First non-official AMS2 Championship (Welcome to Reiza's Gentleman Club)

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Jugulador, Aug 20, 2020.

  1. Jugulador

    Jugulador Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2020
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    Welcome, ladies and gentleman to Reiza's Gentleman Club (yes, it's sexist... but we are sexist GENTLEMEN... sooooo).

    Join our comunity on Steam: (Reiza's Gentleman Club or Steam Community :: Group :: Reiza's Gentleman Club).

    I come through this to summon you all, Reiza Studio Forum users, to organize the first non-official AMS2 championship.


    CAR: Sprint Racer

    FORMAT: The stages will begin at 18:00GMT.
    Free Training: 15min
    Qualify: 10min
    Race: Two 20 minutes sprints.
    Ingame race time: 10:00AM with clear skies.
    No driving aids.
    Partial damage.
    Full penalties.

    1st Stage - Interlagos - 09/12
    2nd Stage - Jerez (moto) - 09/19
    3rd Stage - Cascais - 09/26
    4th Stage - Adelaide - 10/03
    5th Stage - Imola - 10/10
    6th Stage - Kensai - 10/17

    SCORING SYSTEM: 25, 20, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1 points earned from first to twelfth places at each sprint. Drivers that completed less than 70% will not earn points.

    FAIR PLAY: This championship will not have any disciplinary committee. We will treat each one of you as gentleman(woman) and any driving accident as an incident. Even them, stick with chivalrous behavior and don't go full Senna over your associates. Please, be faster, not more aggressive. Some paint trade is expected, so don't get to personal about it. Don't complain about other drivers at chat, Steam community, this forum or anywhere else, just send me a private message and, if more than one people complain about the same driver and it's needed, I will do the talk.

    If you are not acquainted with online racing, I strong suggest that you give this a very good reading:

    Soooo... no punterino, lads:)

    Subscrived drivers:

    @Wilfred de Ruijter
    @Zimmer Man
    @Jan Palach
    @Paul Greenwood
    @Ray Sheppard
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2020
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  2. Jugulador

    Jugulador Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2020
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    Model of subscription (just that four itens):

    CARS: I won't vote it because already did on the OP
    TRACKS: Cascais/Estoril, Donington Park, Ibarra/Yahuacocha, Imola, Interlagos, Jerez Moto, Kansai/Suzuka, Kyalami, Londrina, Velo Città
    GMT: -3
    Steam Username: Jugulador

    If you have any idea about rules just comment it on a different post (different from what I did here lol).
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2020
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  3. Micropitt

    Micropitt Mediocre driver doing mediocre laps AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 16, 2020
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    In general, I really love the idea and I will participate. I’m just not sure if we can find enough people that want to spend every single weekend Fri/Sat/Sun with the League. Maybe we can work on the format a little bit and make it one day every 2 weeks? This also would give people more time to learn the Track that is being used by the next race.
  4. Micropitt

    Micropitt Mediocre driver doing mediocre laps AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 16, 2020
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    Cars: P1 / P2 / P3 / P4, Ginetta G55, Formula 3, Sprintracer
    Tracks: Cascavel, Interlagos, Goiania, Cascais, Bathurst, Brands Hatch, Imola
    Time Zone: GMT: -5
    Steam Username: Micropitt
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2020
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  5. Jugulador

    Jugulador Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2020
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    People don't need to spent all three days... the idea is to give those that who can participate on sunday a little taste.

    The format of a stage every two weeks is bad for those who miss one racing day. With races every week (but for a short time) even if a participant miss a stage he will have more chances to fit in. At least it's my experience with leagues. About "learn the track", people use to leave it to the last time, so you can give a lad a full year to do training and he will live it to the last minute lol. Despite... the time will be the same to everybody. But that is my experience... let's do some democracy here and let people choose or give a third or forth option.

    Can you, please, add more tracks (10, at least) on your list? It will be better to make a list. A couple more car options should help also... even if I'm inclined to vote on P4... it's a very good option for a beginners championship.
  6. Micropitt

    Micropitt Mediocre driver doing mediocre laps AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 16, 2020
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    Ok, understand what you mean with the weekly format.
    Learning the track last minute, that would be me lol on the other hand, I don’t know if I even know 10 tracks but I will try
  7. muz_j

    muz_j Active Member

    Apr 27, 2020
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    If you did something similar with the faster cars, I'd be interested.
    As is, I'll pass. Slow cars don't really interest me.
    Perhaps consider a separate series with faster cars and for me personally - I generally stick to cars with no form of driver aids - no TC, no ABS, high power to weight ratios.

    I expect most people won't be interested in my idea - I see behaviour online that suggests as much (people tend to exit races where TC & ABS are restricted with faster cars), but it's what appeals to me.

    Formula V-10 Gen 1, Formula Classic Gen 1 etc.
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  8. Jugulador

    Jugulador Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2020
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    One week... put a couple hours and you will be fine.

