Camera dampening

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Nats, Jul 18, 2021.

  1. Nats

    Nats Member

    Jun 14, 2021
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    For the love of god can we have some camera dampening please! I play in the bonnet view and its impossible in this game. Its fairly ok in the GT cars but the F1 cars you can forget it with all the bumps its impossible to play in anything other than the cockpit view. The cockpit views all have camera dampening but for some daft reason none of the other views do. Going to have to move onto another game if I cant play the game in bonnet view ... just makes me almost ill trying to in this game
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. ToMythTo

    ToMythTo The Hero We Need But Not Deserved

    Aug 31, 2020
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    No need to go nuts (No game company want to lose you right?), you can place a bug report.
    These kind of games are dedsigned for cockpit view on the first priority so it is possible a few features are orphaned for some other views.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  3. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    Gods love is not my department - but AMS2 is something called "a sim" which means that the most bizarre driving views is left to other car games like Super Mario Bros and like.:cool:
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  4. mansell

    mansell Active Member

    Mar 8, 2021
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    super marios bros (AND LIKE...) views existing in this SIMULATOR too. are not left for the other car GAMES.
    all we bizzare view users asking is to use two EXISTING features of this ga.... oops, sorry, of this sim: the world movement on the bonnet camera. if any of this features is too arcade for you, simply don't use it. :cool:

    By The Way: greetings from Let's discuss our conversations quality ;)
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2021
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  5. Nats

    Nats Member

    Jun 14, 2021
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    Yes I do not want to get into stupid arguments about 'I should drive in the cockpit only because this is a sim'.

    My view of realism is that you do not see the cockpit when you are driving and focused on the world outside. Therefore bonnet view is actually more realistic for me.

    And in this game you cant use it especially for the F1 cars because its far too bumpy - in that it is actually bumpier than it is in a real F1 car. This is a game and if the devs want all manner of people to play it rather than the dozen or so pure simmers on this forum they need to adjust the camera views to make them useable.

    I play racing games for hours on end and I see myself as no more enthusiastic than anyone else on this forum about racing. But just because I dont play in cockpit view does not mean I should be ignored. And I am sure there are a hell of a lot of other people who play in bonnet mode for the rush, excitement and immersion it provides.
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  6. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    A rhetorical question: How do you know its bumpier in AMS2 than RL F1?
    Rhetorical Q - because as a complete unqualified guess then (postulate) you dont know.
    But as I have argumented elswhere then the head bumpiness in RL formula cars are at least not less than in AMS2.
    But often even "worse".;)
    My experience is from RL FF1600 - where I guess(again) yours is from the very dampened /smoothed TV transmissions - or from most other racing games where nearly all vertical bounciness is artificially smoothed out.
    Probably to also try to attract all kinds of gamers.

    The reason I use some time trying to bring such postulates down is because I dont want Reiza to artificially take "life" out of almost the only racing sim/game where the visual bounciness does relate rather reasonable to RL bounciness.
    Im not sure I agree with your comparasment between about a dozen potiential users of AMS2 vs potiential "all manner of people" (worldwide I guess) if Reiza would just smooth all bounciness out of every views.
    And on top of that make every view driveable ofcourse.

    ByTheWay: I would have no problem if the artificially smoothing out of all bounciness became an on/off setup possibility.
    At least if both MP and TT LB mode at the same time got an arcade department and a more hard core/sim department. OK?
  7. F1Aussie

    F1Aussie Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 21, 2016
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    I think he means compared to RL cameras from onboard being smoother than in AMS2, not that he has driven an f1 car before to know of a comparison. He has a point here too, AMS 2 cameras jump around a lot more than any other sim.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  8. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    Afterthought: After I posted the above I had an afterthought.
    The (relative) few posters critical of the camera bounciness in AMS2 are often new users.
    And eventhough a few of them loudly tell us they will abandon this game completely - then I often (relative) can see that they does still use AMS2 after a while.
    So I guess there is also some kind of "habituation" period - at least if people come from some of the other racing games. :)
  9. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    Yeah and I like it :D

    But in all seriousness then at least I dont conclude that then it is AMS2 that is wrong:whistle:

    ByTheWay: But I admit its a problem that people has got accustomed to too much smoooothing out.:mad:
  10. Nats

    Nats Member

    Jun 14, 2021
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    For all doubters I would ask that they try playing the Formula Ultimate for five laps around Silverstone in the bonnet cam or overhead view (both are bad). See if you can see properly afterwards. It's just stupidly bumpy.

    Yes my comparison is with camera footage from actual Formula One cars they dont look half as bumpy as the camera does in AMS2. Although probable the camera movements are damped by spring mounts.

    But I think also when you are in a real car your eyes are fixed on the distance so the actual bumpy nature of the car and track are not so noticable. You can't get the same effect in AMS2 because the horizon is actually moving up and down with the bumps in the external camera views (cockpit and chase views are perfectly smooth for me).

    Its just impossible. I will continue with playing AMS2 but I probably wont play the Formula Ultimate cars. For that I might have to go back to PCars2 or even, god forbid, F1 2019.

