Custom Championship - How to set custom tracks

Discussion in 'Automobilista - General Discussion' started by Alexandre Sene, Sep 12, 2016.

  1. Alexandre Sene

    Alexandre Sene Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    Hi guys,

    As the user interface not permit me select my own tracks for a championship. So, wich files should I edit to set my circuits desired?

  2. gongo

    gongo Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 21, 2016
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    Last edited: Jan 16, 2021
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  3. Alexandre Sene

    Alexandre Sene Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    Thanks @gongo !!
    Now we are talking.
  4. TheBobbyTee

    TheBobbyTee New Member

    May 18, 2016
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  5. SaxOhare

    SaxOhare Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    @Alexandre Sene Did this actual work for you?
    When i add a srs-file with another name, other then the existing ones it doesn't show in game, so i have to edit an existing srs-file and leave the name as it is.
  6. Alexandre Sene

    Alexandre Sene Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    I tried with GTM12 original (EEC GTMaster 2012) files but it didnt work. So I will try again editing an Reiza original file. like Mr18 SRS.
    I just need time for it ;) :oops:

    I give you a feedback ;)
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  7. Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    This is not working for me but I haven't given up yet. I tried changing the first track of an existing file after backing it up, re-ordering tracks, etc. and I still get the same track to start every time. The tracks are run in the order listed in the file, correct? If so, I am definitely missing something. FWIW - I am trying to modify the Vintage championship and no matter what I do the championship always starts with Historic Interlagos o_O
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  8. Alexandre Sene

    Alexandre Sene Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    Ok, Now it works properly. I created a season of ADAC GT Master 2012 using a mix of original tracks and Patrick ones.
    @SaxOhare and Guys, here is what I did, nothing special.
    I would love to selected the properly tracks from 2012 season ... but I use some tracks I liked with all AMS features.

    You must have the Nurburgring, Spa, Silverstone and Monza adapted by Patrick..

    Feel free to suggest optimization on the content bellow.

    Here is the content that you can replaced GTM12.SRS file at E:\...\steamapps\common\Automobilista\Series
    // Game/Season Info:
    Mod Name = ADAC GT Masters 2012
    Track Filter = *
    Vehicle Filter = OR: GTM12
    SafetyCar = GTM_SC.veh
    Matchmaker =
    Matchmaker TCP Port = 40001
    Matchmaker UDP Port = 40002
    Loading Bar Color = 13244190

    Max Opponents = 44 // maximum opponents in practice/quick race/grand prix/championship
    Min Championship Opponents = 5 // minimum opponents in championship only



    // Seasons:

    Season = ADAC GT Masters 2012
    FullSeasonName = ADAC GT Masters 2012
    BaseCreditMult = 0.0
    MinExperience = 0
    EntryFee = 0
    Vehicle Filter = |GTM12

    Spa Francorchamps Fall
    Spa Francorchamps Fall



    FirstPlace = 25
    SecondPlace = 22
    ThirdPlace = 20
    FourthPlace = 18
    FifthPlace = 16
    SixthPlace = 14
    SeventhPlace = 12
    EighthPlace = 10
    NinthPlace = 8
    Place10 = 6


    FormationSpeedKPH = 100
    NumberOfFormationLaps = 1
    HeadlightsRequired = false
    TestDayDay = Thursday
    TestDayStart = 8:30
    Practice1Day = Friday
    Practice1Start = 10:00
    Practice1Duration = 90
    Practice2Day = Friday
    Practice2Start = 14:00
    Practice2Duration = 90
    Practice3Day = Saturday
    Practice3Start = 11:00
    Practice3Duration = 60
    QualifyRules = 0 // 0 default, 1 Stock V8, 2 Formula 1 >= 2006
    QualifyDay = Saturday
    QualifyStart = 08:00
    QualifyDuration = 16
    QualifyLaps = 10
    Qualify2Start = 10:00
    Qualify2Duration = 15
    Qualify2Laps = 10
    Qualify2DriversStart = 1
    Qualify2DriversEnd = 15
    Qualify3Start = 14:43
    Qualify3Duration = 12
    Qualify3Laps = 10
    Qualify3DriversStart = 1 // allowed starting position
    Qualify3DriversEnd = 10 // allowed ending position
    WarmupDay = Sunday
    WarmupStart = 9:00
    WarmupDuration = 30
    RaceDay = Sunday
    RaceStart = 12:30
    RaceLaps = 70
    RaceTime = 60
    DRS-MaximumTime = 1.0 // the maximum time between your car and the one in front (in seconds)
    DRS-MinimumCrossings = 2 // the minimum number of times the cars have passed the detection point before it becomes active
    DRS-TestDayRules = -1 // for all rules settings:
    DRS-Practice1Rules = -1 // -1 means disable DRS
    DRS-Practice2Rules = -1 // 0 means DRS is active everywhere on the track
    DRS-Practice3Rules = -1 // Positive values should be interpreted as a bitfield with the following bit values:
    DRS-Practice4Rules = -1 // 1 = DRS is active only in detection zones
    DRS-Qualify1Rules = -1 // 2 = DRS is active only after the minimum set number of crossings (in DRS-MinimumCrossings)
    DRS-Qualify2Rules = -1 // 4 = DRS is active only if within DRS-MaximumTime of the car in front
    DRS-Qualify3Rules = -1 // so for the full DRS rules you use the value 7 (1+2+3)
    DRS-Qualify4Rules = -1
    DRS-WarmupRules = -1
    DRS-Race1Rules = -1
    DRS-Race2Rules = -1
    DRS-Race3Rules = -1
    DRS-Race4Rules = -1