    If you think that P4 and Sprintrace ain't no fast enough you can try them at some slow track, like Monaco or Londrina... even the uphill

    But you sure can subscript with any car you want. I just recomended slow cars because they are more acessible, but I'm all fired up to go with Formula Reiza (I was working this LB on Brands Hatch... and world record it... again lololol) or anything else. Mate, if you ask to race Formula Truck, I will say YES. If we close a grid with faster cars I'm game. Maybe people here don't like my "slow cars" idea and we race with something like you said. Never hurt to ask if it's not a woman's age.
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  9. muz_j

    muz_j Active Member

    Apr 27, 2020
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    All good - I'll see how this thread plays out or progresses.
    I figured I can't complain if I don't speak up and at least make a suggestion.
    I'm on here and can be contacted with a PM or on steam etc if I lose track of this thread.
    Personally I'm finding the more I focus on the harder to drive cars, the more I'm progressing with my sim driving and that's what really appeals to me.
    I don't care if I come last.
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  10. deadly

    deadly Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2016
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    Cars: F3, F V10 Gen1 or 2
    Tracks: Any but Monaco ;)
    Timezone: GMT +2
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2020
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  11. Goffik

    Goffik Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2020
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    Coming from race/league organisation myself, a few suggestions. All are based on my personal experience and are exactly that... just suggestions.

    Car - Choose something that is proven for good, close racing because it's fairly "easy" to drive. F1 and the like are fun to drive but do not often provide good racing unless everyone on the grid is pro. Fast cars also have a high attrition rate, with people quitting the moment they spin once. Personally, I would say the Sprint Race, Ginetta G55, Puma 052 or even the Roco would be a good choice.

    Tracks - Again, tracks which promote good racing by having plenty of potential overtaking spots would be best... processions are boring for all involved. For the cars mentioned above, something without massively long, flat-out straights. Curvelo is a good example.

    Format - I would go for 2 x sprint (20 mins) races. It gives everyone a second chance if things go wrong and suits the cars above better than long races.

    Length - I think ten weeks is far too long personally, especially for the very first run. Holding people's interest for that long, especially those who drop away from having any chance of a decent finishing position, will be very difficult. This is even more the case with a two race format, since more points are available to win or lose each week. I would go for a maximum of 5-6 weeks at most. Quality over quantity.

    Weather - I know the vocal minority always go on about weather, but past experience clearly shows that the silent majority rarely drive on anything but dry tracks. Rain greatly increases the chances of crashes and incidents, and will put off anyone who has little experience or no interest in adverse weather. For many people, driving a car fast in traffic is challenge enough already.

    Time - Not exactly sure what you mean by using local time at the tracks. That some will be in the dark perhaps? The only issue I see with that is performance, which suffers at night especially in VR.

    Damage - Most of the championships I've organised or raced in have full damage enabled. However, this is more about knowing your community. If they tend to be experienced careful drivers, full damage is fine. If they are a bit accident prone or you simply don't know either way (as in this case) then it might be better to turn damage off. Again, it can cause high attrition rates from people quitting the instant their wheel is 1 degree off-centre, or they get a flat-spotted tyre.

    Points - Personally, I think giving extra points for qualifying and the fastest lap is just handing an even bigger advantage to the fastest guys than they already have. I think championships should be won and lost by racing, not single-lap performance.

    That's it for now. Good luck with this and I hope it takes off. If I can free up my Sunday evenings then I'll definitely be interested in taking part. :cool:

    Edit: Added thoughts on damage.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2020
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  12. Wilfred de Ruijter

    Wilfred de Ruijter Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 10, 2020
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    CARS: Formula Vee, Formula Trainer (easy to set-up)
    TRACKS: Adelaide, Brasilia Full, Kansai,VIR Full (at the at of the series)
    GMT: +2
    Steam Username: Jartjalt
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  13. Jugulador

    Jugulador Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2020
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    You are right to ask, man. Maybe more people think like you and, eventually, a championship as you like may happen... everybody wins.

    Can you complete this post with your Steam username and GMT?

    PS: I love Monaco... but don't think that it's a good track for leagues... aways had bad experience there lol


    Man, I mostly agree with your post.

    I loved your car selection and it matches my personal experience. The worst league championship I participated used LMP1 cars at rFactor (even if I had won that... BTW, the only I ever did lol) with very low finish rate and a lot of people quitting even on the first half of the calendar (luck we started with a very large grid). A very similar stuff happened on a GT3 championship with AC, but it was "less bad". The best championship I raced used the Formula BMW at Race 07... even with the physics exploits that game have. That is one of the reasons I hate ACC (now it's much better with the GT4 expansion, but I still hate other things about this game and wont go back there for a while). Everybody seems to love GT3, even if just very fell players can really drive it.

    Format, I prefer the 2 sprints, but a lot of people like longer races. I had good and bad experiences with both, so I'm very receptive with what you folks prefer. The only thing I dislike (but it's not to me to decide) is mandatory pitstops. The most I can agree is to increase tire/fuel consumption, but just at a point that drivers can still decide if they will try to finish without a pitstop, and not on the two races of 20 min format, because it make things too unrealistic.

