racecraft.online - competition system for AMS2 - open alpha tests

Discussion in 'Fan Sites & Community Events' started by roszman, Nov 15, 2021.

  1. roszman

    roszman Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2020
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    Hey, my name is Piotr and I need your help :)

    Together with my friend we've built sim racing matchmaking competition system for AMS2 and we're looking for alpha testers.

    What is racecraft.online?
    - races 24/7, every 15/20/60 minutes (or however you guys would like)
    - driver rating
    - race licenses
    - racing series for each race license
    - Clean Laps Challenge required before racing on "unfamiliar" track
    - seasons and points
    - driver stats
    - night races
    - various weather
    - race servers on almost every continent
    - a lot of great stuff in the future ;)

    So how those tests would look like? Just register to racecraft.online - Sim Racing Ranked Matchmaking System for Automobilista 2, Join the racecraft.online Discord Server! and start racing :)

    For now we don't have much users, but with time I believe that racecraft.online will start to live it's own life.

    racecraft.online for 100% have bugs, something will work in wrong way, or will not work at all. In such cases just let us know in our discord.

    Here you can find racecraft.online overwiew video:

    See you on track ;)

    P.S. Sorry for my English, it's not my primary language.
    Last edited: May 1, 2023
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  2. roszman

    roszman Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2020
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    Cmon guys, don't be shy ;)

    It's free of charge, online 24/7, capable of serving houndreds of drivers at once, built for clean racing from ground up and it supports AMS2!!!

    If you have doubts, then please write them here and I will try to dispel them out.
  3. Kevin del Campo

    Kevin del Campo Active Member

    Feb 7, 2021
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    Wish I was at home right now but Im away for work for a while.
    Been waiting for something like this for ams so Ill definitly try it out when i get home.
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  4. hu uashdiasuh

    hu uashdiasuh Member

    Oct 8, 2021
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    i think the main problem your platform, in the current stage, will have is that there are simply not enough players interested in playing MP.

    ofc i cant predict the future, with a bit of luck the november update could boost playercount. but who knows what reiza will implement for the multiplayer. would suck if u start ur platform and then reiza drops their own matchmaking.

    also maybe u should do like a daily rotation (or every 2 day) where u have only 2-3 different classes, so the small playerbase isnt splitup into 30 different classes.

    anyhow best of luck for your platform, will for sure check it out
    • Like Like x 1
  5. roszman

    roszman Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2020
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    Yeah, small player base will kill racecraft.online. Sad things happen ;)

    I am aware that new rating system from Reiza is around a corner. I think that racecraft.online and Reiza new multiplayer system will differs from each other, but yeah, who knows.

    With time I will add support for other sims, so I still have a hope. But if there is no need for such platform then I will shut it down and get a good beer.

    At least I tried to provide cheap/free competition platform for community. Platform where user is owner of his content, where he can choose sim of his liking, have modern web based UI at his disposal and have decent pings in Australia and Brasil. A, and he doesn't need to sell kidney in the process ;)

    Thx for spport, I will try tu use your idea, but atm community will not be splitted between multiple classes. There are only two race classes in Rookie series, so new drivers need to choose only between two:
    • Formula Vee race series - for more experienced drivers
    • G40 Cup race series - for less experienced drivers
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2021
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  6. roszman

    roszman Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2020
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    Today, on Steelcast27 discord I was asked about differences between JustRace, RaceU and www.racecraft.online. I will share my answer with you here and elaborate a little

    So, are those competition systems similar?

    Disclaimer:I am not very active member of justrace.net or raceu, so don't hold me on my words, maybe they have similar features which I am unaware of. For sure all systems I know are trying to enforce clean racing and are doing great job about it.
    I don't want this thread to become comparison war please

    So the answer is: Yes and no :)

    While they share similarities, like ratings and/or race licenses, the racecraft.online (RC) is a beast on it's own, it was built with clean racing and global range in mind, have seamless AMS2 integration, it's able to run hundreds of races at once on almost every place in the world - so no more "not enough drivers slots" problem, it have modern and IMO quite slick UI, and most importantly it's built to be cheap/free (JustRace and RaceU are free too)

    Long version
    While building racecraft.online (RC) I was solving few problems which I've encountered while using other competition systems, but at the same time I tried to learn from their best parts.
    So what are the main features of RC, besides driver ratings and race licenses?

    Drivers matching trough multiple data points
    RC is matching drivers trough their Pace, Safety and Consistency. These ratings are tracked and calculated in each *official race.

    *official race is the one with at least 6 participants.

    Seamless sim integration.
    • Clean Laps Challenge for example: in RC before race you need to prove that you know the given track. You need to hit practice session first and do few clean laps. RC will communicate with you trough in game chat, it will count clean laps for you and let you know when the lap was not clean, additionally you will get notification about incoming races, so you will not miss anything while in game.
    • Running the game: you don't need to configure antyhing, just click "Join race" or "Practice" button and you're good to go.
    Proper drivers distribution per race
    So what will happen when there is 12 drivers slots per race, but we have 13 drivers registered to the same time? Will we have one race with full grid and second one with 1 driver? No, RC will distribute drivers per race evenly. So in our example we'll have 7 drivers in one race and 6 in the other. With 25 drivers registered we will have 3 races with 9, 8 and 8 drivers, etc.

