Troubleshooting - Automobilista 2

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - Help & Support' started by Heitor Facuri Cicoti, Apr 4, 2020.

  1. ger_motorsportfreak

    ger_motorsportfreak New Member

    Jun 30, 2020
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    There are several things I would to show you:

    1) The scroll thing for the Championship is not working (Calendar works fine!)
    2) Are these races in min ? Laps ? meters ? I cant tell from all these numbers.
    3) You cant scroll thrugh the car's section properly
  2. Shriukan

    Shriukan Touristenfahrten Community AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 23, 2019
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    l - laps
    m - minutes
  3. Jérémy GTI

    Jérémy GTI New Member

    Jan 17, 2021
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    I have a problem with AMS 2 and my Pimax. Since I reinstalled windows the game no longer starts in vr. When i run it in vr mode, the game launches well on my screen ( avx mode at the bottom right ) but the game does not launch steam vr and therefore nothing is displayed in the headset. I have already checked the game and steam vr files. I have already re-installed steam vr, reinstalled pitool and reinstalled the game. Always the same, when I first launch steam vr then the game, I have the logo of the game with the following tab in the vr headset but nothing is happening past. However the game continues to function normally on my screen. It's the only game i have problem with.

    Someone can help me ? Thank you.
  4. Jérémy GTI

    Jérémy GTI New Member

    Jan 17, 2021
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    Joined a steam vr debug file, if it can help

    Attached Files:

  5. Tomáš Beran

    Tomáš Beran New Member

    Jan 30, 2021
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    Hi, I did not find any search thread button. I have an issue that I need to remap my steering settings every time I start the game (or maybe after reconnecting my wheel and shifter or restarting a computer??). Settings is already saved, but it is not connected to steering wheel neither to shifter. I use Logitech G29 witch Thrustmaster H-shifter. I am so annoyed that I stopped playing this game that I bought. Running windows 10 x64.
  6. dihedral3

    dihedral3 New Member

    May 7, 2020
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    122 hours played and I'm considering uninstalling and walking away. I've been playing since early access days and have ALWAYS had trouble assigning functions to my Logitech DFGT wheel. And now, I am having great difficulty even assigning my pedals (Fanatec CSP v2). The game seems to register any movement of any controller just AFTER assigning something which then moves the game to another setup screen. For example - If I was lucky enough to actually set something like shift up or down, it was because I didn't move the wheel 1 millimeter from its position while setting the button, which is very hard to do. Worse yet, I can only assign (1) function at a time - I have to exit the game and try to assign the next one. This has been the case since day 1 but now it's worse.

    Now, I can't assign anything really.

    Here's what I've tried: Deleting the AMS2 folder from my docs (multiple times). Plugging in the wheel and pedals to different USP ports and even a hub. Setting up a AMS2 profile in logitech profiler with allow game to make changed ticked. My devices are all working normally in windows devices properties. All axes and buttons are recognized correctly.

    Any help here would be really, really appreciated. I really like this sim and would like to continue to use it.

  7. Aetheon

    Aetheon New Member

    Feb 16, 2021
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    So I have a couple issues. First and foremost, one that has been plaguing me since the previous two updates and has rendered the game literally unplayable for me.

    As you can see in the video above, this happens through regular gameplay after a few restarts in time trial – the more your restart, the worse it gets. To clarify, it is with every car and every track, but is obviously more noticeable and more pronounced in faster cars, which is why I chose what I did in order to showcase it. In conjunction with this issue occuring, I have noticed my GPU utilisation slowly drop over time as the issue begins to rear its ugly head, as seen in the attached screenshot. No other abnormalities were noticed. No, I am not running any unnecessary background processes and no, it is not a system bottleneck. Nothing has changed in between the time before and after this issue started happening.

    Secondly, I am completely unable to input text in the game irrespective of display mode. In the same manner, launching the Steam overlay in both fullscreen modes don't work and doing so in windowed mode has a 50% chance of rendering the UI unresponsive, ie I am not able to close the overlay after inviting friends to a lobby. This is by no means gamebreaking but it is quite annoying as I bought this specifically to race with friends on a full grid and has been plaguing me since day one.

    Thirdly, I am running a CSL Elite with an SHH Newt shifter but no matter what I try, the paddle shifters always take priority over the sequential mode, despite registering as expected in the keybinds. Therefore I am forced to drive the V8s and GT1s with paddles... A relatively minor issue in comparison but an issue nonetheless.

