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AMS2 Dedicated Server Tool / SteamCMD Support

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Dave Stephenson, May 29, 2020.

  1. Dann Murillo

    Dann Murillo tinyurl.com/osrdiscord AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    In your flags just add: "RaceMandatoryPitStops" : 1,

    Like this:

    "DamageType" : "VISUAL_ONLY",
    "TireWearType" : "STANDARD",
    "FuelUsageType" : "STANDARD",
    "PenaltiesType" : "NONE",
    "AllowedViews" : "Any",
    "PitWhiteLinePenalty" : 1,
    "DriveThroughPenalty" : 1,
    "RaceMandatoryPitStops" : 1,
    "ManualPitStops" : 1,
    "RaceRollingStart" : 0,
    "ManualRollingStarts" : 1,
    "RaceFormationLap" : 0,
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2020
    • Like Like x 2
  2. RWB FxUK

    RWB FxUK Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 31, 2019
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    You likely want to comment out sms_rotate and lib_rotate
    Line 199: //"sms_rotate",
    Line 211: //"lib_rotate"

    Since after the first session, this could be applying different flags, unless you have set them up in the rotation config. I haven't checked your flag setting, but make sure it has the value for "Wait_for_race_ready_input" included. But, the rotation script may be over-riding this too
    • Like Like x 2
  3. BrassYeti

    BrassYeti New Member

    Mar 26, 2020
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    Hello again - dedicated server is working well, however, i dont think the track penalties are working as expected. I cut the chicane on the downhill part of Bathurst and it didn't give me warning and i didn't have to give up the position.

    this was my sms_rotate_config.json....

    // Config version.
    version : 7
    // Default configuration.
    config : {
        // Is the current rotation index persistent? If true, the rotation will continue after server restart,
        // If false, the rotation will always start from the first setup.
        // You can always delete the sms_rotate_data.json file from lua_config to reset the persisted index.
        "persist_index" : false,
        // The default setup. This is a table with attributes and values. The following rules apply to the attributes:
        // - If TrackId is specified: The track to enforce. Automatically sets 1 to ServerControlsTrack
        // - If VehicleModelId is specified: The vehicle to enforce. Automatically sets 1 to ServerControlsVehicle, sets FORCE_IDENTICAL_VEHICLES to Flags
        // - If VehicleClassId is specified: The class to enforce. Automatically sets 1 to ServerControlsVehicleClass, sets FORCE_SAME_VEHICLE_CLASS to Flags
        // - Track, vehicle model, vehicle class and all enum/flags attributes can use values in string forms - so you can use either track id, or track name.
        // - Flags in string form can contain multiple flags separated by comma, so for example "ABS_ALLOWED,SC_ALLOWED,TCS_ALLOWED"
        // - The setup should never contain any of the "ServerControls" attributes, those are decided automatically.
        // - The setup should never contain both VehicleModelId and VehicleClassId at the same time. Restrict either the class or specific vehicle.
        // - The Flags attribute should never contain FORCE_IDENTICAL_VEHICLES or FORCE_SAME_VEHICLE_CLASS flags, those are decided automatically.
        "default" : {
            "DamageType" : "PERFORMANCEIMPACTING",
            "TireWearType" : "X7",
            "FuelUsageType" : "STANDARD",
            "PenaltiesType" : "FULL",
            "RaceMandatoryPitStops" : 0,
            "PitWhiteLinePenalty" : 1,
            "AllowedCutsBeforePenalty" : 4,
            "RaceDateHour" : 12,
            "RaceLength" : 32,
            "RaceDateProgression" : 5,
            "QualifyDateHour" : 10,
            "QualifyLength" : 0,
            "QualifyDateProgression" : 2,
            "PracticeDateHour" : 9,
            "PracticeLength" : 0,
            "RaceWeatherSlots" : 4,
            "RaceWeatherSlot1" : "HeavyCloud",
            "RaceWeatherSlot2" : "LightCloud",
            "RaceWeatherSlot3" : "MediumCloud",
            "RaceWeatherSlot4" : "Clear",
            //"QualifyWeatherSlots" : 4,
            //"QualifyWeatherSlots1" : "MediumCloud",
            //"QualifyWeatherSlots2" : "MediumCloud",
            //"QualifyWeatherSlots3" : "Clear",
            //"QualifyWeatherSlots4" : "Clear",
            //"PracticeWeatherSlots" : 4,
            //"PracticeWeatherSlots1" : "Clear",
            //"PracticeWeatherSlots2" : "MediumCloud",
            //"PracticeWeatherSlots3" : "Clear",
            //"PracticeWeatherSlots4" : "MediumCloud",
        // The rotation. Array of setups to rotate. If empty, just the default setup will be used with no actual rotation happening.
        // These setups are applied on top of the default setup, then applied to the game. Previous setup in the rotation is never used.
        // So for example if you wanted to repeat the same track in multiple consecutive setups, different from the default track,
        // each of those setups needs to explicitly include that track. Also remember that apart from the flags nothing can be "removed"
        // from the default setup, so if the default setup contains a track, some track will always be enforced (either the default one,
        // or the setup-specific one). And one last thing, these override setups can never include an attribute that's not specified in
        // the default setup - it can just override some of the default attributes, not add new ones. The only exception are the
        // track/vehicle/class attributes.
        // Attributes in these setups can have a special attribute RemoveFlags set, which will remove the specified flags from the default
        // setup instead of adding them to it (which is what the Flags attribute will do)
        //  Weather Clear LightCloud MediumCloud HeavyCloud Overcast LightRain Rain Storm ThunderStorm Foggy FogWithRain HeavyFog HeavyFogWithRain Hazy Random
        "rotation" : [
                //Race 1
                "VehicleClassId" : "SuperV8",
                "TrackId" : "Bathurst_2020",   
  4. Angel Cobas

