Vr and ams

Discussion in 'Automobilista - General Discussion' started by museumsteve, Mar 8, 2016.

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  1. Renato Simioni

    Renato Simioni Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    Make no mistake I have a DK2 and need no convicing regarding the merits of VR. It´s just not there yet from a development POV for us.
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  2. Rendel

    Rendel New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    Thank you very much for being so clear in last posts. Probably the error of contributors like me was to believe that "support for dk2" will be done right now and not understand that support will be implementing, including dk2, but in near future (not before release of cv1 in March)

    So lets wait for final sdk release and proper analysis to get a date, I hope, as soon as possible
  3. Khiput

    Khiput New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    Of course i did, lvl 5, the other way, i will be quiet.
    Nothing to say anymore.
    Raise the point here or in the specific forum won't change anything about your answer i guess.
    We will have to wait again.
    VR is coming really at the end of the month, we wait on you to have more details.
  4. rafffel

    rafffel New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 14, 2016
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    I have bumped the thread about VR multiple time without any answer.

    I have also make a tutorial for use GSC with vorpx way so since ams is on steam we couldn't have 3D

    I have backed only for this point VR one and waiting for any timewarp.
    DK2 is mainly her for help developper to integrate before the CV1 release ( 1st unit of CV1 will be delivered in some week not month)
    And if you didn't buy in first hour the cv1 we have to wait another 8 month probably.

    it can be a bit rude and sorry to be but it's look like kunos terrible communication like it will be done in few month 2 years later the support of DK2 is less functional than before .

    Thanks for answer it's a bit painfull to read we have to wait
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  5. osyres

    osyres New Member

    Mar 13, 2016
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    But u are a dev. wouldn t u get a oculus and vive pre as a developer ? And with it the new sdk 1 from oculus and steamvr is allready out as i know. Because even live for speed with there 3 man team has a vive pre or are the other problems ? because u can t get a oculus or vive as a customer in brazil there not even in there country.
  6. Renato Simioni

    Renato Simioni Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    There is a long line for devs too, and these units are crazy expensive when factored with Brazil´s absurd importing taxes.

    It boils down to priorities. We are a small team working on a tight budget. It´s just not viable for us to try to push and be ahead of the curve supporting new (and currently very restricted market-wise) technology, and then keep supporting it while the goalposts inevitably move as they always do in the early days of new tech. They have already moved from the time we first proposed supporting VR.

    I hope the (vociferous ;) ) VR supporters can understand this logic, the dust has to settle a bit more before we can tackle this front. Other small developers are taking a similar approach, with the exception of LFS where there´s a very clear difference in the fact that VR support is pretty much what they seem to have decided to focus on for their product.
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  7. osyres

    osyres New Member

    Mar 13, 2016
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    To be honest i don t know if i can understand this logic but i try ofc^^ i thought that every dev get a free access to vive or oculus if they made a dev application. Because i see none devs like games magazine jumping around with vive pre just to make reviews about it... I know nothing about Brazil taxes or any financial problems but if a vr crowdfunding or community support can help why not ? U know i don t think that LFS has more financial resource than a reiza or other studios there much smaller. But the reason why they support it that they know they get something in return. There dk 2 support showed them that ppl buy the game because they need vr games.
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  8. ravendagrey

    ravendagrey New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    I dont see why anyone would want to strap a device to their head so they cant see the "real" world around them, good luck hitting the pit limiter or adjusting your pit menu... It just doesn't seem practical. Don't get me wrong either I'm excited to try it myself but I can see issues that a lot of people won't like about it as well.

    It is a smart business move by reiza to focus on perfecting what they have going for them right now and to wait and see the consumer units arrive first. As we all should know that things change over the coarse of development as unexpected complacations always arise. It happens with everything, just like how Oculus "Officially dropped DX9 Support" for which AMS's engine is built on. Granted there are work arounds but until you have the final product you're not sure exactly how its going to hold up. You can already tell they are working on getting VR support (hint: driver animations was just announced) and if you go looking in their model's you'll see other hints of them working on the immersion that VR would require.