    I can also agree with a 5-6 stages calendar. My first ever "serious" championship had a 6 stages and it worked very fine.

    You may be right. I also had mixed experiences with both choices. Lets do this: If majority asks for random weather we try it on few stages and see what happens, even because AMS2 wetness is more realist/intuitive/forgiving/less-random that the past sims I raced. But we also can make an experience on a single race not related with the championship. It's not decided yet. But, yes, you are right about rain not be important for majority of sim racing community.

    I forgot about this fps drop at night. So it's better to aways use daytime during races. At least for now because we never know if Reiza will optimize it at a future update... if they do we reconsider night races.

    About damage, my former league reached the sweet spot of 40% of damage (at rFactor, Race 07... and don't remember how we use to set AC because I never opened a server with that game). Even with serious accidents, it was rare to someone get unable to get back on race and it diminished the quitting rate. But if we use too little damage or no damage the drivers simply get sloppy, what make the quit ratio rise. So a midterm worked better, because people should get punished when make mistakes, but the problem was aways the random collateral losses, because no one likes to be punished by other peoples mistake. I know that real races are that way, but online we never know. But I also had other experiences with more seasoned drivers, and with full damage, that worked really fine.

    The point system I suggested is better for the 40min/single-race format because is very common that the winning driver is not the faster, but the more regular. The issue is that any championship with that format tend to teach folks to be regular, not to dare and, with time, races become boring. But with the two races format, what used to work better was less points for the fastest lap, usually 2 points. Because on two sprints format, people are much less conservative, specially if we don't artificially change tire/fuel consumption rate and mathematically it don't affect too much. If we choose to go with the two sprints format, we can change it to a more "winning driven" format.

    So, some rules, as weather and damage, can be change during the championship. If nobody else disagree, let's use your suggestions about format, weather, length and time, with everything else undecided. But now that I explained why I presented the rules as on the OP, why do you and folks think about it. The rules I presented are more a place holder than a final decision, specially that I don't care too much about this stuff and am more the "why not" kind of folk... lol.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2020
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  14. Micropitt

    Micropitt Mediocre driver doing mediocre laps AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 16, 2020
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    I agree with you. Keep it simple for the first League race to make it enjoyable for everyone. Set the weather to something without rain, no Pit Stops and yes, I would enable damage (no matter how much) because it will force people to drive more responsible. With the race format (2 short races vs 1 longer race) I don't know, both formats have some valid points going for it. 6 races for the Championship sounds like a good timing. With the point system, choose what you think is the best. Personally, I'm not that competitive anymore and mostly just join for the fun ;). If the race goes well it's good, if it doesn't go well it's good too.
    With the cars, starting out with some of the "slower" cars would be the best. I remember back in my iRacing days, Skip Barber or the Mazda MX5 Cup was lots of fun with some good close racing. AMS2 has some nice open wheeler similar to Skip Barber or some tin roof cars like Sprintracer or Ginetta G55 or even some P3 or P4 class cars.
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  15. Jugulador

    Jugulador Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2020
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    I was just trying some car/track combinations.

    I'm very convinced that the P4 category is a very good beginner's choice, because it's not fast, but have a very tight response with some margin to errors. The issue is that the two cars fells balanced overall, but depending on track choice things can get unbalanced. Maybe choosing just one of them. But also did some test with the Sprintrace, Puma 052 and Ginetta G55. The P4 class fells better. The Sprintrace is a better car, but it's field of view don't help monitor players... the G55 is trick and the 052 even trickier. I recomend people do some testing by themselves and see what they find. I know that the 052 changed a lot (for the better) since the 1.0 version.. it's a very good car now (I hated it before), but it's not for beginners.

    Anyway, I will not vote any car for now (because I already made a list of recommendations), but soon will list some tracks. If you (and the others) could expanse your track lists, it could help us to decide what to use.
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  16. Micropitt

    Micropitt Mediocre driver doing mediocre laps AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 16, 2020
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    Sounds good and I agree with you on the cars. I just added 2 more tracks to my selection. :)
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  17. Jugulador

    Jugulador Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2020
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    I had some of that tracks ar my own list here.

    Bathurst is one of my favorites... but this track really don't work on online multiplayer. I used to race on a rFactor league. One day, folks decided to make a V8 race over the Mount Panorama. Almost 30 drivers started an, planed to be, hour of race there. After half of that time, only one car was still on track... lad won by "last man standing" lol. We tried with different cars, but aways the quitting rate was very high. Same happens with Nordschleife. I just run at those places for quick lapping or against the AI. Too much magic lol.
  18. deadly

    deadly Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2016
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    F3 is also a nice formula car for beginners. Easy to handle and not too fast. Already had some fun online races with these little buddies.
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  19. Jugulador

    Jugulador Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2020
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    What model of F3 do you prefer?
  20. deadly

    deadly Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2016
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    the one with 6 gears is my choice.
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