What are the new physics ?

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Neil D Corfield, Jun 4, 2021.

  1. Neil D Corfield

    Neil D Corfield R3D M15T

    Jan 31, 2021
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    Today is a great day with some more fantastic content landing for AMS2 and for one I cannot wait.
    According to steam approximately 6 hours to wait .

    However I see mention in the notes that some new physics are coming and here lies a concern, for me. I love the way the cars handle and drive with features that make me smile. Having played many great sims, I hope that these new physics, what ever they are stay true to AMS2 and not end up becoming an ACC which is great to race but soulless to drive.

    Is it a complete overhaul or some serious tweaks, if you have any ideas ?
    As the hours of lapping and creating setups are now thrown to the sand traps.

    I sit hear gripping my Club sport wheel and praying that this is a step forward....
  2. Jascha

    Jascha New Member

    May 17, 2021
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    Lets see, I expect nothing besides a revolution!
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  3. RJVan

    RJVan New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 4, 2020
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    Why are most of the cars like drift cars out of the corners? Tried the new BMW GT4 and it's like it has 1000hp. Is this just a set up thing or are there still issues? Or maybe I'm just not getting it. I've never driven a GT4 car, so I have no idea, but that car is in several other sims and is quite controllable on power out of the corners. I really want to love this sim, Some of the cars are really fun to drive, and I'll keep supporting Reiza, but I just think something is broken here still.
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  4. Jascha

    Jascha New Member

    May 17, 2021
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    Yeah I noticed this too. It could be that the devs just didn´t had the time to set up the cars properly. You can adjust the gear ratios, that helps.

    On the other hand in cars with TC it should not go crazy like it does
  5. F1Aussie

    F1Aussie Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 21, 2016
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    GT4 doesn't allow you to change ratios.
  6. SuperMonaco_GP

    SuperMonaco_GP Active Member

    Mar 8, 2020
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    funny how a quite tame car as a gt4 with tc feels like an uncontrollable torque monster out of the corner, and a mid-90s f1 with no tc and 3x times the bhp - or a group c car with 100% boost pressure - are on rails when smashing the throttle, without breaking a drop of sweat.
    this is so messed up.
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  7. sampopel

    sampopel Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 31, 2020
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    I take it you're talking about that sort of lunging torque oversteer when you hit the gas coming out of corners? Quite a few of the cars had this but I noticed that, since the latest update, the Brazilian stock cars, which were quite frustrating to drive because of that issue, barely have it at all now, so are far better to drive as a result.

    I think some other cars still seem have it, such as the ARC Camaros and V8 Supercars but hopefully it's fixable for any cars that aren't supposed to be so sensitive to it.

    It doesn't help that the AI doesn't suffer from the problem, so in those corners where they're able to get the power down faster than you, after a few laps of frustration, you eventually overdo it trying to keep with them and end up with a lunging oversteer.
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  8. Dean Ogurek

    Dean Ogurek "Love the Simulation You're Dreaming In." AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    Perhaps recent physics related advancements have not been applied to all cars yet?

    I think it's a mistake to assume that such underlying progression applies to all cars automatically. I'm quite sure sure there are some parameters in need of adjustment or fine tuning on a per-car basis.

    As a wise man once said: "Patience Grasshopper.";)
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  9. SlowPoke80

    SlowPoke80 Active Member

    Jun 8, 2017
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    The modern F1 cars feel 100% arcade. I don't think SETA can really represent anything other than bias plies (and maybe dirt tires) very realistically. The old, wingless F1 car handles very similarly to the Lotus 49 in AC. The biggest difference being that the one in AC has more overall grip, and its cold tires actually act like cold tires. But the one in AMS2 is still pretty good.

    The rest of the cars in AMS2 either seem arcade-y, or like they're bias plies—when they actually aren't.
    • Disagree Disagree x 2
  10. Glyn Goold

    Glyn Goold Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    I tried the F3 at Curitiba and I'm literally drifting the back end out in 3rd gear like the back wheels are on ice. Never used to be this bad. Very frustrating, I want to love this game but I always end up switching off before the race ends.

    UPDATE: I just deleted My Docs/AMS2 folder and did a fresh install and the horrible understeer/snap oversteer has gone! I can power out of the corners now without the back end coming around. Maybe some files got screwed up when I did the update on Saturday? Anyway all seems good so far, so it might be worth doing a fresh install to see if it fixes your problems.
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2021
  11. Glyn Goold

    Glyn Goold Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    Just a thought, have you tried turning Vsync off ingame? Could be controller lag.
  12. RJVan

    RJVan New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 4, 2020
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    Thanks for the reply, but I don't run VSync. I'm in VR most of the time with AMS2, but even on a regular screen I don't run VSync.