    // RULES
    PitSpeedingAllowance = 4.0
    LuckyDog = 0
    MinimumYellowLaps = 2
    RandomYellowLaps = 1
    ClosePits = 1
    PitsClosedLaps = 1
    LeadYellowLaps = 0
    ClosedPitPenalty = 0
    LocalYellowsRoad = 1
    LocalYellowsOval = 0
    PrivateQualifying = 0
    AdditivePenalties = 1
    LapsToServePenalty = 3
    FreezeOrder = 1
    FinishUnderCaution = 0
    CountCautionLaps = 1
    ParcFerme = 1
    ParcFermeFuel = 0.0
    ParcFermeTires = 0
    ParcFermeSetup = 1
    FreeSettings = 255
    BlueFlags = 1
    TimedRaceNonLeaderLaps = 1

    DriveAnyUnlocked = 2 // 0 = must own to drive, 1 = must be unlocked to drive, 2 = drive anything
    BaseCreditMult = 0.0 // base which is multiplied by all the other multipliers
    LapMoneyMult = 0.0 // laps completed (based roughly on expected lap times)
    LapExpMult = 0.0
    FineMoneyMult = 1.0 // fines
    FineExpMult = 0.0
    PoleSingleMoneyMult = 1.0 // pole positions in single player
    PoleSingleExpMult = 1.0
    PoleCareerMoneyMult = 1.0 // pole positions in career mode
    PoleCareerExpMult = 1.0
    PoleMultiMoneyMult = 1.0 // pole positions in multiplayer
    PoleMultiExpMult = 1.0
    WinSingleMoneyMult = 1.0 // wins in single player
    WinSingleExpMult = 1.0
    WinCareerMoneyMult = 1.0 // wins in career mode
    WinCareerExpMult = 1.0
    WinMultiMoneyMult = 1.0 // wins in multiplayer
    WinMultiExpMult = 1.0
    PointsSingleMoneyMult = 1.0 // points in single player
    PointsSingleExpMult = 1.0
    PointsCareerMoneyMult = 1.0 // points in career mode
    PointsCareerExpMult = 1.0
    PointsMultiMoneyMult = 1.0 // points in multiplayer
    PointsMultiExpMult = 1.0

    // Pitstop locations in order from front to back, with the number
    // of vehicles sharing each pit ... if the order needs to be
    // reversed on an individual track, set "ReversePitOrder=1" in
    // the track-specific GDB file.
    // These are now "pit group" names, not necessarily team names.
    // In the VEH file, the pit group defaults to the team name but
    // can be overridden by defining "PitGroup=<name>".
    PitOrderByQualifying = false // whether to set the pit order in the race by qualifying results
    // format is: PitGroup = <# of vehicles sharing pit>, <groupname>
    PitGroup = 2, Group1
    PitGroup = 2, Group2
    PitGroup = 2, Group3
    PitGroup = 2, Group4
    PitGroup = 2, Group5
    PitGroup = 2, Group6
    PitGroup = 2, Group7
    PitGroup = 2, Group8
    PitGroup = 2, Group9
    PitGroup = 2, Group10
    PitGroup = 2, Group11
    PitGroup = 2, Group12
    PitGroup = 2, Group13
    PitGroup = 2, Group14
    PitGroup = 2, Group15
    PitGroup = 2, Group16
    PitGroup = 2, Group17
  9. SaxOhare

    SaxOhare Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    @Alexandre Sene
    So basicly you let the original filename GTM12.SRS exist and replaced the content?
    That is how i do it also.
    I wish we could add a custom .RSR file so it can be added as an extra championship of choice in game, like gongo mentioned
    Does someone have a solution for the fact my edited srs-file makes the Time Trial for that series unavailable?
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2016
  10. DaVeX