    Modern UI and UX
    RC's UI is built to be user friendly and informative. Whenever your rating has change you will get notification. New race license? License demotion? Race or practice session is ready? System problems? You'll be notified.
    No page refresh needed. All new events and informations are pushed directly to your browser. You can leave RC web page in the background and it will always be up to date.

    Global range and no limit* on avaliable races
    RC is able to boot hundreds of race servers at once, around the whole globe. So we're talking about global sim racing community here. Yes we have servers in Brasil and Australia too ;)

    *in reality there is a limit on avaliable races, but it's high enough that we'll not hit it anytime soon, besides it can be increased.

    Race seasons
    While doing races on RC you're also gaining points for your finish postition, during the season the points and drivers places are calculated in real time, so you're always aware what's you position in given race series and given race season.

    Low price tag if any
    For now RC is free, but if we ever get the momentum, then propobly there will be some subscription fee or some ads, proper IT infrastructure isn't cheap, but with enough users there is a big chance that subscription fee will be cheaper than Starbucks coffee and as a bonus you'll be racing with the game you own ;)

    Threre is more
    I've put a lot quality of life features in to RC. Describing them here in one post will make it really long post. You guys should just experienced it ;)
    Last edited: May 1, 2023
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  7. chonk

    chonk Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    Just signed up, haven't done any online racing in a long time now, but have been thinking about getting back into it over the last few months. Will be giving JustRace a go aswell.

    Anyway happy to test out the service, it's cool to have more options and the signup process was extremely straight forward. The website is very clean as well.

    My first thought was 'well Reiza rating system is just around the corner so I'll wait and see what that has to offer'. I'm sure a number of people are thinking the same thing.
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  8. DaveC187

    DaveC187 Member

    Aug 2, 2020
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    Very cool. I signed up. I'm hoping you get a lot more users. It seems like a clean platform for setting up races!
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  9. Wilfred de Ruijter

    Wilfred de Ruijter Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 10, 2020
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    Yes, I am thinking the same. But the information which is shared at the Steelcast27-discord makes me curious. And it sounds very good to my that there are only two classes (Formula Vee and the G40) at the moment.
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  10. roszman

    roszman Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2020
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    For now we have 22 race series, also we have multiple race licenses, each race series requires different race license. Each new driver is starting with Rookie race license. We have two race series for drivers with Rookie race license: Formula Vee and G40 Cup.

    After few races within each race license and after aquiring required rating drivers can be promoted to Bronze -> Silver -> Gold -> Platinum -> Alien race licenses.

    racecraft.online have 2 Rookie, 4 Bronze, 5 Silver, 6 Gold, 3 Platinum and 2 Alien race series :)
    But in fact those race series are just a demo, I would gladly provide you guys with your favorite car classes
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2021
  11. roszman

    roszman Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2020
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    The picture is worth a thousands words, but I am so lame at making videos :). Register to https://www.racecraft.online and do few clicks here and there, and you will get the idea of what is all about. if you don't like it, then just send me PM and I will delete your racecraft account.
    Last edited: May 1, 2023
  12. roszman

    roszman Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2020
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    Hey, I've changed racecraft.online overview video in the first post, but also please have it here for convinience.

    If you haven't checked out us yet, then please do so ;)
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  13. maconnolly

    maconnolly New Member

    Dec 19, 2020
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    I've just registered. A really clean interface. Everything laid out in a sensible way.

    Looking forward to stepping through my first activity and reporting back on how the interaction between the sim/game and the platform goes.
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  14. Dmand

    Dmand Active Member

    Oct 3, 2022
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    Hi, how is the project going? This is a older post but i just seen something about it in the steam discussions and decided to look it up. This all seems very interesting, i hope it gains the traction it deserves.
  15. roszman

    roszman Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2020
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    Some nice soul uploaded this video:
    and some magic happened during this weekend. In last 48 hours racecraft.online user base go from around 300 users to more than 1k :p

    We've got few issues during this weekend due to higher traffic, but nothing too serious.

    Overall we had many full grid races with multiple splits during this weekend and despite technical issues all users are mostly happy.

    Probably things will slowdown during the week, but I hope for the same level of participation in the upcoming weekend.

    Looking at comments from users it seems that people are happy with the service. If every AMS2 user would know about RCO then I believe we would have full grids 24/7, but I don't have such marketing power.

    Overall I am happy with what is going on atm.

    Funny thing is that racecraft online is driving new saleas for Reiza, which is good for all of us ;)

    Thx for asking.
    Register and start racing ;)
    • Like Like x 4
  16. jota.191

    jota.191 (I'm Lando Garlando in AMS2 lobbies) AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 3, 2022
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    I was not at home this weekend, where I discovered the service thanks to that vid. You will have a new driver this Tuesday ;-).
    Filling grids with AI is a very clever idea.
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  17. roszman

    roszman Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2020
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    Using Adaptive AI in races is even more clever ;)
  18. Dmand

    Dmand Active Member

    Oct 3, 2022
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    That is great, i am very happy for you. I will for sure be signing up for this. Great work!
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  19. David Castiñeiras

    David Castiñeiras New Member

    Sep 29, 2022
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    Great job, I'll try it this afternoon ;-)
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  20. Handpflegecreme

    Handpflegecreme Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 13, 2021
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    I really appreciate your work, thank you for that! If enough players will join, it promisses a lot of clean online racing to me, which is unfortunately almost not possible on most random online servers. I hope a lot of AMS2 racers give it a try.
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