Looking for your ideas with custom championships.. (cars, tracks, era, etc.)

Discussion in 'Automobilista - General Discussion' started by Jeff Scharpf, Jun 13, 2021.

  1. Jeff Scharpf

    Jeff Scharpf Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 25, 2020
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    I know that the custom championship mode has issues, but I'm sure Reiza will figure that out eventually.
    In the meantime, I'm looking for ideas about what some good configurations would be with the cars/tracks available today.
    For example..

    A mid to late 1960s era F1 season. Probably the Formula Vintage. Would it make sense to combine gen1 and gen2?

    A 1970s era F1 season. Not sure which cars to include. I would probably add one or more of the American tracks just to add some spice. Nurburgring would be interesting.

    A modern GTxxx... series.? Could combine all tracks of the world. Sort of a world GT thing... I don't know..

    I definitely want to try a real 24 hour race either at Daytona or Spa. I would start the race, then let my AI co-driver take over for a while, perhaps wake up in the middle of the night.. drive a little, etc.. lol.. crazy?
  2. xnorb

    xnorb Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    You could of course take the GTs around the Grade A tracks in AMS2.
    This would also fit very well with a 24h of Spa race.

    I personally would vote for a F-Vee championship around short brazilian tracks, as this was my go-to setting back in GSCE :)
  3. reptilexcq

    reptilexcq Active Member

    Jun 5, 2021
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    I only drive Formula Gen 2. And the only tracks I like (i don't have the DLC) are Imola 1972, Interlagos Outer Historic External Ring, Spielberg 1974, Kyalami 1976 and Taruma Internacional. Race them in the morning like 8am or dawn around 5-6pm...it looks beautiful.
  4. Jeff Scharpf

    Jeff Scharpf Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 25, 2020
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    Thanks! Good ideas! Gen 2 is that the historical 70s era?
  5. reptilexcq

    reptilexcq Active Member

    Jun 5, 2021
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    I don't know...I like open wheel drive and just come across Formula V10 Gen 2 and it has become my favorite car in AMS2. I haven't looking at any other cars since then lol.
    Formula V10 Gen 2 is the real deal.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Sunscreen

    Sunscreen Active Member

    Dec 24, 2020
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    Ginetta GT4 at Oulton, Brands Hatch, Snetterton etc for a low tier UK driver experience.
    Set ai hard enough that you're midfield in the race and you'll have sweaty palms by the end..
    30 min practice, 15 Q, race 30 mins. Non standard but a good balance. Weather I've avoided anything wet so foggy, hazy cloudy etc..
  7. Jeff Scharpf

    Jeff Scharpf Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 25, 2020
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    I really have to try the Ginetta in AMS2. Played with it a bit during PC2 in the career mode then forgot about it.
  8. Steve Redfox

    Steve Redfox Member

    May 2, 2021
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    F V10 Gen2...it reflects Seasons 2001/2002 and there is even a set of correct liveries out.

    F Classic...difficult to master but great fun...

    F3 with authentic liveries 2020

    Checkout RD download section for AMS2 for more ideas.
  9. Jeff Scharpf

    Jeff Scharpf Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 25, 2020
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    Will do, thanks! I've never tried F3.. hmmm...
  10. Steve Redfox

    Steve Redfox Member

    May 2, 2021
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    Yesterday, I took thecwhole day and tested in Hockenheim :
    Formula Classic Gen 1 (1200 HP ! Adjustable turbo...) both types
    Formula Classic Gen 2 all three types
    Formula Classic Gen 3 all three types
    Formula 3 f309 in 2020 liveries...did not test the old 301 with 5 gear H-Shifter
    Formula V10 Gen 1(both types) , Gen2 ( one ) = F1 2001/2002
    Formula V12 ( one )
    Formula Reiza ( one )
    Formula Ultimate ( =F1 2019 , I think)
    I also compared my impressions with real onboard video (Utube) as far as available and adjusted my FoV ( Camera settings Cockpit ) to get the most out of the immersion offered.
    I use a 43" 32:10 Asus Curved UWD Monitor ( 85cm away from my eyeballs) @ "85."..whatever this means and turned world movement OFF...it's still shaky enough.
    For best sound , I use a regular Sennheiser 310 Headset ( 10 years old or so )
    I use a Sparco R100 seat on a motedis rig. For racing TM TS-XW wheelbase ( 6.3 Nm) and a Sparco 310 GT Wheel combined with Trustmaster Loadcell pedals.
    I use always 100% on all system settings in TM software and adjust FFB in the sim.
    This is kind of " mandatory" for me as I use several racing sims ( AMS2, rFactor 2, AC, ACC, R3E , GTR2 ) and I want to work in each of them from the same system FFB base.