    DaVeX AMSUnofficial Staff AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    As far as I know time trial works only with original content
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. SaxOhare

    SaxOhare Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    I only use original content, but probably the games also checks for edited files, and disables the Time Trial as soon as it finds a edited srs-file ,it's not original anymore after editing, so you are right.
  12. ECAR_Tracks

    ECAR_Tracks Member

    Sep 18, 2016
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    +1 Up

    Is there any way to have a custom championship or create a multi-class racing avoiding to change original AMS files?
  13. alexSchmurtz

    alexSchmurtz Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    A tool for creating custom championship is planned by Reiza. They just need time: the goal is to work on the game first and get the best out of it. Then extras like this tool will come.
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  14. alexSchmurtz

    alexSchmurtz Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Double post, sorry.
  15. ECAR_Tracks

    ECAR_Tracks Member

    Sep 18, 2016
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    Thanks Alex, this championship tool would be very welcome.
  16. Alexandre Sene

    Alexandre Sene Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    Yep, Reiza will create it.

    I did that just because I can't wait :oops:
    GT Master 2012 is pretty nice stuff to make a season.
  17. Alexandre Sene

    Alexandre Sene Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    @SaxOhare , No, original GTM12.SRS dosent work for me, so I use the Montana.SRS and change the infos for GTM12. So I guess you should delete the GTM12 and create a new one using the text I post above.
  18. Paul_73

    Paul_73 Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 19, 2016
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    I used to do this with Stock Car Extreme before I discovered the rFactor Championship creator. That tool was great for SCE, but it doesn't work with Automobilsta's .SRS files.

    Before editing an SRS, you should know that it will affect your ability to participate in multiplayer or Time Trial, so it's a good idea to copy the entire Series folder and call the unedited copy "Series M" or something. Then if you want to do multiplayer or Time Trial, rename your edited folder to "Series S" or something and make "Series M" just "Series". Then the game will be happy with the unedited SRS files. If you've already edited files without backing up, you can get the originals back by having Steam verify the integrity of your local files.

    I have picked apart the official Reiza track files and series files to make a Google Sheets document that compiles all of the relevant track aliases and series identifiers. You can download the zip file attached at the bottom of this post and open the .xlsx within Google Sheets or Excel.

    There are tabs for the types of tracks and one for the cars found in each SRS file. (The Add-on Tracks tab is only Patrick's tracks.) If you want to sort by length, you have to have your own copy. Then in Google Drive, you select all (important!) and then go to Data>Sort Range, and sort by Column A for Name or Column C for Length (in miles).

    Of course, if you already know what tracks you want, you're ready to start editing the SRS.
    One thing I sometimes do to mix things up, though, is to let a randomizer pick tracks for me. There's a pretty good tool here.
    Just paste in (some or all of) the track names from Columns A & B (after sorting by length if you want [maybe run Mini Challenge only on shorter tracks, for example]) and then click "Pick a Random Item" a few times.
    The alias in Column B is the name that AMS uses to recognize the track in-game, so that's the part you'll copy and paste into the SRS.

    You can make as many new seasons as you want and still keep the Reiza seasons intact. Your new seasons will appear right alongside the Reiza seasons in-game. Here's what you do:

    Just after //Seasons: there's a long section in that starts at Season = and ends with two brackets just before DefaultScoring.
    Select and copy everything in that section and paste it after the double brackets. That duplicates the Season. Now change its Season Name, delete the existing tracks, and paste in whatever track aliases you found earlier. Here's an example for a V10 (REIZA10.srs) championship:

    Copy just this part:
    Season = Formula V10
      FullSeasonName = Formula V10
      BaseCreditMult = 0.0
      MinExperience = 0
      EntryFee = 0
      Vehicle Filter = |F-V10
        FirstPlace = 10
        SecondPlace = 8
        ThirdPlace = 6
        FourthPlace = 5
        FifthPlace = 4
        SixthPlace = 3
        SeventhPlace = 2
        EighthPlace = 1

    Then paste it here after those last two brackets and then change the season name and entries in the SceneOrder so it looks like this:
    Season = Formula V10 Sprint Cup
      FullSeasonName = Formula V10 Sprint Cup
      BaseCreditMult = 0.0
      MinExperience = 0
      EntryFee = 0
      Vehicle Filter = |F-V10
        FirstPlace = 10
        SecondPlace = 8
        ThirdPlace = 6
        FourthPlace = 5
        FifthPlace = 4
        SixthPlace = 3
        SeventhPlace = 2
        EighthPlace = 1

    Save the file, and now in the game, you'll see Reiza's old season and your new one. You can repeat this and have as many different V10 Championships, for example, as you want.

    Don't forget to rename your "Series" folder back to the appropriate names for unedited Multiplayer/Time Trial or edited Singleplayer games.

