2 Issues in Custom Championship

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - Help & Support' started by ElChambre, Jun 6, 2021.

  1. ElChambre

    ElChambre New Member

    Jun 6, 2021
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    Hi All,

    I created a custom championship (DPI/GTE Multiclass) and after (kind of) completing the first race i have found a couple of issues.
    1. I chose to drive in the GTE class and notice at the end of the race points were only awarded to the lead class (DPI), not each class individually. So i finished last (See below) but still sit at the top of the GTE standings as we are all on 0 points.
    2. This may not be Custom championship related, but i could not set the pit strategy to add any fuel (the fuel option was greyed out), and could not add fuel to the car using the in car race strategy adjustments (i didnt know this before the race so i just went for it, figured it was a bug in the strategy menu). With half an hour to go Crew Chief says "15 mins fuel remaining" so i tried to pit for fuel but could not. So i desperately tried to fuel save until the end but fell agonisingly short with 3 mins left on the clock. Oh well i know to overfill next time :)
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  2. Troodon

    Troodon Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 8, 2021
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    2. I also ran into this. I couldn't change fuel amounts in the pit strategy in a GT3-only custom championship. To test it, I switched to a custom championship with the DPI, GTE, GT3 classes and had the same issue. I tried the same GTE car I was driving in that championship (RSR) in a single race, and the refuel amount was editable there. Very problematic for any custom championship races that are longer than 1 full fuel tank.

    Complete guesswork, but the default custom championship that works as a template has the F3 class in it, and nothing else. If the F3 class doesn't refuel, does it end up carrying a related hidden setting to the championship you're making? A setting that you can't change.

    The refueling implementation itself works, based on the International GT Championship. I've finished the championship and never had an issue with refueling.

    As a barely related sidenote, the last time I tried the Formula Ultimate Championship (1-2 months ago?), the AI ended up running out of fuel in the first race at 100 % race length. That probably needs some adjusting, and I don't think the first race of the championship is the only one where it happens.

    1. You can kinda work around this by choosing a scoring method that gives points to more drivers (untested but the idea should be sound if the number of drivers in total is low enough). Looks like the highest you can get gives points to 20 drivers. That's still a workaround though. The fix would be to have the classes scored separately.
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  3. F1Aussie

    F1Aussie Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 21, 2016
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    I'd say the no refuel is an unintended consequence from the last hotfix, I am sure Reiza are onto it.
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  4. Alice Cooper

    Alice Cooper Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 16, 2020
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    What about the weather set up in custom championship. Regardless of slots and types selected the weather is always just permanent blue sky?
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  5. Troodon

    Troodon Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 8, 2021
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    I just started a custom championship practice which initially had medium cloud and a moist track, and it turned into a proper rain four minutes later. I've also had a prac/quali/race that started with a puddle here and there on the ground, but a clear sky and a drying track. So, it can work.

    The first possibility that comes to mind. Practice and qualifying have their own weather slots and I think those default to clear weather. Mentioning this just in case you concentrated on the settings for the race itself but looked at the actual weather in the practice.

    The second thing that comes to mind. It seems like the settings in the custom championships sometimes change in unexpected ways. I just turned the start of a race from rolling into standing by changing the track. I don't think I've seen it happen to weather settings, but maybe it does.

    And for a third option. The custom championships and the recent changes to the weather are still very new and could be partially WIP/broken and you've run into a bug of some sort. This third one doesn't feel helpful, sorry. :(
  6. Maddin71287

    Maddin71287 Member

    Oct 6, 2021
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    I tried the Formula Ultimate Championship the last two days at 100% race length as well and i can confirm the Ai is running out of fuel.
    I tested the custom championship, and single race also with 100% race length with formula ultimate. Sadly the ai everytime runs out of fuel.

    So for now, it is not possible to do 100% race length with formula ultimate.


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