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  13. F1 Hero

    F1 Hero Active Member

    Jun 14, 2020
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    Yes, I agree. I don't know what happened to the F3. It was fun in the past, but after the latest update it is almost undriveable.
  14. Renato Simioni

    Renato Simioni Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    A mid 90s F1 car has 650-750hp, not 3x450hp (average output of a GT4 car)=1350hp. Maybe you’re thinking of mid 80’s F1 as the F-Classic Gen1 Model2 (1200hp), but you can’t be driving that if you think it produces less wheelspin than a GT4. At speed the GT4 cars may move around more because they weight more than twice more, have half the amount of tire contact patch on fairly hard compounds, with a fraction of the downforce.

    Moreover, both the 80s F-Classic and Group C engines are indeed quite tame until the turbo kicks in above a certain RPM threshold and they deliver a torque surge, which the whole car is set up to try balance it out - longer low gears, aero distribution heavily rearwards so that when that surge does arrive, the rear tires (which are already quite a bit larger than the fronts and loading up with the weight transfer from acceleration) are gaining more and more downforce vs the front end - again by design, as you want all that power to be actually useful.

    Now is it possible that even given all that, the GT4 tires are a bit low grip, or that a couple of the others should produce a bit more longitudinal slip? Sure, and I tend to agree with those takes to an extent. But tires are sensitive things, and physics overall are developed to work on many levels beyond how much wheelspin the car produces when you stomp on the throttle needlessly, so it’s a process to iron out such potential rough edges without breaking anything else.

    Ultimately tho one may also be reaching bad conclusions from assuming things that aren’t so - physics will never compensate for that ;) if you don’t take the time to understand the cars beyond their basic specs, don’t experiment with the setup and adopt simplistic ways to gauge realism, you’re setting yourself up to be confused.

    Both F3s have been 2 of the cars with least modifications in the latest update, as they were indeed in pretty good shape already. I can only recommend you try creating a new profile from scratch - in theory it shouldnt be necessary to do more than reset setups, but many users report to solving handling woes after doing that, so there may be something at play there we aren’t aware of.
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2021
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  15. stlutz

    stlutz Active Member

    Feb 10, 2021
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    I did an F3 race at Hockenheim and thoroughly enjoyed it--I had no driveability issues--I think I tweaked the wing settings (went from 20 to 19), but that was it.
  16. Fizzy

    Fizzy Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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    It could be placebo, but I think deleting the whole folder helped with strange feeling cars. The RSR felt way too planted before I deleted the folder (compared to the beta).
  17. Dean Ogurek

    Dean Ogurek "Love the Simulation You're Dreaming In." AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    I really enjoy the RSR but, it may be a bit too planted. It's not that I can't lose control of the car if over-driving but, from watching videos of the real car, it can definitely spin the rear tires (Corner exit over-steer) accelerating out of slow corners (TC level unknown).
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  18. David Peres

    David Peres Active Member

    Nov 22, 2018
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    While the BMW GT4 is a bit unpredictable and could do with some more time in the oven, I don't think it's nearly as bad as some people are making it out to be. The characteristic of this car wanting to oversteer on corner exits is also present in other sims and probably comes from a combination of weight shifting (it's a very heavy car) and lack of downforce.

    The only thing that I don't like is that this oversteer can be a bit "sudden" and not so preditcable or progressive as it is in ACC, for example, but once the tires are up to temp it's a very fun car to drive (GT4s start with very cold tires and it takes awhile to bring them up to temperature).
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  19. Dean Ogurek

    Dean Ogurek "Love the Simulation You're Dreaming In." AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    That's the thing about the BMW GT4 though, I think the behavior is pretty realistic, just not to that degree. I have to admit though, I like the challenge that it presents in it's current state, even though it frustrates me at times. The sounds it makes does add to the experience too.;)

    By contrast, the GTE cars are monster slaying weapons of mass destruction. :eek::D I think that the Madness engine may offer a greater range of driving characteristics among it's cars than any other title to date. Reiza just has to find the perfect place to present each class with just the right amount of drama to make things as interesting as they can be.
  20. VFX Pro

    VFX Pro Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 31, 2017
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    Do you want perfection with each release or a nice monthly update with some incomplete features on some cars?

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