BOP please

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by GodzillaGTR, Oct 2, 2021.

  1. GodzillaGTR

    GodzillaGTR Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 4, 2017
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    One of the complaints about AMS2 is that there are limited choices in each class. I don't have an issue with that myself as I think 4 or 5 different cars is more than enough. What I do take issue with is the fact that in these classes, the BOP is not always competitive.
    GTE = BMW clearly the best
    GT3/4= Mclaren dominates
    Group C = Mercedes by a landslide
    GT1= Porsche dominates, McLaren not even competitive

    It makes running a series with the classes a bit pointless. I don't expect Reiza to BOP all cars for each track, but giving admins some kind of ability to BOP the way a real life series does would really make the classes seem fuller. I just spectated 3 or 4 multiplayer races and in them, the car choices in these classes were reduced to a single model due to this issue.
    • Agree Agree x 5
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  2. LugNut

    LugNut Active Member

    Jul 12, 2020
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    I agree,but one would have to be thorough in testing.
    For ex. The group c...I never see anyone driving the still feels undrivable to me. For another bop needed example, gt classics or legends,the Porsche is like 4 secs a lap faster. The vette also drives queerly.

    The guys who ran pilsbierbude had it down for gtr2. They had hundreds of mods and almost all ....per class.... were pretty close. I loved running the race Nissan skyline against guys with ,like, race Audi r8s. On the straights,Nissan faster,in the curves the r8 faster. Those were the days:)

    I hope the devs listen to u..cept for the group C:)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. GodzillaGTR

    GodzillaGTR Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 4, 2017
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    Yeah I think for something like Group C, find some way to separate the two so that it is clear that the 2 aren't meant to compete against one another, like what is done with the openwheel cars. (Gen1, Gen2, etc).
  4. SuperMonaco_GP

    SuperMonaco_GP Active Member

    Mar 8, 2020
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    group c and gt1 didn't have bop back in the day.
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  5. muz_j

    muz_j Active Member

    Apr 27, 2020
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    The Porsche 962C is actually incredibly close in lap times to the Sauber C9 on mixed tracks. Tracks that favour straight line speed and acceleration tend to favour the C9, but not by as much as you might think (I've done a lot of driving in both cars).
    The difference (IMO) comes down to the driving style - which is very different between the two cars.

    Around the Nürburgring for example - I'm 1 second per lap quicker in the 962C. The C9 slides around quite a lot, and you have to counter steer it a lot more, so it's a bit more difficult to drive smoothly. You can often run lower wings on the 962C and still have good levels of grip, which makes things a bit more balanced - compared to the C9. With my own personal setups, the C9 has about a 10-15 KPH advantage in top speed and probably better acceleration, but I'd argue the flat power curve of the Porsche makes it the easier car to maintain a higher average speed through a sequence of turns.

    So I think the balance of these two cars is good, and it also needs to be historically accurate (IMO). At the moment, I think the 962C has horsepower at the upper end of the tuning spectrum for that car in real life - from my reading. So giving it an artificial boost to make things "fair" would be a bad move (IMO). If you think the C9 has an advantage, then drive it, but the Porsche has nicer handling and is the easier of the two to handle, and it has that nice flat power curve.

    I think your other points (comparisons) are possibly quite valid, although I don't think the difference with GT1 is that great - I do agree that the 911 GT1 has the best handling, and personally I can do better lap times in that car, compared to the McLaren or Mercedes, but I suspect some people would prefer those cars over the 911 GT1.
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  6. ramsay

    ramsay Active Member

    Jul 25, 2020
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    Well i guess it is the argument of accuracy vs competitiveness. The problem is in MP that if one car is superior than you end up with a grid of say Mclarens in GT3, or BMW's in GTE. To be honest in those classes it is the closely matched performance of them in most real life series which is one of the major attractions. In single player it is not an issue, but it makes MP (especially for people who race leagues I imagine) a choice of a single car type the only option on a lot of tracks.

    I agree with Godzilla there should be a way of BOPing them via ballast, or such as it makes for dull online races with differences measured in seconds per lap not tenths. That solution is a simplification I know as the difference in performance varies from track to track.

    It is rather pointless though that people make servers with default setups, assuming this will give a level playing field, when in fact for example the GT3 Mclaren will trounce the others in class at say Kyalami, or Bathurst irrespective of setup. Make it a wet race, or wet/dry if you want any kind of balance of performance is the only solution at present I can see.

    This issue is present in most racing sims in varying degrees and not just an issue with AMS2.
  7. azaris

    azaris Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    BoP is just a mess even in GT3 cars and requires constant adjustment if and when the tyre model changes. You can't just reduce the 720S boost further because it already bogs down too much in low rpms to the point you can't even break traction from standstill, another source of constant complaints.

    The SRO series use track-specific BoP and boost pressure in turbo cars is reduced per rpm (not just a constant reduction across the band). Adding ballast weight isn't satisfactory because it screws with braking distances. They'd likely have to start fiddling with track-specific aero nerfs, which sounds like a nightmare.
  8. Gevatter

    Gevatter The James May of Simracing AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    I agree that classes that have BOP in real life should have it in game as well. There should not be one car in a class that dominates on all tracks, but even with good BOP there will still be a best car for a given track, if only be a margin. Some cars favour corners, some favour long straights, you know how it is.

    I disagree about BOP in classes that had none in real life. AMS2 should remain a simulator of real life racing series, and if a car dominated back in the day it should do so as well in game, provided its competitors actually raced together in real life like the aforementioned GT1 or Group C. Best practice for evening out multiplayer would be to provide ballast and restricter options that server admins can set per car model.

    Of course they did:
    The Group C Years: A Fans Journey, 1989 Brands Hatch Trophy |

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