VR Discussions, Questions & Feedback

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Heitor Facuri Cicoti, Apr 5, 2020.

  1. Sergio Rafael Lemke

    Sergio Rafael Lemke New Member

    Jan 11, 2021
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    Is there some known problem with HUD in VR? I can't edit mine on VR.
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  2. John Eagle

    John Eagle New Member

    Jun 8, 2021
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    Mine is difficult to move around. If I hover the mouse cursor over a HUD element it doesn't select it. I have to move some random amount off to the side of/above the element (sometimes over a completely different element) until it randomly selects it, basically means I can't effectively setup my HUD layout.

    Additionally, out of all the GT4 cars only the McLaren 570s has a weird issue where I can see parts of the driver helmet sticking out as if I'm slouching down and backwards a bit. I can't seem to move the helmet visual in any way.

    Lastly, on the McLaren 570s (I'm very new to cars and sim racing) is it normal that I can't see the right-hand side mirror due to the top of the driver seat blocking it? I have to lean right forward and turn a lot to see it. I really liked the interior layout of the BMW and one of the others, but so far love the 570s too much to change.
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  3. mist3rf0ur

    mist3rf0ur Member

    Apr 3, 2020
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    You'll find this issue in a lot of cars. In reality, some of these cars have the seats way down low compared to normal street cars and you may not be able to see passenger side mirrors due to the seat, crash nets and roll cages, etc.

    I really only use the rear view or driver's side mirror to locate cars behind me and audio and looking physically for cars next to me during a corner. One thing I've noticed that works for the AI and human opponents alike is leaving them space and holding your line through a turn. It's safer at times then pinching them into backing off.

    It's my hope that Reiza will add full mirror adjustment as it was in PCars2. In the meantime, I'd turn up opponent engine volume to help with locating them.

    OH, about your first comment regarding the HUD... I had a lot of trouble placing the HUD elements when customizing until I changed the desktop resolution to something 16:9. 1920x1080 worked great for HUD placement.
    • Informative Informative x 2
  4. Mike1304

    Mike1304 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 17, 2020
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    I found out that the best way to edit HUD in VR is to use a gamepad. With this it works flawlessly…
    So I use gamepad in AMS2! :D
    But only for editing HUD in VR.
    Then back to wheel/pedals….:p
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  5. Shodan0000

    Shodan0000 Active Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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    So today I tried some trouble shooting to get rid of the stutters. I reinstalled AMS2, deleting the documents folder, reinstalled Graphics driver using DDU. Reinstalled WMR portal, reinstalled mixed reality for steamVR.

    I tried the game and started a race at Laguna Seca and, behold no stutters! So my hope was up. Than I started a race at Bathurst. Went okay, but after turn 18, the game turns in to a stuttery mess. pausing and unpausing will get rid of it for a couple of seconds, but than it starts again.

    This is not a performance / GPU-CPU headroom issue. Something happens that causes massive stuttering since the 1.2 update. Iḿ sure somewhere it must be my setup, since if this was a game issue, there would be much more complaints on the forums. But I'm lost at what to do.

    Does someone want to try a bathurst race, preferably someone with a WMR headset? Start a race and see what happens at turn 18 (last turn after the mountain).
  6. Sergio Rafael Lemke

    Sergio Rafael Lemke New Member

    Jan 11, 2021
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    Regarind the edit HUD in VR issue, I followed some tips here about a joystick, the thing is, I plugged in a PS4 joystick, but forgot it, didn't installa DS4windows or a driver or anything, basically I plugged and forgot.
    Some hour later, playing in VR I opened HUD edit again and it worked perfectly using mouse only, so weird! Now that I have my HUD ok I will unplug that controller and try again, lets see...
  7. Shodan0000

    Shodan0000 Active Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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    I fixed the major stuttering. I opted out of the beta's of steamvr/WMR for steamvr (thought I already tried that). But small microstutters remain when racing AI. It is enough to break the immersion for me. I play with motion smoothing on and it is a very uncomfortable. In the past you would often not even realize that motion smoothing was on, but now it stutters and judders way too much.

