS2. Defaults in AMS1 often had tendencies to be adjusted to full push already, i got the feeling. You can try reducing Diff power ramp angle to lock the diff more and giving it a bit more "kick" out of corners and compensate it by higher wings.

    It's easier to drive under the limit, but you would be surprised, how such a car was behaving on the original rF1 foundation compared to AMS1. The complaint about it being too easy would be probably exactly the same for AMS1, if knowing the behavior of slip in rF1.

    The car has gotten easier, probably. Is it unrealistic? I don't know...may be open to discussion.
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  19. SlowPoke80

    SlowPoke80 Active Member

    Jun 8, 2017
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    Virtually all the cars in AMS2 fall into two categories: Simcade ones like what you mentioned, or ones like the older formula cars that can't accelerate at all without getting sideways and that have extreme understeer in slow corners.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  20. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    Sounds very convincing.
    I have also a lot of fantasies about how fast I would be - if I really tried.
    And how good I could be controlling these virtual cars.
    But for one reason or another I rather not really try.

    ByTheWay: Maybe its my headache that keeps me away from really trying. Or maybe its something else inside me who dont want to realise the real level of my racing sim skills.
    Who knows?

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