FSR for OpenVR

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by NuScorpii, Jul 9, 2021.

  1. nabelo

    nabelo New Member

    Aug 31, 2020
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    Just like the readme says...Place the files "dxgi.dll" and "vrperfkit.yml" next to your "AMS2.exe".
    Edit the file "vrperfkit.yml" to your likes.
    Start the game ;)

    If you have previously installed the older "openvr_fsr" mod please replace the modded "openvr_api.dll" with your original .dll first.
  2. think

    think New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 19, 2021
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    Do you run it with WMR? It`s not working for me.
  3. Mike Evans

    Mike Evans Member

    Jul 3, 2020
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    Works great for me. Reverb G2.
  4. John Caetano

    John Caetano Member

    Jun 30, 2019
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    Are we sure it's working? I restored the default openvr dll, copied the new files to AMS root and updated ymal file with settings plus enabled DEBUG and i see no results or log file. The game runs but no settings are being applied... I tried copying the files to the x64 folder just to test further and same results. There are no graphic settings changes required, correct?

    Index/SteamVR user here...
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  5. Rob Davies

    Rob Davies Bobby Dazzler AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 2, 2020
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    Unlike @Mike Evans, I'm also failing to get holgers work working at the moment... Here's what I've tried
    - Have copied the two files to AMS2 directory (even tried the x86 .dll just in case...)
    - deleted the FSR modified openvr_api.dl file and then verified integrity on steam which restored originally game file
    - tried both beta and normal steamVR and Windows Reality for Steam
    - tried switching to Steam OpenXR runtime vs. WMR.

    Still no joy..... confused....

    Last edited: Jan 20, 2022
  6. nabelo

    nabelo New Member

    Aug 31, 2020
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    Thats really stange...Maybe there is a problem with steamvr..Im running it over the oculus.api and vrperfkit works perfectly fine for me.
  7. Rob Davies

    Rob Davies Bobby Dazzler AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 2, 2020
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    Yup, I just re-installed steamVR (WMR and even AMS2!) just in case, but no joy.... hmm...
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2022
  8. jtortosen

    jtortosen Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 14, 2022
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  9. Rob Davies

    Rob Davies Bobby Dazzler AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 2, 2020
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    Yeah, that's the old version (and I have that working) - but I didn't like the FSR upscaling artefacts.

    Mike has the new version working with a very similar spec. so I'm trying to diagnose why it's just not loading on mine.
  10. Jean-Yves Mercy

    Jean-Yves Mercy Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 5, 2018
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    I had a very weird thing last night.
    I tried the FSR first and it didn't work.
    Then I tried the NIS, changing in the vrperfkit.yml file, and then it worked, but the sharpness at 0.9 is way too much for me, so I quit the game, lowered the sharpness in the file, restarted the game, and now it doesn't work anymore.
    I don't know what to do anymore.

    I use a PImax 8KX with SteamVR.
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  11. John Caetano

    John Caetano Member

    Jun 30, 2019
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    Thanks for the suggestion. I tried a bunch of different settings with no success :(

    We got an open ticket on github but unless we help the dev who owns the dll i dont see much help coming our way sadly
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  12. DutchFireMan

    DutchFireMan New Member

    Sep 23, 2021
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    when looking at the second file. I see that you changed fsr into nit. Maybe I’m wrong, but dont you have to change the false under fixedfoveated:
    From false to true? Because that is the nit path right?
  13. Rob Davies

    Rob Davies Bobby Dazzler AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 2, 2020
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    Hey DutchFireMan
    I changed from FSR to NIS to change the upscaling algorithm to NVIDIA's. Regarless of the setting, the mod isn't loading as no hot keys work or log file is created.
    Will keep trying to diagnose!
  14. Retrolux

    Retrolux Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 29, 2019
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    AMS 2 does not hook on the dxgi.dll. it did also not worked for reshade. It must have been named opengl32.dll for it to work or on newer versions dinput8.dll.

    But i doubt that holger has already included different dll hook and passed them to the original dll. So for now i suggest you to give use the asiloader to hook on dinput8.dll and rename the new perf toolkit dll (dgxi.dll) from holger to vrperfkit.asi and place it besides the asiloader dll.
    GitHub - ThirteenAG/Ultimate-ASI-Loader: ASI Loader is the tool that loads custom libraries with the file extension .asi into any game process.

