How are RealFeelPlugin.ini entries generated and named?

Discussion in 'Automobilista - General Discussion' started by kondor999, Feb 12, 2017.

  1. kondor999

    kondor999 New Member

    May 1, 2016
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    I am trying to understand what happens when a new car is loaded which doesn't have a specific entry in RealFeelPlugin.ini and, by extension, how the game parses the entries in RealFeelPlugin.ini.

    I'll try to keep it simple:

    1) How are the car names in RealFeelPlugin.ini parsed/chosen?

    Take for instance the new 1974 Porsche 911 RSR mod. It comes with custom realfeel settings that you put into RealFeelPlugin.ini. But how does the game know that [911T] refers to that particular mod? I went through every file in the mod, and nowhere could I find that text string ("[911T]").

    So, I'm mystified as to how the game knows to apply those RealFeel settings to the mod, based on the [911T] entry in RealFeelPlugin.ini. Where is "911T" coming from?

    The same thing applies to the vanilla content:
    I can't figure out how the game matches up the correct RealFeelPlugin.ini settings to a particular car. Is it buried inside some config file somewhere?

    2) Is it correct that, if a car doesn't have its own RealFeel settings, a new section is added to RealFeelPlugin.ini that contains the default RealFeel values?

    Thanks - I looked everywhere and couldn't find an answer to this.
  2. kondor999

    kondor999 New Member

    May 1, 2016
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    Jesus Christ. I am not joking here. Literally right after I posted this, I noticed that someone had quoted me in another thread and actually answered this exact question.

    So, here's the answer if anyone else needs it. Thanks to Schlitty for the explanation!

    "In Automobilista the RealFeelPlugin.ini uses the first 5 letters/numbers/characters of the "Description" line in the .veh file of a car to determine what entry it uses in RealFeelPlugin.ini, then if there isn't an entry matching the Description in a .veh it creates one using those first 5 characters and assigns generic default RealFeel settings. So basically its just default RealFeel. But you can adjust it to your feel.

    So say you drove the Aston Martin, the description line is; Description="Aston Martin DBRS9" ... After driving it, it would show up at the bottom in your RealFeel as [Aston] with the generic default RealFeel settings.

    The EEC mod doesn't feature any special prefix in the .veh files since its a bunch of different cars. So each car you drive will be a new default entry. Then you can adjust each one as you see fit. Though, all the cars of the same manufacturer will be the same entry because of the way they're named."
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  3. Schlitty

    Schlitty Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 28, 2016
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    To add a note to that since you mentioned the Porsche. The URD mod of the C7R, and Patrick's two mods (CART and 911) have a little help from Reiza with their custom entries being added to the default RealFeelPlugin already. Then something like the Historic X mod that has recommended custom RealFeel settings in it from the modder, you have to copy and paste them in yourself.

    But yeah, first five characters in the Description line of the .veh are how it all matches up. :)
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2017
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  4. krusti

    krusti RaceSimulatorItaly Founder AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    So, no way to generate a non-default RealFeel setting for a mod?

    (Without Reiza help of course :D)
  5. USCTrojan4JC

    USCTrojan4JC New Member

    Aug 31, 2020
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    Just found this thread. It took me such a long time to find this information through many Google searches. I was wondering if I needed to add the settings from the original rFactor CART Factor mod readme to the realfeelplugin.ini in AMS so that they would be correct in CART Extreme.

    .read me | cart factor | racing line developments

    Based on the information in this thread, I found the entry for [CART:] and saw that it has MaxForceAtSteeringRack set to -2800. I changed it to -1000 thinking this is more accurate as was intended for the original mod. Is my logic correct? If it matters, I am using a Logitech G27 steering wheel.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2021
  6. polo199

    polo199 Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    I'm no specialist but CART Extreme for AMS has several physics updates which have an impact on the FFB. I would also said that Reiza had somewhat of "an eye" on what was done. The fact that there is an official, by-design, FFB entry in the RealFeel.ini file makes me think that this default value is the one intended for this mod (taking into account that Renato was one of the original modders of CART factor if I'm not mistaken).

    What you changed normally increases the force on your wheel. As you have a G27, you might get some unintended clipping. Based on a comment by Niels in RD forums:
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2021
  7. USCTrojan4JC

    USCTrojan4JC New Member

    Aug 31, 2020
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    Thank you for your thoughtful reply, polo199.

    I don't know if the default RealFeelPlugin.ini had an entry for CART Extreme or if it was automatically created the first time I played AMS with the mod.

    I'm not hugely concerned with clipping as the limit before it occurs is so low with the Logitech steering wheels anyway.

    The new MaxForceAtSteeringRack setting of -1000 feels like more effort is needed to steer the car and a lot more shaking and vibrations are occurring. In my mind, I like that more effort is now required to wrestle these champ car beasts (of course a Logitech wheel pales in comparison to a direct drive wheel). I did a qualifying session and a 10-lap race at Road America last night and it was a lot of fun.
  8. USCTrojan4JC

    USCTrojan4JC New Member

    Aug 31, 2020
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    Update: While I liked the stronger FFB on my Logitech G27, the amount of shaking and noise on bumpier tracks was too much for me (my G27 is mounted to a heavy steel desk). I changed the MaxForceAtSteeringRack value from -1000 back to -2800. Things seem much more manageable now.

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