The urgent area where AMS2 stands out.

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by BrunoB, Dec 11, 2020.

  1. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    I just want to say that beside all the (still) remaining bugs and both missing and completely bad working "features" (like setup managesment and replay and and) then there is one really urgent area where the AMS2 sim is better than all other racing games(IMO).
    And for me personally this is about the most urgent area if a racing game has to feel (somewhat) realistic.;)

    Its the way the cars (I have tried) gradually looses grip in mid and high speed corners - and what is most urgent how the cars is able to regain grip again.:cool:
    Most other games loose grip rather unreasonable - maybe except rF2 beside AMS2.
    Some loose it too gradually because they are constantly drifting while others loose it as a flip of a switch.
    Hehe dont get me started how bad iRacing is in this area.:rolleyes:

    In slow speed corners AMS2 is just as bad as most other racing games.
    Because all commercial racing games is able to loose grip even if the car is just cruising at 70-90km/H.:confused:
    Haha even when they use slicks :p

    But as said above AMS2 stand out in the (rather fantastic) reasonable way the cars are able to regain grip after the driver shortly have crossed the line where the tire looses grip and begins to slide(too much).:D

    ByTheWay: I just love how you in AMS2 can play with the throttle and steering and (often) keep full(or 99% :whistle:) control of the car - even driving completely on the edge of tire/tarmac adhesion.
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  2. Lucas Vieira

    Lucas Vieira Member

    Feb 24, 2017
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    So glad someone speak exactly what i think of the game. There are a lot of good points, the game its leading to be a great sim. But right now, it does bore me a lot this behavior.

    And i always afraid to start a conversation like this at forum because a lot of people throw a lot of rocks in a comment like this.

    Also i'm not spending time trying to fix this behavior with setups, because every update the physics are changing, so there is really no point try this right now.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  3. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    Im not 100% sure I understand this part of your post.
    Because precisely this way of gradually loosing grip and (repeating myself) the way AMS2 does regain grip if you react reasonable clever - is something that I absolutely NOT want to use my setups to "fix".
    Actually all my setups are trying to support this special AMS2 "feature" - not "fix" it.
    And this special AMS2 behaviour advantage against the other racing sims has been integrated from day one. And has survived all the TM and physics updates in AMS2.

    ByTheWay: The only thing Im afraid of conserning this "loosing and regaining grip" is that Reiza by accidence does spoil it when they (hopefully) does try to minimize the goofy car wobble/bouncing.:whistle:
  4. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    I will just use this thread I have started to express how extremely satisfying it is when you really after some time feels you have nailed a track with your favorite car.
    Im mostly a hotlap guy nerding with a few subtle setup params to se if Im able to climb a few positions up on AMS2 Leaderboards.:p
    Yesterday I started down on about position #15 on Silverstone 1991 in the F-V10-G1.
    2-3 secs slower than the top guys.:eek:
    But since then I have slowly position by position crawled up on the LB list.:)
    Hehe no Im not on top - but Im close :D

    But what I want to say is that I have NEVER in any other racing game had so extremely intense joy trying to nail my personal "optimal" lap.
    A lot of years I have enjoyed as example the GTP mod for NR2003, NetKar Pro, GTR2, rF2, Raceroom, ACC and iRacing.
    But I have never felt so intense that this is close to the real thing - as when I in this AMS2s Formula car come drifting out of Chapel corner to Hangar Straight while the back of the car does make some disagreeing lateral stepping out - and I slightly hectic tries to correct the beginning over-slide.
    Oh man.
    This is (virtual) life.:D:D

    ByTheWay: Dont ever destroy this exciting part of AMS2s tire model Raiza. Please.:p
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  5. ControlLogix

    ControlLogix Active Member

    Nov 22, 2020
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    I agree completely. I did the same thing with time trails for Formula Ultimate on Hockenheim. Lap after lap, trying to get every last .001s. You can really feel the car when it's on the limit of grip. The game does a great job of simulating this condition.
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  6. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    Hehe I would have a problem if iRacing licenced AMS2s tire model from Reiza.:D
    Because after ending my membership some years ago all my iRented cars and tracks does still wait for me there :rolleyes:
    I aborted my membership specifically because of iRacings lousy TM.
    And after installing both rF2, ACC, pCars2 and Raceroom I ended up concluding that eventhough these 4 was (much) better than iRacing - they couldnt compare to how cars actually did behave in RL racing.:(

    Remark: When I was young (lots of years ago :eek:) I tried to start a career in FF1600 - so I know something about a (tiny) formula car should behave in RL.

    ByTheWay: The reason Im so positively "infected" of how at least my favorite cars are behaving in AMS2 is that for the first time after my ancient shortlived tête-à-tête with RL racing Im able to find some of the same excitement (and car behaviour). Hehe this time behind my plastic wheel bolted to my home office desk.:p
  7. Wilfred de Ruijter

    Wilfred de Ruijter Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 10, 2020
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    That's one reason why I stopped iRacing. I couldn't catch the slides. That says something about me and something about AMS2. Because with AMS2 I can. :)
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  8. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    Beside the mandatory economical criticism of iRacings price level (that I done take part in) this tire model issue is more or less the only urgent problem I have with iRacing.
    I mean if a lot of other things in the complete iRacing 24/7 service was goofy then this TM issue would not be a problem.
    At least not worth wasting time on.
    But because iRacing does all the other things in the complete 24/7 service so good (almost perfect IMO) then its an enormous bummer that they cant create a useable (or rather believeable) tire physics.

    ByTheWay: Repeating my praise for AMS2 in exactly the TM area then I consider AMS2 lightyears ahead of iRacing TM wise. Hehe at least on the 2 formula cars I use in AMS2 :p

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