    The asiloader will sideload all *.asi files it finds and loads it up.
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  15. John Caetano

    John Caetano Member

    Jun 30, 2019
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    Wow finally the answer. TY! Although the mod is loading now it seems the hooks or whatever might be failing. I'll check with dev on this assuming the issue is on his end? I see it in his log file...

    from log:
    22:20:54 [8784] IVRClientCore::Cleanup was called, deleting hooks...
    22:20:54 [8784] Removing hook to 00007FF81FE8E180
    22:20:54 [8784] Removing hook to 00007FF81FE8E0A0
    22:20:54 [8784] Removing hook to 00007FF81FEB1AD0
    22:20:54 [8784] Removing hook to 00007FF81FEB7F50
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  16. nabelo

    nabelo New Member

    Aug 31, 2020
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    I can't agree with that 100%.
    AMS2 hooks the "dxgi.dll" file 100% when the game is started via the oculus runtime.
    If you use a Rift/s or Oculus Quest headset, AMS2 will not start via the OpenVR (SteamVR) runtime, but via the Oculus runtime. Exactly then the "dxgi.dll" is used and it works. Why the whole thing does not work via OpenVR (SteamVR) is a mystery to me. But as you can see in the logfile of me, it works wonderfully with "dxgi.dll" and an Oculus headset.

    Screenshot 2022-01-21 081700.jpg

    21:32:32 [17760] ======================
    21:32:32 [17760] VR Performance Toolkit
    21:32:32 [17760] ======================