    I personally would rather see Reiza spending time with perfecting AMS first and slowly work towards VR as the tech matures. Those of you lucky enough to get it on day 1, that's awesome! There's plenty of launch titles to keep you busy with it and AMS will still be here for you getting closer over time to having VR support as well.
  9. osyres

    osyres New Member

    Mar 13, 2016
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    man if u don t like vr why u post than in this thread ? This is really useless. If i don t like features from devs i don t post negativ about them because there allways been things u don t like but others. But to say its goood move to not support vr is just unfair and really getting anoying because i can t remeber that if someone complain about tripple screen or other features that i post something like " good that u don t support this or this sucks etc. " that is really lame and i have no idea what the problem from the " vr haters " is. But to ur statement i have pit limiter and pit menu buttons on my wheel and i drive with dk 2 now since 1 year and i never missed a button. If u play counter strike did u look at ur keyboard for buttons ? By the way the !HTC VIVE! have a front camara so u can see everything around u if u want so for this guys with button boxes they still have the !HTC VIVE! as option. But if we talk about one negativ for oculus it is not to see buttonboxes etc. but u just talk about 1 negativ what is about the other positivs from vr ? Like immersion to sit in a real car in full 3d , have real sized objects and world scale, perfect natrual head tracking, looking to the apex for better driving skills, feeling wheight balance more on slides , better feel of speed and bumbs...
    I mean what is the sense of simracing ? I guess to simulate the real world of racing as close as possible. So vr is a top feature to do it to improve a sim more than just better graphics or other small correction.
  10. ravendagrey

    ravendagrey New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    Wow you didn't read my post at all!!! Basically I said stop complaining it's coming, and the 2nd line was DONT GET ME WRONG IM EXCITED TO TRY IT AS WELL!!!
  11. Renato Simioni

    Renato Simioni Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    Enough with the bickering please.
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  12. jkn87

    jkn87 BANNED BANNED AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    I also backed because of VR promise
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  13. carloscasas

    carloscasas New Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    Yes, i backed because of the same priority, VR support.

    I hope you put this priority for this year, is very very important for simracing. I will never use again screens to play, is a step back.
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  14. Khiput

    Khiput New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    Think about the oculus store ;)
    Look at the line up, and the price of those games, it s crazy!!! nothing for expensive price.

    We could, but look like some of us backed BECAUSE the VR support, 8 months ago ... so what about this logic? You should say that you wait to see what happen with VR, it's more realistic about the situation right now.
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  15. rafffel

    rafffel New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 14, 2016
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    Ow sorry sim-racing wasn't closed market maybe ?
    A lot of sim-racer wait for VR

    some numbers : Dk2 sales : 175,000 Units for a developpement kit.
    CV1 more higher price but certainly a lot of buyer.

    so imagine 5% is sim-racers: 8750 potential sales for AMS
    take 50% of cv1 going to buy AMS because this title have oculus support :
    4375*31.99€ = 139 956€
    More than the indiegogo campain but it's probably a bit optimistic.

    1% of buyer is sim-racers: 1750
    50% buy AMS : 27 991 €
    Does this is enought for 1 month dev on it ? (and 1 month seem to be a lot for integrate the device )
    2 week can be sufficient regards to LFS.

    Pretty sure VR is a good boost sales for a game.

    I have backed project cars campaign and now earn money for sales so when oculus will be in hand and because pcars was already oculus ready (and works really well) i know i will ern a bit more than usual in next month.

    So it's you're choice but saying it's closed marked was a bit hilarious in sim-racing market ;)
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  16. rafffel

    rafffel New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 14, 2016
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  17. Smiggie

    Smiggie Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    As a backer I hope Renato and the other guys will focus on more important things than the support of 900€ gadgets.

    Also there is no point developing for dx9 and then redo all the work when the guys will start to work on a new dx11 graphic engine for Reiza 2017.
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  18. osyres

    osyres New Member

    Mar 13, 2016
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    because u don t have this gadgets ? :D This is exactly what i told on my last post. U can only shake ur head for this ppl.
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