[F-Classic Gen 1] Rear Tyre temps

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Ikuconodule, Feb 24, 2022.

  1. Ikuconodule

    Ikuconodule New Member

    Jan 30, 2022
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    Heya fellas,

    I've been running the 1986 season as a custom championship recently. I'm up to Montreal now, but I have a major problem: The rear tyres build up insane levels of heat and become undrivable around lap 3. I've tried gimping the setup by myself or driving slower, but I just can't stop them overheating.

    If anyone has any magic setup tricks to share, they'd be much appreciated. :)
  2. ControlLogix

    ControlLogix Active Member

    Nov 22, 2020
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    Haven't tried this car so maybe something is bugged with it, but just a couple of things I would check first...Are you giving too much throttle coming out of turns and spinning the rears a bit? Does your setup for some reason have a lot of rear toe in? I'm not even sure if it's possible to overheat rear tires with too much toe in but anyways you can check that.

    Also are your rear brake ducts fully closed or something? That would keep the brakes really hot and the heat will radiate to the tires so check the rear brake duct opening percentage. If it is low, try increasing it a lot and watch the rear brake temps as you are driving around. Maybe you are using a timetrial/qualifying setup and someone closed the brake ducts for reduced drag, but it won't work for a race because of the heat issue.

    Are you running wet tires with dry weather? That could cause it too
  3. muz_j

    muz_j Active Member

    Apr 27, 2020
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    It's been a short while since I've spent much time in these cars, but I have driven them a fair bit over a longer period of time.
    Check the suggestions made by @ControlLogix -
    1) Throttle application in these cars is critical - you need to be smooth and come off the throttle if wheel spin gets excessive, let the tyres grip, then re-apply the throttle in a progressive manner.
    Wheel spin can be useful to get tyres up to temp, but once they're warm, it should be avoided as much as possible. These cars will wheel spin everywhere if you let them - which will ruin your tyres.
    2) Increase the size of the brake ducts to increase their air flow, which will aid tyre cooling.
    3) Consider increasing the tyre pressure, to increase the time taken to heat the tyres.
    a) @Ikuconodule What sort of tyre pressures are you using ?
    4) Increasing the differential ramp angles can make throttle transitions easier to control and modulate (i.e. the handling of the car as you come on and off throttle).
    5) consider decreasing the boost level a bit - particularly if you've cranked it up to 100%, and you're struggling with tyre heat.
    6) Make sure your pedals are properly calibrated and if you're really struggling, then you might want to experiment with changing your throttle sensitivity - but I'd recommend looking at the car setup first, assuming you think your pedals are generally working "ok" with other cars.

    ...if you're still struggling after properly testing the changes suggested (throttle application, brake duct size, increasing tyre pressure, increasing differential ramp angles, decreasing turbo boost), then upload a video, so people can understand how you're driving and give you better advice.
    These cars need a driving style that's a fair bit different to a lot of the other cars in the game due to their higher power, lower weight and turbo lag.

    ...colder weather will help manage the heat easier too, so consider doing some test sessions in colder weather until you get your head around what's causing you to overheat the tyres so much.
    Of all the suggestions I could make with these cars - it's point #1 - throttle application. You need to modulate it very carefully and manage wheel spin.

    @Ikuconodule - what exactly does "gimping the setup" mean from your perspective ?
    i.e. what changes have you made ?

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