    21:32:32 [17760] Current configuration:
    21:32:32 [17760] Upscaling (FSR) is enabled
    21:32:32 [17760] * Render scale: 0.77
    21:32:32 [17760] * Sharpness: 0.9
    21:32:32 [17760] * Radius: 0.5
    21:32:32 [17760] * MIP bias: enabled
    21:32:32 [17760] Debug mode is disabled
    21:32:32 [17760] Currently active hotkeys:
    21:32:32 [17760] * cycleUpscalingMethod 17 113
    21:32:32 [17760] * increaseUpscalingRadius 17 114
    21:32:32 [17760] * decreaseUpscalingRadius 17 115
    21:32:32 [17760] * increaseUpscalingSharpness 17 116
    21:32:32 [17760] * decreaseUpscalingSharpness 17 117
    21:32:32 [17760] * toggleDebugMode 17 112
    21:32:32 [17760] * toggleUpscalingApplyMipBias 17 118
    21:32:32 [17760] * toggleFixedFoveated 18 112
    21:32:32 [17760] * captureOutput 17 119
    21:32:32 [17760] Installing hook for LoadLibraryA from 00007FFAEA71F500 to 00007FFAC7B7B2C0
    21:32:32 [17760] Installing hook for LoadLibraryExA from 00007FFAEA71D680 to 00007FFAC7B7B310
    21:32:32 [17760] Installing hook for LoadLibraryW from 00007FFAEA71E880 to 00007FFAC7B7B3F0
    21:32:33 [17760] Installing hook for LoadLibraryExW from 00007FFAEA7193F0 to 00007FFAC7B7B380
    21:32:33 [17760] LibOVRRT64_1.dll is loaded in the process, installing hooks...
    21:32:33 [17760] Installing hook for ovr_Initialize from 00007FFA81BC8530 to 00007FFAC7B5F090
    21:32:33 [17760] Installing hook for ovr_GetFovTextureSize from 00007FFA81BC95F0 to 00007FFAC7B5EFA0
    21:32:33 [17760] Installing hook for ovr_EndFrame from 00007FFA81BC9980 to 00007FFAC7B5EE20
    21:32:33 [17760] Installing hook for ovr_SubmitFrame from 00007FFA81BC9A70 to 00007FFAC7B5F300
    21:32:33 [17760] Installing hook for ovr_SubmitFrame2 from 00007FFA81BC9BC0 to 00007FFAC7B5F180
    21:32:33 [17760] d3d11.dll is loaded in the process, installing hooks...
    21:32:33 [17760] Installing hook for D3D11CreateDevice from 00007FFAE0DD5440 to 00007FFAC7B5CBA0
    21:32:33 [17760] Installing hook for D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain from 00007FFAE0DD55C0 to 00007FFAC7B5D020
    21:32:33 [17760] Oculus runtime initialization for version 3
    21:32:33 [17760] Loading DLL at "C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\dxgi.dll"
    21:33:21 [17760] Initializing Oculus frame submission...
    21:33:21 [17760] Game is using D3D11 swapchains, initializing D3D11 resources
    21:33:21 [17760] Swap chain has format 5, bind flags 1 and misc flags 8
    21:33:21 [17760] Eye 0: submitted textures have resolution 1824x1856
    21:33:21 [17760] Eye 0: output resolution is 2370x2410
    21:33:21 [17760] Creating output swapchain in format 4
    21:33:21 [17760] Swap chain has format 5, bind flags 1 and misc flags 8
    21:33:21 [17760] Eye 1: submitted textures have resolution 1824x1856
    21:33:21 [17760] Eye 1: output resolution is 2370x2410
    21:33:21 [17760] Creating output swapchain in format 4
    21:33:21 [17760] Trying to load NVAPI...
    21:33:21 [17760] Successfully initialized NVAPI; Variable Rate Shading is available.
    21:33:21 [17760] Installing virtual function hook for ID3D11DeviceContext::pSSetSamplers
    21:33:21 [17760] Installing virtual function hook for ID3D11DeviceContext::OMSetRenderTargets
    21:33:21 [17760] Installing virtual function hook for ID3D11DeviceContext::OMSetRenderTargetsAndUnorderedAccessViews
    21:33:21 [17760] D3D11 resource creation complete
    21:33:21 [17760] Creating D3D11 resources for FSR upscaling...
    21:33:21 [17760] Creating replacement sampler for 00000000104C5EA0 with MIP LOD bias -0.38
    21:33:21 [17760] Creating replacement sampler for 000000004B616DA0 with MIP LOD bias -0.38
    21:33:21 [17760] Creating replacement sampler for 00000000104C66A0 with MIP LOD bias -0.38
    21:33:21 [17760] Creating replacement sampler for 0000000007C83B20 with MIP LOD bias -0.38
    21:33:21 [17760] Creating replacement sampler for 00000000104C69E0 with MIP LOD bias -0.38
    21:33:21 [17760] Creating replacement sampler for 000000004B616CA0 with MIP LOD bias -0.38
    21:33:21 [17760] Creating replacement sampler for 0000000007C83220 with MIP LOD bias -0.38
    21:33:21 [17760] Creating replacement sampler for 00000000104C6220 with MIP LOD bias -0.38
    21:33:21 [17760] Creating replacement sampler for 00000000104C5FE0 with MIP LOD bias -0.38
    21:33:21 [17760] Creating replacement sampler for 0000000007C83C60 with MIP LOD bias -0.38
    21:33:21 [17760] Creating replacement sampler for 00000000104C6460 with MIP LOD bias -0.38

    2022-01-21 08_24_19-Window.png
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2022
    • Informative Informative x 2
  17. Mike Evans

    Mike Evans Member

    Jul 3, 2020
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    Yep. Working for me too.
    HP Reverb G2, RTX 3090 and my log is showing it working and it's making a huge difference. I'm using nis for scaling.
    I don't know why it's working, @Rob Davies has the same specs as me and it's not for him.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  18. BazzaLB

    BazzaLB Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2020
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    Doesn't really work for me either. (Vive Pro SteamVR). I get no log generated.

    However, strangely enough, if I enable the "AMS2 spotter" mod (which is a modified dbghelp.dll), then I get the proper log generated but the hooks outlined in the log posted above don't seem to happen (maybe the AMS2 spotter overrides them). None of the shortcut keys do anything either in that case and I dont see a blind bit of difference in my display so net result is.. it doesn't work for me.

    Works perfectly fine in DCS.

    EDIT: Retrolux's method outlined above works perfectly.. This does disable the spotter mod radar view (even though you still hear the voice) if thats of any concern to anyone. For some reason though, I cannot get the hotkeys to work, but the initial settings definately are kicking in.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2022
    • Informative Informative x 1
  19. nabelo

    nabelo New Member

    Aug 31, 2020
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    Which "AMS2 Spotter" Mod you are using? Do you have an URL to this mod?
  20. Mike Evans

    Mike Evans Member

    Jul 3, 2020
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    Just created a quick vid of it working for me. Don't know why as I said.


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