Just installed Beta , Help.

Discussion in 'Automobilista - Help & Support' started by 2ndLastJedi, Oct 8, 2016.

  1. 2ndLastJedi

    2ndLastJedi Free speech matters AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 7, 2016
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    i've been playing for quite a bit and and enjoying it in 4k with maxed settings minus shadows(medium) and motion blur off with v_sync locked nicely at 60fps , so just the other day purchased the season pass and downloaded the Beta . Now some cars mainly the Boxer drop the fps down to 30-40fps when up close to the bumper of other cars. This happens in both versions and makes the game unplayable and dropping all setting to low doesnt help only going back to 1080p will stabilise the fps but before the beta update the Boxer was possibly my favorite car to drive without dropping frames at all.
    I haven't tested to see what other cars are doing this but the Stockcar ,V8 supercar and stadium truck are fine .
    I'm not sure if after getting the beta if now my original copy has updated with a patch also .
    Thanks .
  2. Sascha Reynders

    Sascha Reynders New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 2, 2016
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    I experienced the exact same thing with the Boxer Cup, and in my case I pinned it down to the transparency anti-aliasing settings in Nvidia Inspector: setting this to any one of the sparse grid super sampling settings causes my framerates to drop from let's say 130'ish to about 30 when pulling up to the bumper of the car in front. The fps counter looks like a countdown timer when this happens: the closer I get to another car, the more fps drop. When I drop back from the car in front, fps gradually rise again in a similar fashion.

    Now, when I change SGSSAA to just SSAA, the problem disappears completely. And the weird thing is, the problem only seems to manifest itself with the Boxer Cup. All other cars I tried (Marcas cars, V8 supercars, Mini's, ...) work just fine with SGSSAA enabled, no fps drops worth mentioning.

    I have no idea why this only happens with the Boxer Cup...maybe some kind of graphics bug ?

    Did you enable SGSSAA recently by any chance?
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  3. 2ndLastJedi

    2ndLastJedi Free speech matters AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 7, 2016
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    This is exactly what i have done recently , It makes a huge difference to image quality . I am so happy with this SGSSAA i now look for this in all games . But sadly none seem to have it .(pCars really needs it )
    If this is the cause of fps drop then i will just avoid the Boxer because the improvement to the picture is amazing and hope Reiza will see or already know about this and have a fix in the works .
    This Sim is too great to stop playing ,so avoiding one car until a fix comes will be my only option .
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2016
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  4. Sascha Reynders

    Sascha Reynders New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 2, 2016
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    Well, you can force SGSSAA in just about any sim/game using Nvidia Inspector, but AMS is the only -current- one I know of where this doesn't have a huge impact on framerates (given the GPU is up to the task). If I enable SGSSAA in R3E, AC or pCars, my fps take quite a big hit...
    Keep in mind also that for it to work properly, the number of samples for MSAA and SGSSAA need to match, so it's: 2xMSAA + 2xSGSSAA, 4xMSAA + 4xSGSSAA, 8xMSAA + 8xSGSSAA.
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