About slipping and rescuing the car inside the corner

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by kagurazakayukari, Oct 9, 2020.

  1. kagurazakayukari

    kagurazakayukari Member

    Dec 1, 2019
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    Thank you for coming in.

    I have had some discussion with some of the league (based in China) members, and I found something quite interesting. It is about the feeling of the cars in the game.

    Player A:

    Nearly all the cars are behaving like a switch – once the car start slipping, just a simple wheel turning can rescue the car back to a controllable state, very predictive. And watch the car driving as above with 3rd view camera, it suddenly stays calm without the body sway a little time. And some of the cars can even suddenly over throttle while in the corner, the car just slipping certain amount, then turning and the car back to normal state, too mechanic. AMS2 is good, but still feels too PC2 sometimes.

    Player B:

    It is feeling decently, have enough amount of weight transfer through FFB, so you can relatively easily rescue the car. The good thing is, it allows you to control the car at slip, so it usually can have good result. But the tires are inconsistent. I’ve always experiencing with the situation that, in the practice, qualify, and the first few laps, the car seems okay, then it start to loose backend, and very hard to keep the lap time even you got first few laps already much slower than in other sessions. Very hard to rescue back.

    Player C:

    I am not very get used to these cars. With turning just little faster than usual can cause the car slipping. I do know the basic rules of rescuing a car, I am not fully releasing the throttle either, but it just keeps slipping around. Maybe it is because I get used to fast turning the wheel. Sometimes it drives like PC3 (e.g. in Silverstone), just not as that understeering. AMS2 is fun, but I keep spinning.

    These are the typical point of view of AMS2 in my league. I am feeling AMS2 okay, just sometimes too tired to focus on keep the car remain control. It does have some flaws, like the net code issue (which directly preventing us from held PC2 races since mid-2018, when already held 25 races before that), controller recognizing issue, and other minors. But we like to see this title grow up, because Reiza have AMS1, very relaxing and exciting.

    So, I am a little confused with these players said about, because it looks like they are talking the same aspect. I just not sure which part of the game cause the issue, or it was already on the list, or even no such problem(which is good).

    And finally, we are willing to provide Chinese translation freely~
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  2. kagurazakayukari

    kagurazakayukari Member

    Dec 1, 2019
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    To further clear, let me simplifly it.

    A. It's too easy to recover from slipping.
    B. Is A. a FFB designated function or a physics bug?
    C. Sometimes it feels too easy to lost control
  3. steelreserv

    steelreserv Well-Known Member Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 25, 2020
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    From what I understand AMS2 was designed to give the players more control on the edge.

    Its not the physics. (IMO that term gets used too often interchangeably with FFB.) It would though definitely be related to the thresholds that the FFB and audio cues etc, are designed to inform the player about whats going on with the physics. In other words, how soon you start getting wheel slip information.

    The physics of the cars is pretty straightforward. Weights, biases, center of gravity etc. We can change the setups to help.

    What is a mystery are the tires. They are programmed too. Particularly when and how they slip. IMO they are generous and mysterious.
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  4. kagurazakayukari

    kagurazakayukari Member

    Dec 1, 2019
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    So it is either FFB or tires have some kind of difference compare to other titles.

    I'm personaly a fan of this game engine. However this do make me wondering where is the full potential. We've already seen the worst(PC3), and general level(PC2). I do believe AMS2 is promissing, but sometimes it showing something that make people confuse, even it already far better than V1.0 after 6 month. I don't know, maybe it is an ecosystem issue that make people have variety ideas, can finally be solved by time.
  5. steelreserv

    steelreserv Well-Known Member Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 25, 2020
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    Yes, its both. The FFB gives the information.so the player has plenty of time to interpret it and the tires probably have a large slip window before they give out.

    I should add that the tires are pressure and temperature sensitive and you can do setup work to try and tune the slippiness out of the car. But it depends on the car.
  6. Spitfire1

    Spitfire1 New Member

    Oct 16, 2020
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    In this game it's very hard because it feels unrealistic. Madness engine seems was a step backwards.
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  7. A.F.K DaN

    A.F.K DaN Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 16, 2020
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    I'm having some troubles getting used to this FFB aswell.
    Most of the time i can catch the car, but FFB just doesn't tell me where the limit is compared to rf2 and AC (Classic). I've fiddled and tested some custom FFB Files in hope to get some feel on the wheel when weight is on the front while breaking, but it just isn't there for me. Steady state in corner seems fine to me.

    It's really a pitty, i want to like this sim, had big hopes after AMS1. It looks great in VR, it sounds even better for me. I'm fine with the content, the AI seems to be good to race with (even if they park on some apexes sometimes) but I just can't get "the feel".
    Is there anything I can do to improve this situation? For every corner I drive, I always think i'm not at the limit. But trying to go faster usually results in spinning / crashing.
    Nearly the same issues I've got with iRacing, which also doesn't like to tell too much about weight transfer. I'm just not good in finding the limit with visuals and audios, there is a need for me to feel the car to get any good.

    Any Ideas?
  8. sgsfabiano

    sgsfabiano Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 28, 2019
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    I'm lost too.

    AMS2 gives me this "quantum" feeling: it reminices all the good of AMS1 but feels worse at the same time.

    Worst part is that I'm completely lost, so I can't point my finger to help the devs figure out what is going on.
  9. steelreserv

    steelreserv Well-Known Member Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 25, 2020
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    My first suggestion is put your comp/rig in your signature. 2nd, go to the FFB channel and scour it for info from players with your rig. If you cant find anything, ask a question. 3rd, realize that the default setups arent great. 4th, realize that the top TT setups are for drivers who are very very experienced with PC2 and AMS2 (as they both use the same tire model) for one lap pace but are highly unstable. 5th learn to identify car behavior in different circumstances and learn to adjust the setups to try and solve your issues. There are tons of “if this, then adjust that” references online.
  10. Simmo99x

    Simmo99x Active Member

    May 13, 2020
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    For me AMS2/RF2 are probably the best sim for driving the car at 10 tenths/over the limit, not to say it's perfect.
    Then AC/ACC to me is a 7 tenths game, when driven on the limit and beyond something just seems to fall apart IMO.
    The cars just seem to go into really bad slides/no mans land losing huge time in the process, not realistic at all, as if on marbles or ice.
    AMS2/RF2 you can push up to and beyond the limit, catching the car/sliding and minimal time is lost, if done correctly, pretty close to real life.
    Also FFB is pretty much the same in both for me, but AMS2/RF2 has a lot more feel mid corner/tyres loading up and losing grip, where AC is probably better on the brakes/turn in.
    Just a case of what you like but AMS/RF2 felt great out the box to me, and I spent hours trying to tweak AC/ACC, each to there own really.
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  11. BartZ

    BartZ Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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    If you manage to catch the slide early enough a bit of a brake will move the weight forward loading fronts and getting them to bite. This can help in spin recovery provided there's still good forward momentum.
  12. StevePMo

    StevePMo Member

    Apr 11, 2020
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    I ran a 10 lap race last night and noticed that the tires went bad very quickly. Any tips on help with that? After about 5 laps i was slipping and sliding all over the place. Could it be a camber adjustment? Caster? Pressure?
  13. azaris

    azaris Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    Which car was this? On some cars, the brakes overheat and cause the tyre pressures to increase until you start losing grip. Open the brake ducts more to prevent this.
  14. StevePMo

    StevePMo Member

    Apr 11, 2020
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    2020 Stock cars at Guapore'

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