    I did also a comparision between some of the AMS2 cars with comparable models in AC, rfactor2 and R3E.

    As a "spoiler" , I can say that none of the other sims came close to the immersion I had with AMS2. That includes cars AND track ( tested earlier with GT cars : Hockenheim , Interlagos, Spa, Nuerburgring GP, Silverstone, Montreal, Imola, Adelaide, Brands Hatch , Daytona, Kyalami, Laguna Seca, Oulton Park, Bathurst, Kansai/Suzuka, Jerez, Spielberg and Monaco - Cote D'Azure Circuit).
    Qualitywise, they on par if not better then those matching in ACC. Missing Monza, Budapest, Brno and some other well known german and asian tracks ( though there are more then enough for a 18 race championship and some of the latin ametican ones are great replacements ) .
    Still testing so no final conclusions. Also AI testing still open except for F3...which came out overly aggressive to my taste, even @ a Level of 85....

    Anyway : for ALL tested cars I can say :
    great fun and a really challenging ride.
    Even after several hours I couldn' stop driving lap after lap. Some fast , some slow,different lines, to learn more about these cars and how they differ in behavior.
    First testday was to give me a feel on which of the series I will focus for a possible championship. Hence all tests under dry conditions. Today, test with rain and different temperatures will follow.

    Imho, Reiza developped these cars with the goal in mind to capture the "spirit" of the offered Formula cars during their respective era. Not all cars seem to be based on a single maker ( i.e. McL, Will, Ferr..) rather they seem to have taken available date and changed a few aspects...probably also to avoid licencing trouble.

    However, one can definitely feel ( and hear, of course ) the differences between the various classes and their respective technology, like H- vs. Sequential shifting, different tyres, engines etc. Gearboxes and limiters sound also different. Classical cars have no lock after before 1.gear when downshifting while the car is rolling with some speed. So it happens you end up @ N while crossing the apex if you forgot that...

    Driveability of all tested F cars in AMS2 :
    I found them all very drivable. Of course, classical racecars have no such thing like TC or ABS and brakes in AMS2 have a tendency to lock earlier then in other sims, same pressure on the loadcell applied. Must work on that...
    As typical with loadcell pedals, you set your brake ingame on linear, as the real strenth and curve is produced by your leg muscles, not by the distance the pedal moves...

    Grip : modern F cars have, of course, way more grip and downforce then classical models and AMS2 clearly makes you feel this differences. But even the more subtle ones between V10,V8,V12...different ( I think I felt that, but might be just " immersion" ).

    Ranking on level of immersion:
    No top 3 yet, but I liked most , in nomparticular order :
    Formula Classic Gen2 Model 1
    Formula V10 Gen 1+2 with a bon7s on Gen1 Car1 ( red )
    Formula Ultimate because of it's smooth drivability..don't really like the sound ( muted ? ) and this safety cage...
    Runner up : F3 2020 Livery....

    So here you have it. More to follow in the coming weeks.
    All the best, slow-in fast out...
  11. Steve Redfox

    Steve Redfox Member

    May 2, 2021
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    brief edit regarding graphics/Camera settings :
    After same testing and watching original cockpit footage, I switched back to the following camera settings :
    Formula cars / single seaters /open-wheelers : Cockpit and Helmet 64°.
    GT and tin-roofed : Cockpit and Helmet 70°
    Final adjustments were made per model by adjusting seat position and height. ( keys AWSD).
  12. Jeff Scharpf

    Jeff Scharpf Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 25, 2020
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    Wow that was a thorough evaluation, thanks! What are your thoughts on the GT1 cars?

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