Question regarding difficulty, they have WR pace.

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by I Drive Demons, Mar 2, 2021.

  1. I Drive Demons

    I Drive Demons Member

    Mar 2, 2021
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    So, I recently got the game and LOVE IT. But I was only hotlapping until now and tried to do some racing events and noticed something.

    So I like running on harder difficulties and don't really consider myself too incompetent not the fastest but not the slowest. I tried to do a GT3 race at Cascavala (I don't know if I spelt that right) at 100% difficulty. I figured I ran AC at 95% before so this couldn't be so bad. Additionally, this track was pretty easy consisting mostly of left-handers with a few chicanes and elevation change.

    The GT3 World Record for Cascavla is a McLaren with a 57 seconds. The car I was running the Porche 911 GT3, it's vehicle record is a 59.6. The AI at practice and race day was AVERAGING a 59.3. They are 2 seconds slower than number 1 and on pace with the 911 WR. It's like they were running 10 or so MPH faster than my car. For note, I pushed my car as hard as possible and only managed a 1:01 (or :02 can't remember exactly) in Time Attack and a 1:02 at practice. This put me overall number 36 fastest Porche at the track and 110th overall for GT3 at this track.

    Is this intentional? I mean I tried everything even copying a setup from Time Attack to try and keep some pace. I can't even keep the pace of these cars. I am not sure if this is an issue of "git gud" the difficulty is just too high?

    What do you guys use for difficulty? Do I just suck (more than likely)? Like I don't want to smoke the AI but I also don't want to get blown away. I would at least like to work for my victories and get better, but this is woof.
  2. 2ndLastJedi

    2ndLastJedi Free speech matters AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 7, 2016
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    Ai is all over the place ATM, really dependent on what car/track you choose.
    I generally run about 102-107 but have found recently I've needed to go as low as 97 and as high as 115.
    I just made a post where the Ai at my usual 102 where about 4-5 seconds slower than me, I upt them to 115 and I was still faster.
    I'd say, ATM don't be afraid to move that Ai slider around. Do a qualifying session, find your pace and let the Ai do some laps and find the setting for that car/track combo.
    Also, there are some crazy fast guys in the leaderboards, some even on default (we all know who I'm talking about) and also some setups just won't work for your style of driving. Try another setup or make one yourself to suit your own style.
    Renato (if you read the patch notes) is always making adjustments to the Ai, he had something not so great as a base (again we all know why) so it looks like it's a massive undertaking to get the Ai where he is happy but it has improved massively in a very short period really. Give it time and just enjoy what you can of it for now knowing it's only getting better each update.
  3. I Drive Demons

    I Drive Demons Member

    Mar 2, 2021
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    Oh yeah these leaderboard guys are CRAZY. Actually brians Porche setup is actually pretty good for my style and I can get a groove in. Right now I am running an 85 in Skippy's or well, the Skippy equivlent. That pace seems to work for the time being. But the GT3 AI at 100% is literally wild with them breaking leaderboard records. I'll be real though it's "those" people that put interest in the game for me. I will say a certain American Youtuber piqued my interest when looking for something a bit more serious than Gran Turismo or Forza 7 and I was struggle bussing with AC, though I am still working with that because the Touring cars and well, the mods.

    Yeah, I am taking my time with this game as it does seem a bit more driable than AC and the learning curve isn't as steep. The cars feel planted rather than slidy. I like Go-Kart tight steering over arm workout simulator.

    I also tried classic V10's and anything open-wheeled seems to be my jam right now.

    Thanks for the advice, I guess as a whole, you can't treat this like the mainstream simcades and crank the difficulty up.

    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 4, 2021
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  4. 2ndLastJedi

    2ndLastJedi Free speech matters AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 7, 2016
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    Had to get my glasses out, your choice of font :confused:
    Play AMS2 exclusively for a week and then go back to AC, lol it will feel dull and boring :whistle:
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Fernando

    Fernando Active Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    As @2ndLastJedi said, AI strenght is all over the place, dependant not only on car/track combo, but on the same class too.

    Regarding GT3 class, I'm on the last championship race, so I raced a lot of different tracks with the same car (BMW M6) against the same bunch of AI drivers.

    My baseline difficulty is 100%, but I had to tune it on every track to have a good race against the AI. My range was from 95 to 105 to stay consistently on the top ten at each race event. As this championship evolved, It went across two or three game updates, so the class order was changed too. At first the Porsches were the fastest, now they are behind the McLarens and BMWs.

    There are tracks which need some AI fine tuning passes regarding AI racing lines and speed (Kyalami is the worst imho), so you will find that even matching your lap times with the best AI lap time, there are sectors where the AI is incredible fast, and sectors where they are incredible slow. That adds another new level of inconsistency racing the AI because if you tune their level to slow down on the sectors where they are unrealistically fast, they become much slower where they are naturally slow, so resulting lap times go up for them and you end up being a lot faster, ruining the race experience in the end.

    AI development is very active on each game update and/or patch tough, so expect a lot of AI tuning in the future. It's miles better now than launch day.
  6. Sunscreen

    Sunscreen Active Member

    Dec 24, 2020
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    I do hope that the ai pace variance is sorted somehow. Constantly having to find the ai pace, then tweak and tweak to find that difficulty sweet spot, for every single race in potentially different conditions depending if you have to exit and restart for any reason... thats going to get old.
  7. I Drive Demons

    I Drive Demons Member

    Mar 2, 2021
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    Fernando Exactly what I was running 100% at Cascaval, I guess with all the straights and high-speed corners the AI just had the best line and grip. I did find that at Spielberg with 85% on the Group C's felt amazing. Nice close racing ending a spin-out then running out of fuel on the last lap. It's that sort of experience that I am after, I only lost to myself.

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