RWB Trial League

Discussion in 'Fan Sites & Community Events' started by Rodders, Oct 10, 2016.

  1. Rodders

    Rodders Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 25, 2016
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    With the success of our weekly races, on 18th October RWB are running an AMS mini-league of sorts - 4 weeks with the Boxer Cup to find our feet running a league in the game. Info below:

    • Boxer Cup
    • 15 Qualy
    • 45 Min race
    • 50% Damage multiplier
    • All assists available
    • Tuning on

    Track order:
    1) Spielberg
    2) Goiania
    3) Laguna Seca
    4) VIR full

    Expecting to get about 15 racers out or immediate pool of players so a few more would be great if you fancy it.

    You can sign up here: AMS Boxer Cup League Sign-Up
  2. hashegotabeard

    hashegotabeard Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 18, 2016
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    Signed up. If you can all crash off like tonights race that'd be grand! :D
  3. Rodders

    Rodders Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 25, 2016
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    Oh there will be plenty of people spinning out in those Porsche's :)

    19 people signed up - starts tomorrow!

    9pm (UK) start.
  4. s2173

    s2173 New Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    I signed up... some clarifications:

    Did I had to sign up with my real name? Because I didn't.
    Do I have to have the same name in-game? Because I don't. My steam name is the same tho.
    Does the server have a password and how do we get it?
  5. Rodders

    Rodders Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 25, 2016
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    Hi s2173.
    • Use any name you want (just remind me it's you ;))
    • Password will be amsevent
    One thing I forgot is please join our Discord channel - Discord

    I'll not be kicking anyone out the league for not being on comms but I strongly encourage it. You don't have to talk, just be able to listen. It really helps the races run smoother and lets you speak out if something happens in-race.

    There will be a pre-race brief at about 8:45pm tonight where you can ask questions.

  6. Rodders

    Rodders Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 25, 2016
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  7. RAG1NG BULL 666

    RAG1NG BULL 666 New Member

    Oct 21, 2016
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    I wont be able to make everyrace because of work schedule think I have signed up on the website could you tell me when your next boxer cup race is and do you do any testing through week
  8. Rodders

    Rodders Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 25, 2016
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    It's every Tuesday for the next 3 weeks at 9pm UK time.

    We don't run formal testing and I've been encouraging participants to use Time Trial mode as it not only has no tyre wear or fuel use but then logs your best time on the leaderboards for others to see if they are on pace.

    The server should be up and running with a practice session a few hours before qualy on the Tuesday where people often share setups.

  9. KORraN

    KORraN New Member

    Oct 24, 2016
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    Hey guys. If someone wants to practice before Boxer Cup race, I set up a server: RWB Trial League or IP: Let me know if everything works.
  10. Rodders

    Rodders Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 25, 2016
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    Thanks KORraN - I've been encouraging peeps to use time trial mode for practice but appreciate the efforts.

    Our server should be up and running with a practice session from about 7pm which will lead directly into qualy at 9pm.

    27 people signed up so it's gonna be a busy wee track. Note that we are introducing a trial penalties system tonight where reported incidents will get reviewed after the race and time/points penalties given out.

    Please see the RWB driving standards here for guidance on how best to avoid said penalties :)

    Also the league results are recorded here - note the tabs at the bottom of the sheet to display different info ;)

    If you need the password you can get it from someone on our Discord server
  11. KORraN

    KORraN New Member

    Oct 24, 2016
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    I understand this but personally I prefer practice with some fuel instead of hot lapping. And there is always a chance that someone will show up so we can practice together ;)
  12. Rodders

    Rodders Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 25, 2016
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    Another great race last night - 18 made it to the grid out of 28 signed up but a few people were away so next week we'll hopefully break the 20 mark!

    It was also a really clean race and I never got asked to investigate any incidents after it so well done everyone.

