FFB is weak/video configuration/ .mas files missing

Discussion in 'Automobilista - Help & Support' started by A Raser, Aug 23, 2016.

  1. A Raser

    A Raser New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 23, 2016
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    I'm really new to AMS and installing mods.

    So...I have a few questions.

    1) Force Feedback
    From what I remember GSCE and rF2 ffb felt pretty strong with my logitech wheel. I switched to a Thrustmaster wheel (T300RS) and the ffb feels pretty weak. My Thrustmaster control panel is set at 75% ffb. In-game ffb settings are at 100%. What do you guys recommend for stronger force feedback?

    Figured out the ffb issue. I had to turn it up in the Thrustmaster Control Panel.

    2) Display configuration
    I switch between 1920x1080 and 5760x1080. I found the display configuation tool in the steam folder and I guess I can make a desktop icon for that. Is there any way to get to the display configuration tool from within the game?

    I found that Steam gives you the option to select the Configuration Tool before you go into the game.

    3) .mas files missing now
    I installed several mods last night for AMS. CART Extreme, GT Masters, and alot of tracks. This morning, I tested CART extreme, V10 and Montana cars at the 2015 Interlagos track. I tried to test the GT Masters mod and couldn't get it to work. I re-installed the GT Masters mod (selected replace files). Now, my .mas files for CART Extreme are missing. So CARTe and GT Masters mods do not work. As I said, I am new to the whole mod scene. In one installation, early last night, instead of selecting "replace files", I selected "keep both files".... of course, I don't know which mod it was, I installed so many.
    In windows 7, I could select merge folders. In windows 10 - not sure how it works, since the "merge folders" option is no longer there. I'm new to windows 10 too.
    Re-installed AMS so it is mod free.

    4) GT Masters mod
    I am getting "no opponents selected" error when trying to test that mod.
    I see the eec GT3 folder and the pacecar folder.
    I don't understand what I downloaded. The readme file says something about an eec gt3 base mod. I thought that is what this was? I went to the website included in the readme file and I could only find eec gt3 base mod for "GTR2" and/or "GSCE".
    So, I am thoroughly confused as to what I should be installing to get this working.
    Please disregard.

    Since I didn't backup my original AMS files, should I uninstall everything and re-install AMS and the mods?
    Any help?
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2016
  2. roby13

    roby13 Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    yep, a reinstall would be better in this case. for mods u should better ask the mod creator, racedepartment or gtr2 endurance forum
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  3. A Raser

    A Raser New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 23, 2016
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    Thanks. These issues are solved. Just deleted AMS and fresh reinstall. No mods now.

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