    Of course, none of this will be necessary once Reiza gives us the Championship Creator that they have in the works. Until then, though, have fun!


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    Last edited: Oct 29, 2016
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  19. Paul_73

    Paul_73 Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 19, 2016
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    But wait—there's more!
    Instead of just seeing only your points total rise between races, wouldn't it be cool to see a lot more detail of the event like how well you did in qualifying, what were your lap times, who pitted when and how much fuel did they take, or what overtakes took place on what laps over the course of the race, and more?

    There isn't a tool for AMS that does that, but there is one for rFactor 2. It will display all kinds of secret info found in the .xml files that are found in the
    C:\Users\<yourName>\Documents\Automobilista\userdata\LOG\Results folder in a nice, clean format.

    Now you only need to trick the tool into thinking that AMS is rFactor 2 and you're all set. Here's what you do:

    Setting it Up
    Download "rF2 Log Analyzer ver. 2.038" from here. The source for that link and more info about the analyzer can be found here. Unzip that to your C:\Users\<yourName>\Documents\Automobilista folder and you'll have a folder there called "rF2 Log Analyzer ver. 2.038".

    There in the C:\Users\<yourName>\Documents\Automobilista folder, create a blank text document called rf2.exe. (You need to have the file name extensions visible.) It isn't a real .exe, it just looks like one to the analyzer.

    Open the C:\Users\<yourName>\Documents\Automobilista\userdata folder and create a folder called "player" (no quotes). Now open your new C:\Users\<yourName>\Documents\Automobilista\userdata\player folder and insert a player.JSON file.

    If you have rfactor 2, you can copy over your player.JSON. If you don't have rFactor 2, you can use the one in the attached zip file at the bottom of this post. Change the "Player Name" in lines 34 & 35 to your AMS name.

    **Quick note: All of these things we just did will be ignored by AMS, so there's no need rename these things for Multiplayer/Singleplayer like in the previous post or worry about it interfering with your AMS game at all.**

    How to Use It
    Now open the new C:\Users\<yourName>\Documents\Automobilista\rF2 Log Analyzer ver. 2.038 folder and double-click r2la.bat (you can create a shortcut to that for convenience.) This will open a command window. You don't have to actually do anything with it, so just minimize it to the taskbar of you want to.

    Open your web browser. I use Chrome, but it should work with others. In the address bar, enter . Now the command window thing is allowing the analyzer to display info on your browser. I recommend bookmarking for convenience.

    Now the analyzer will ask you where rfactor 2 is. Enter C:\Users\<yourName>\Documents\Automobilista (where the fake rF2.exe is and click Submit. Now you'll see the main Results Viewer page and the top part of the window is a scrolling box with all of your Practice, Qualify, Race results ever since you first made your AMS profile!

    In the lower part of the window, you'll see a chart showing you lots of info about the race. There are tabs there that can show you various things: "Race Results", "Race Sectors/Laps", "Graphs", etc. (If your browser window is too narrow, it stacks these tabs under "Race Results".)

    Along the top you'll see other tabs: "Results Viewer", "Records", etc. You can just look through the files as you like, but you can also have it isolate just your custom championship to keep things clear and record points totals.

    Custom Championships
    Click "Championship mgr", then click "Create Championship". Give your Championship a name—probably the same one you created in the SRS in the previous post ("Formula V10 Sprint Cup", in my case above.) Fill in the points boxes according to the "SeasonScoringInfo" in the SRS. You can change other settings there if you like, and then click "Create".

    It will then take you to your new, empty championship. Click the plus sign and enter the "real" name of the first track of your custom championship and click "OK". Keep clicking the plus sign and adding your tracks until you have the whole championship listed there left-to-right.

    When your race weekend is finished, click the race name and then click "Assign race result". You'll be shown a list of your Results files and you'll choose the pertinent "Race" file (it will know which practice and qualify files go with it.) Click "Confirm selection". Now you'll be looking at lots info about the race that you just can't see any other way.

    Browse through the tabs and see what info is available. The Positions Graph is cool, for example—it shows how much overtaking action happened during each lap.

    If you want to get fancy, you can make custom backgrounds and headers for your championships. Here's a screen of my V10 championship (clearly I need to adjust the AI difficulty):


    This works for Multiplayer Results files, too. You could manage an Online Championship with this or just check out things afterward and see various things like sector times, aids used, etc.

    I hope someone finds all this stuff useful and experiences an enriched Championship mode. Have fun!


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    Last edited: Oct 29, 2016
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  20. Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    Problem is that LA can't read AMS XML reliably due to nonstandard tags used by AMS whereby AMS XML tags have spaces in the tags.

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