Integration with existing rating systems (SRS, etc)

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by sunnysunday, Apr 23, 2021.

  1. sunnysunday

    sunnysunday Member

    Dec 4, 2017
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    Instead of developing your own rating system and scheduled races an so on, would it not be easier to work on an user friendly way to download and integrate existing platforms for this purpose. For example the srs app in assetto corsa works really well and completely changes the multiplayer experience for the game. I would love to see a similar but even better integration within ams2 to help populate and promote clean online racing. Also it would alleviate some of the developing time to make such a system for the game. Any thoughts on this?
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  2. azaris

    azaris Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    Are there any news about AMS2 support coming for It seems like an attractive option, given that SRS has known problems with clunky integration and an intrusive registration procedure. I certainly wouldn't mind joining some AMS2 community on when that's available (zero interest in doing any AC/ACC).

    The new SRS series are starting this weekend, btw:


    Sadly, the last series struggled to attract more than 5-7 people per race so at least I didn't find much good racing to be had. Maybe the aliens in front had a better time. The lack of multiplayer engagement is really killing the sim in some respects.
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2021
  3. sunnysunday

    sunnysunday Member

    Dec 4, 2017
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    Yes unfortunately I think the integration is too cumbersome. Once you have everything set up it's fine I guess but if integrated into the game UI it would have much more people aware and interested in it i'm sure.
  4. Shriukan

    Shriukan Touristenfahrten Community AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 23, 2019
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    I would rather not have to rely on third party platforms to do my online racing. Communities, discords & website are fine to organise things, but I want to just enter the game, search for lobbies or setup my session, either via P2P or the dedicated server and go. Not have to open a program that might be buggy and/or crash and launch a game.

    If the game has an internal rating system the devs can manage the way they want to, great. If a third party can do the same, great, but I will not use it, independently of the game having a system or not. I understand it might be filling some kind of gap, but it will never really be popular (for the majority or players, not just us fanatics) unless implementation exists one way or another (like AC which is very mod friendly).
  5. azaris

    azaris Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    I think the point was that the system should be integrated within AMS2 rather than necessitate the use of third party apps. I agree it should be seamless and not require jumping through hoops such as sending your private information to some guy in Portugal.

    What I am afraid of is that if all we get is a multiplayer ranking/safety rating (like in PC2), but no official ranked servers, then the situation will not improve at all from the current one. All that will happen is that the few empty MP servers that currently exist will add some arbitrary gatekeeping minimal rating requirement, which will serve to keep out the current zero prospective players and nothing will change. Until Reiza are in the position where they can set up a schedule of ranked races on official servers (something that costs both money and effort), services such as might be able to pick up the slack and help lift the MP scene up from the rock bottom where it currently resides.

    I agree that good integration with the client is key.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  6. 2ndLastJedi

    2ndLastJedi Free speech matters AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 7, 2016
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  7. DaVeX

    DaVeX AMSUnofficial Staff AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Oh thanks to @2ndLastJedi for the tag, you are going to be our best supporter :p

    Just my 2 cents on the topic.

    Reiza will be able to implement a safety/ranking by its own for sure and this one will be a better version of PC2 one for sure so I wouldn't be worried about that.
    On the other hand...when you develop a sim you can't take in account of the others sims out there (you aren't going to promote competitors products anyway) or external services because those are going to change over time and you can't please everyone.

    This is one of the main reasons you need to rely on external services and see a lot of new/old portals lately offering a similar service covering all the titles, you register and race on their servers so they can collect data and give you back these numbers as safety/ranking/etc.

    As some of you know, me and a couple of very talented coders are working on something quite different but let me say equally engaging from a users' point of view.
    One of the biggest concerns about those existing services is that you are forced to race their events (or special guests ones like YTbers ones and so on) and be tied to their schedule and use some external we worked on something different, a "communities driven portal".

    Basically we know there are tons of leagues out there racing different sims at different timezones, some are focuses on GTs others on historic content and so don't give the power to them?

    This is how the JUSTRACE portal idea is born...

    A platform bringing communities together for great racing without need to be tied to others schedule/servers/whatever!
    We provide all the tools a community needs to run fun and competitive events, just install them on YOUR server and YOU have full control over then...
    - you wanna run an AMS1 race with your 5 friends with your preferred combo? Few clicks and done!
    - you want to run a big endurance event on rF2?Create it and share the package throught JR portal and manage signups from there.
    With support for a variety of Sims (AMS, R3E, rF2, AC, ACC and AMS2 coming very very soon!) and our built in ranking and safety systems (same across alle the titles eh!) your drivers are sure to have good clean racing since you can filter races based on safety/ranking and so on...

    Community administrators after installing the server tool can easily:

    - Schedule events and have access to the driver registration systems along with stats and safety ratings to encourage good clean racing.
    - Manage servers from anywhere in the world using the JustRace portal;
    - Schedule events with a few clicks of the mouse;
    - Automatic practice servers starting when you want ahead of the main event;
    - Rolling race servers repeating the selected car and track as often a you want;
    - Simplified sign-ups for events no need to share password;
    - Safety Ratings and Rankings giving you fine control over sign-ups
    - Spawn multiple servers preventing wreckers by rank/safety
    - discord bot announcing races, etc etc

    Racers joining events can have access to statistics, leader boards, and graphs showing your progression over time or compared to the others.
    Every racer gets a per sim rank and safety score to encourage clean racing, browse through stats and find out how he is improving!.
    Every race is automatically recorded and evaluated, the only data shared with us is Steam ID (of public access already) and results log form main servers, that's it!

    We don't host the events so we don't ask for money, you don't need to pay a penny (but you can still donate if you wanna help us) so if you already have a server (and you pay 5EUR month or 150EUR for it isn't our business) you just need to install the tool yeah, basically we offer a tool, for free, nothing less and a lot more than the others lol

    Now after 5 years of works and passion we are looking for communities interested on joining us (did I say it is all free?) so if we reach big numbers we can develop some other interesting tools like built-in portal telemetry/dashboard tools and so on...

    BTW, after this shameless plug you can see why Reiza cant't integrate such services in-game, because everyone is different from the others in a way or in-game ranking is needed instead but for other reasons already discussed on other threads :D
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2021
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  8. Marius H

    Marius H Forum moderator Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    For free? So you sell our data? :p
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. DaVeX

    DaVeX AMSUnofficial Staff AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    lol never ever, even for the small data needed we ask your permission and you need to fill it we don't collect anything automatically.
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