    Angel Cobas New Member

    Nov 18, 2020
    Likes Received:
    where can i download
  5. ToMythTo

    ToMythTo The Hero We Need But Not Deserved

    Aug 31, 2020
    Likes Received:
    How can i prompt racers to "start" and let them adjust their setup? Now it directly launchs me into the start countdown after quali.
  6. ToMythTo

    ToMythTo The Hero We Need But Not Deserved

    Aug 31, 2020
    Likes Received:
    It was this flag named "WAIT_FOR_RACE_READY_INPUT" and value 16777216 to be added into "Flags" attribute within the SessionAttributes in the server.cfg.
    For anyone looking for it... :)
    • Informative Informative x 1
  7. Dann Murillo

    Dann Murillo tinyurl.com/osrdiscord AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    And I dont know what the difference is but I simply deleted the "Flags" section from my server.cfg file long ago. I just use the "Flags" in the sms_rotate_config.json. Is that wrong? IDK but it is easier for sure. :)
  8. DaWorstPlaya

    DaWorstPlaya Active Member

    Aug 5, 2020
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    Did that work for you? Did you only add that attribute or change other attributes as well?
    I've had no success with adding that value to "Flags" attribute in the server.cfg file. I also have the sms_rotate commented out so it doesn't pull values form that. :(
  9. ToMythTo

    ToMythTo The Hero We Need But Not Deserved

    Aug 31, 2020
    Likes Received:
    rotate config is also commented on my side. i removed unintended other flags so no problem for me at all, maybe some miscalculated value on your config.
  10. Wolfgang Herold

    Wolfgang Herold I Like Liveries :) AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    is your server.cfg set to fully controlled by the server or can you select cars and tracks by yourself.
    If its not fully controlled, then you have to set "wait for race ready..." in the host settings of your session
    • Informative Informative x 2
  11. DaWorstPlaya

    DaWorstPlaya Active Member

    Aug 5, 2020
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    It is NOT set to fully controlled. I changed it to server only and it still doesn't give me a ready for input option.
    Where is the option to change it in the host settings? Can you post a pic of it?
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2020
  12. DaWorstPlaya

    DaWorstPlaya Active Member

    Aug 5, 2020
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    Can you please share you server.cfg file with me? You can delete the admin username and password. I've wasted too much time on trying to setup a DS that doesn't seem to want to work no matter what I do. Thanks in advance.
  13. ToMythTo

    ToMythTo The Hero We Need But Not Deserved

    Aug 31, 2020
    Likes Received:

    luaApiAddons : [
    // Core server bootup scripts and helper functions. This will be always loaded first even if not specified here because it's an implicit dependency of all addons.
    // Automatic race setup rotation.
    // "sms_rotate",
    // Sends greetings messages to joining members, optionally with race setup info, optionally also whenever returning back to lobby post-race.
    // Tracks various stats on the server - server, session and player stats.
    // Names of all lua libraries that are allowed to be used by any addons.
    luaAllowedLibraries : [
    // Game setup control options //
    // Set to true to make this server show up in the browser even if it's empty.
    allowEmptyJoin : true
    // Set to true to enable API that allows the server to control the game's setup. The host will not be able to control the setup if this is set.
    // Set to true to enable API that allows the server to control the game's setup. The host will not be able to control the setup if this is set.
    // This must be set to "true" for the following attributes to work: ServerControlsTrack, ServerControlsVehicleClass, ServerControlsVehicle
    controlGameSetup : true
    // Initial attribute values, see /api/list/attributes/session for the full list.
    // These attributes will be used when joining an empty server via the borwser (if allowEmptyJoin is true) and as the intial attributes for the set_attributes and set_next_attributes APIs (if controlGameSetup is true)
    // The defaults set these values:
    sessionAttributes : {
    // The host player can control track selection if set to 0. Set to 1 to disable track selection in the game.
    "ServerControlsTrack" : 1,
    // The host player can change the vehicle class by going through the garage if set to 0. Set to 1 to disallow players changing the class.
    // Flag FORCE_SAME_VEHICLE_CLASS (1024) should be also set for this to make sense, otherwise players are able to choose cars from any class.
    "ServerControlsVehicleClass" : 1,
    // Players can change their vehicle if set to 0. Set to 1 to disallow players changing the vehicle.
    // Flag FORCE_IDENTICAL_VEHICLES (2) should be also set for this to make sense.
    "ServerControlsVehicle" : 1,
    // Grid size up to 32, all reserved to players, so no AI.
    // Note that 32-bit clients will not be able to join the game if this is larger than 16.
    "GridSize" : 22,
    "MaxPlayers" : 22,
    // 10m/10m/10l.
    "PracticeLength" : 0,
    "QualifyLength" : 5,
    "RaceLength" : 5,
    // Race flags - bitfield consisting of many flags, the default is set like this:
    // FORCE_SAME_VEHICLE_CLASS (512) + FILL_SESSION_WITH_AI (131072) + AUTO_START_ENGINE (524288) = 656106"
    // See /api/list/flags/session in HTTP API, or globals "lists.flags.session" or "SessionFlags" in Lua API for the full list.
    "Flags" : 17433322,
    // AI opponent difficulty, from 0 to 100. Applies only on loading if GridSize is larger than MaxPlayers, and the FILL_SESSION_WITH_AI flag is enabled.
    "OpponentDifficulty" : 50,
    "DamageType" : 1,
    // No tire wear. OFF/SLOW/STANDARD/2X/3X.. - 8/7/6/5/4/..
    "TireWearType" : 6,
    // Fuel usage STANDART/SLOW/OFF - 0/1/2.
    "FuelUsageType" : 0,
    // Penalties off.
    "PenaltiesType" : 0,
    // Auto/Manual - 0/1
    "ManualPitStops" : 1,
    // Any camera view allowed.
    "AllowedViews" : 0,
    // See /api/list/tracks/ in HTTP API or globals "lists.tracks", "id_to_track" or "name_to_track" in Lua API.
    "TrackId" : -1239363445,
    // See /api/list/vehicle_classes/ in HTTP API or globals "lists.vehicle_classes", "id_to_vehicle_class" or "name_to_vehicle_class" in Lua API.
    "VehicleClassId" : -4032086,
    // See /api/list/vehicles/ in HTTP API or globals "lists.vehicles", "id_to_vehicle" or "name_to_vehicle" in Lua API.
    "VehicleModelId" : 1948072701,
    // Starting date and time.
    "RaceDateHour" : 14,
    // Single weather slot set to "Weather_Clear1". See /api/list/enums/weather in HTTP API or globals "lists.enums.weather" or "Weather" in Lua API.
    "RaceWeatherSlots" : 1,
    "RaceWeatherSlot1" : -934211870,
    "RaceWeatherSlot2" : -934211870,
    "RaceWeatherSlot3" : -934211870,
    "RaceWeatherSlot4" : -934211870,
  14. DaWorstPlaya

    DaWorstPlaya Active Member

    Aug 5, 2020
    Likes Received:
    Thank you so much! I'm going to try out your settings and report back.
  15. DaWorstPlaya

    DaWorstPlaya Active Member

    Aug 5, 2020
    Likes Received:
    I would like to make a request to the Devs, can you please have "Wait for ready input" as an option to toggle on the DS Admin web browser. This is clearly a setting that is causing so much confusion and frustration, it would REALLY help if this were just a setting we could control using the DS admin web browser.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. davidantx

    davidantx Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 18, 2016
    Likes Received:
    +1 this would be good.
  17. Wolfgang Herold

    Wolfgang Herold I Like Liveries :) AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    This .... raceReady.PNG
    • Like Like x 1
  18. RWB FxUK

    RWB FxUK Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 31, 2019
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    Due to it not being present, it causes an issue when the server is controlled by the webui, as per my prior post's in this thread,although I have a workaround now, the actual option, would be good ;)

    This and a few above it:
    AMS2 Dedicated Server Tool / SteamCMD
  19. davidantx

    davidantx Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 18, 2016
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    Is it possible to turn off penalties such as speeding on the formation lap, without turning off penalties for track cuts, etc. when the green flag starts?

    also one more question, if you delete the output file for sms_stats will it automatically get recreated? Considering deleting it after each league race so I dont have a long history of results for simresults upload.
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2020
  20. ToMythTo

    ToMythTo The Hero We Need But Not Deserved

    Aug 31, 2020
    Likes Received:
    Where to open this menu? I saw this before but couldn’t see any related menu item.

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