    Fantastic close racing the first few laps before we spread out a bit. I'm very excited for what the racing will be like once more of us get used to the game and are more on pace with each other. I should have a wee vid up tonight of those opening laps.

    Laguna Seca next week - link to the version of the track on our servers here
  13. KORraN

    KORraN New Member

    Oct 24, 2016
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    Yes, very nice race yesterday, but a little unlucky for me. I was doing last check-up of my race setup and didn't press Race button on time, so I had to start from pit lane - so 30s gap to leader just after start. But in the end I have nice fight with 3vil (P12 vs P2 :D ) but I changed tires so was little bit quicker and unlapped myself.

    Looking forward to the next race :)
  14. Rodders

    Rodders Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 25, 2016
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    Footage of the opening laps - really was great clean driving from everyone:
  15. Koba

    Koba Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Fantastic race at Goiania.

    When the Boxer Cup first came out I wasn't sure I liked it. Now that I've been spending quality time with it preparing for races, I like it a lot. When you set it up just right it practically steers itself into corners. I love how responsive it is to setup changes. I just wish it had adjustable dampers to help keep the suspension settled. If the Boxer Cup resembles what a real Porsche handles like, then I completely understand why some people love their Porsches.

    Regarding 45 minute races in the Boxer Cup, it has turned out to be a perfect race length. At Spielberg a pit stop wasn't necessary but we were dealing with very worn tires at the end. At Goiania some people were able to conserve their tires and some people were too hard on them. I knew that my front left tire would not last the race so I had already planned to stop halfway. Of the top six finishers, I think only Speeddmon91 pitted, which dropped him from P1 to P3. However I think if he had pitted halfway through the race instead of late in the race, he would have finished P2 for sure but I think he also probably would have been able to win the race.

    I pitted halfway through the race while in P7. Rygel was just ahead of me and pitted on the same lap, while Banksy and Karel were just behind me but did not pit during the race. I came out of the pit in P11. Unfortunately Rygel got a drivethrough penalty so I got by him. After others did their mid-race pits I was in P8 and Karel was about 30 seconds ahead. After several laps I got the gap down to about 20 seconds, but then with about four laps to go, Karel's left front tire went to zero tread and he was barely able to nurse it to the finish. He lost four places in the last four laps! I already knew that that would have been my fate if I didn't pit, so my preparation helped me to finish P7. :D So yeah the 45-minute race length for the Boxer Cup is perfect for pit strategy to come into play. :)
    • Like Like x 1
  16. Rodders

    Rodders Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 25, 2016
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    Yeah the Boxer is surprisingly sensitive to setup changes. I initially found it hard to do anything that really improved the car in a way that improved lap times but once I got something that suited me I really started to notice how a small change here and there really changed the balance of the car.

    Tyre mgmt was a real wakeup call in that race for me. After the first race I thought they wouldn't really be an issue. While I realised they would be after practice on Gioania, I thought I had it covered with a small 5 or 6 lap easing off mid race but man did I get that wrong - burst tyre at the end of the 2nd last lap and lost a 10 second lead over 5th and almost lost a further 23 second lead over 6th. Entire last lap ran on a burst tyre lol.

    Not tested yet but I suspect Laguna Seca is going to be punishing on the tyres too. Roll on next week :)
  17. Rodders

    Rodders Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 25, 2016
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    Wee bump for the Laguna Race tonight - hope you can make it if you're signed up.

    We are close to choosing the car series for a full league and hope to have news soon.
  18. Rodders

    Rodders Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 25, 2016
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    The clocks went back here on Sunday so for our non-uk racers the race will start an hour earlier than usual (unless your clocks went back too).

    Still 9pm UK time though ;)
  19. Koba

    Koba Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Umm, actually I think you mean the race starts an hour later for those whose clocks haven't changed yet. :p
  20. Mazuma

    Mazuma New Member

    Nov 1, 2016
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    That was a lot of fun guys, good clean racing! thanks!

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