    I'm going to stop playing. It's unfortunate, because I think this sim is really heading in the right direction. Weirdly it is lauded as the best sim for VR, but for me (besides ACC) it really is the worst sim for VR. AC, raceroom, Dirt Rally 2 all work much smoother in VR for me. Playing with settings has no effect unfortunately. Unless I read somewhere in a patch update that VR performance has been worked on (which I don't forsee in the near future) I'm going to let it be. I also don't want to chase down a possible culprit. I've spend several days, hours at a time working on it already. Life is too short.

    For those that do have a great experience, have fun!
  8. Maarten Nauta

    Maarten Nauta New Member

    Jun 8, 2021
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    Yeah same here i was thinking about buying this premium expansion packs thing but i just dont find it nice to play in VR, it has quite big slowdowns (rtx 3080), night&rain are real fps killer (compared to ACC) and its the only VR sim that actually makes me nauseous.
  9. richiehatchet

    richiehatchet New Member

    May 8, 2020
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    +1 can't get good performance in VR...I can get AC/RF2/iRacing running really well
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2021
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  10. Alegunner68

    Alegunner68 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 21, 2019
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    The wmr for steam beta caused my gpu mem to spiral out of control, ending up ctd.
    Running the lkg version works as it should.
  11. JPC

    JPC New Member

    May 17, 2020
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    How do you run ACC in VR? I have a 3080 and even with everything on lowest, it looks and runs terrible. I tried max settings just to see how good it would look, and it still looked awful.
  12. RDG

    RDG Active Member

    Apr 28, 2021
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    How do you not? Just use the VR-Epic preset and crank the sharpness up to max. It's not perfect but it's perfectly playable.
  13. DaWorstPlaya

    DaWorstPlaya Active Member

    Aug 5, 2020
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    There is a trick to running ACC in VR, drop the game render scale (not VR render scale) to about 70% then reduce the number of visible cars to 12 or lower. You can even run Temporal AA and the game runs so much better. Enjoy!
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  14. Maarten Nauta

    Maarten Nauta New Member

    Jun 8, 2021
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    Yup that is what I use. You need to up the pixel density to compensate or something. Anyway the end result is bit worse than AMS2 but not by much and the framedips of AMS2 (different spots on the track, night, rain) are worse than ACC.
  15. RDG

    RDG Active Member

    Apr 28, 2021
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    Don’t forget to apply sharpening. It doesn’t cost any performance and gets rid of that last TAA blur.
  16. DaWorstPlaya

    DaWorstPlaya Active Member

    Aug 5, 2020
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    Right, to compensate for lowering the render resolution of the game you have to bump up SuperSampling in SteamVR to make up the difference in ACC. I've found lowering the number of visible opponents has a massive effect on frame dips/stuttering in ACC.
    Sorry for going off topic.
  17. ScythieVR

    ScythieVR New Member

    Jun 8, 2020
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    Regarding most clean image in ACC... I've got 6900xt and think to have found kind of good compromise between performance and clarity.

    1. Do not force DX11 in Steam VR, only makes it soft
    2. No AA at all, ads to much blur
    3. In Steam VR resolution 100% (HP Reverb G1)
    4. Ingame Resolution scale 100% (do not go below!)
    5. Ingame VR Pixel density at least 100% (this one is important, mine is 130%, very effective and cleans up the image)
    6. Post Processing off! Volumetric smoke off! Very demanding.
    7. The rest of the settings somewhere in the middle, tepends on your graphic card

    Fast CPU is a must, 3600x was not enough to deliver 90FPS constantly. My 5800x is capable though. I think Intel above 10600 should be very capable as well.
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  18. chris cadby

    chris cadby Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 1, 2020
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    Are their any plans to use the new AMD FSR in the game? Think my 5700xt could really benefit from the extra FPS.
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  19. mist3rf0ur

    mist3rf0ur Member

    Apr 3, 2020
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    AMD FSR when? Seems like a more broadly beneficial implementation to cover all customers rather than just Nvidia cards (and I was pushing for DLSS before).

    Hope you guys can add it Reiza! :)
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  20. DaWorstPlaya

    DaWorstPlaya Active Member

    Aug 5, 2020
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    Honestly given the GPU shortage and demands of VR, I would really love to see the following implemented at some point in AMS2.
    1. DLSS 2.1 and FSR
    2. SPS or SMP implementation

    But I'm wondering if this is something SMS would need to provide in the Madness engine before Reiza can implement the tech. All I know is, this is really needed with all the demands VR places on the GPUs and the lack of new GPUs out there.
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