    As for people complaining about it somehow fouling their sim experience, if they drive in cockpit view only it wont affect them at all if the external camera views are damped, will it, if they never use them?
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2021
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  11. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    Haha good point @Nats :)
    But it would irritate me anyway :eek:
    Joking ofcourse :p

    But I have a more constructive point than our exchanging push and pull oppinions.:D
    Because eventhough it will not solve the problem fully for you - then at least for myself I had to experiment (a lot) with the camera settings in the beginning of my use of AMS2.

    Be aware I admit I have allways only used cockpit view.;)
    I used first the Legacy head mov + mov value 0
    then Legacy no + mov 0
    But ended up now with Legacy no + mov 99.
    This gives me the nearest of what I consider "realistic" dampening - eventhough the horizon does behave pretty odd sometimes.
    Up/downhill is worst:rolleyes:

    ByTheWay: I admit your Formula Ultimate is bouncing A LOT.
    I prefer the F-Reiza as my favorite formula vehicle in AMS2;)
  12. Nats

    Nats Member

    Jun 14, 2021
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    Yes most of the other Formula cars are not so bad - I dont notice it so much with a lot of the other ones. And I dont even notice the bumps in the GT cars. I actually prefer there to be some bumps as it feels more realistic.

    But yeah the Formula Ultimate is just incredibly bumpy for some reason. I get the feeling I would have a fit or something if I tried to drive in that car in bonnet view for even just a few minutes. Thats just not right.

    I have added a bug post for this, although its not really a bug it's more bad game design tbh.
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2021
  13. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    If I remember right then by the Formula Ultimate it does matter conserning the cockpit bouncing if you use a car setup that is very "soft".
    If you can find a ghost for that car of mine then (if I recall right) I use extremely soft springs.
    So to test if softening the car setup does make the bouncing slightly less you can grab my TT setup.
    Just for fun :D
  14. oez

    oez Mayor of Long Beach AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 27, 2020
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    Workaround idea: have you tried binding the seat position keys and then moving the cockpit cam way forward?

    I think the problem with F1 is that those cars are very stiff pitch-wise. 90s was just stiff. Ultimate has center springs to get rid of dipping and squatting. This will lead to the car seesawing over bumps. Cockpit is at the center point so you only really notice the nose moving up and down. If you fix a camera on the nose however…

    I do get what you’re saying. It’s awful to drive from there.

    Differences to other sims are that AMS2 has generally more bumps than say F1 2019 which seems artificially smooth (who knows). And there’s more emphasis on high profile tires as part of suspension which is a stiff ride.
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  15. F1Aussie

    F1Aussie Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 21, 2016
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    Tracks that F1 cars run on are pretty smooth full stop because they run so low, have stiff suspension and lots of DF.
  16. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    I agree with you.
    But its awfully good :p
    Thank you Reiza :)
  17. Nats

    Nats Member

    Jun 14, 2021
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    Yeah I've just been playing F1 2021 (really good game by the way) and there is a massive difference between the two games in terms of views. F1 2021 for example has a great view that is back from the nose so you dont get all the cockpit stuff.

    But the views in that game are very smooth - far too smooth in F1 2021, that game could do with more shaking and bumps. I prefer AMS2s driving quality to F1 2021s thats for sure but I think the external cameras in AMS2 still need some damping so you can drive in the nose view if you want to. Got to be said it's exciting with all the bumps, just a shame you cannot see where the heck you are going lol ....

    Now if only Reiza would also add proper F1 practice/qualifying/tyre rules, safety cars, F1 tracks and programmable pitstops it could be F1 heaven. As it is F1 2021 is far better overall for F1 racing.

    But also there is a massive disparity between wet track grip between the two games. Don't want to derail the thread but one of the two games is just not accurate at all regarding wet grip for the F1 cars, and supposedly F1 2021 has been tested by real F1 drivers .... there is a hell of a lot more grip in AMS2 than there is in F1 2021.
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  18. Dean Ogurek

    Dean Ogurek "Love the Simulation You're Dreaming In." AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    That's great but, it says nothing about what the testing criteria are. Are the drivers interested in giving feedback to make the title a better simulation, or a better racing game? So often, we read about driver feedback that only speaks in terms of curb accuracy, the racing environment, or some minutia that has no bearing on how the game car-handling compares to RL.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    Im one of the less game-ish (sorry :D) users who mandatory use cockpit view - but if it wasnt because Im afraid Raiza would have to destroy the existing cockpit bouncing to dampen all other camera views (to make them drivable) then I wouldnt mind.
    Hehe because why should I have anything against users who as example want to drive cars in AMS2 from a position 5m behind the car:D

    ByTheWay: The reason Im a bit frightend is because I have a thought that the pretty fantastic cockpit bouncing in AMS2 is not fully intended from the Reiza devs side.
    It just happened.:whistle:
  20. Nats

    Nats Member

    Jun 14, 2021
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    Want to reiterate I am not wanting to change cockpit view bumps at all, I just want the bonnet view damped to make it LIKE the cockpit view. Because when you compare the two views its obvious the cockpit view is already very much damped compared to the bonnet view. And incidentally the chase view is perfectly smooth (not that I can drive from that view). It's just the bonnet and roof views that are overly bumpy, obviously because in the minds of the devs they are simulating cameras fixed to the car body. But I want to drive from those views. Like I can in every other racing game .....
    • Informative Informative x 1

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