    None of the "delete documents folder" or "verify steam files" or "reinstall the game" canned solutions have helped and from what I've seen, this appears to be a rather isolated issue. The only thing I can think of that I haven't tried is a GPU driver clean installation or rollback, but that's a last resort I am trying to avoid, as it is annoying and I have zero problems in other titles. Thanks for your time.

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  8. Tambe

    Tambe Member

    Jun 9, 2017
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    Hello, so far the game was fine, but with this latest update the game does not recognize my steering wheel, (T.300) neither the g25 pedals, has it happened to someone, or does anyone know what it could be?
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2021
  9. Obbzy_XR_

    Obbzy_XR_ Member

    Apr 12, 2020
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    Trying to set up a MP dedi server.
    Not joinable, apparently?
    Any assistance helpful. I'm a AMS 2 Dedi server noob...
  10. DaReaLDeviL


    Feb 1, 2021
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    Can sombody confirm that ffb with super v8 and simucube 2 give a crazy feeling from the wheelbase? Like no other car it feels broken, with a drag feeling.
  11. Tambe

    Tambe Member

    Jun 9, 2017
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    Hello, since the last update of the day 2-4-2021 I cannot use several cars, the front wheels stay braked and there is no way to move the cars, has it happened to someone else?
    I have tried deleting the affected cars and re-downloading by checking files but it doesn't work.
  12. sevenbelow7

    sevenbelow7 New Member

    Mar 31, 2020
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    I feel the same buddy! I just wish they fixed what’s out there already and stopped thinking we want more content over a game that actually works !
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. oidafux

    oidafux New Member

    Apr 8, 2021
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    I got myself a USB numpad as a poor man's button box next to my wheel. But there is a problem:
    when I press for example 4 (in my case assigned with increase brake bias) it also does look left. And it's the same with all arrow keys on the numpad (and also on the other keybords I have connected). So it seems that the game recognises also the other function of the numpad. It doesn't matter if numlock is on or off. Look Left-Right is not assigned in game. I also tried it in a different game where the numlock worked (numlock off = no number input).
  14. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    But couldnt that be the reason for the double mapping?
    I mean if you just mapped the Look L/R to other buttons then maybe(!) AMS2 didnt fall back to these socalled default mappings.
    Just an idea ;)
  15. oidafux

    oidafux New Member

    Apr 8, 2021
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    Thanks for your reply, but unfortunately it didn't help. I guess I'm just not gonna use those buttons.
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  16. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    Sorry - I just thought that I had a bright moment with that idea:rolleyes:
  17. FishMonkeh

    FishMonkeh New Member

    Jun 5, 2021
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    On trying to exit the game, it immediately hangs and will not respond. Also all of the Rev lights on my G293 come on. The only way to recover is either to do a full resent or to sign out of windows and back in. If I sign out the G293 then will not provide FFB in any other game.
    The g293 is working with no problem in any other game, Raceroom, AC, ACC, F1 2020, Dirt Rally 2.0. Only AMS2 seems to be causing this problem.
    On initial load the wheel works fine, it only occurs when trying to quit back to windows.
  18. Rocco Thamm

    Rocco Thamm Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 26, 2020
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    Edit: It got fixed, THANKS for the hotpatches.
    Ver. 1.2 - Ingame photo mode:

    New location for ingame shot photos?
    Before they appeared in "Documents\Automobilista 2\screenshots" - not anymore.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2021
  19. tusloth

    tusloth New Member

    Apr 6, 2021
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    Reporting an issue with VR using an Oculus Rift S. I was able to launch outside of VR mode but any attempt to launch in VR ended in a crash at the Reiza Studios initial loading screen. I took a look at the minidump file and I saw an issue with accessing memory outside of the allowed range. Any advice/help is appreciated!
  20. FearFactor

    FearFactor New Member

    Jun 5, 2021
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    I had this problem today after ive started a singlaplayer championship.
    Checking files didnt solved that.
    Everytime after Reiza logo game crashed and bug report window appeared.

    My solution was like that:
    delete the singlechamps folder under documents:
    C:\Users\blablal\Documents\Automobilista 2\savegame\NUMBER\automobilista 2\singlechamps

    After that i was able to play again.
    • Agree Agree x 1

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