things I learned in time trial

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by FS7, Feb 25, 2022.

  1. FS7

    FS7 controller filters off please AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 23, 2016
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    For the past few weeks I've been posting laptimes in time trial at Nurburgring GP/Veedol with a number of cars, I tested 31 cars total across a variety of classes. Some things I learned:
    -there's more to AMS2 than just GT3/GTE, there's several other interesting car classes in the game, people should be more open minded and try out more cars.
    -there's a good number and good variety of cars in AMS2 to keep me occupied for a while. Yes it would be nice to have more cars, yes it would be nice to have more classes, yes it would be nice to fill up the classes already in the game with more cars, yes it would be nice to have brands such as Ferrari & Lamborghini in the game, but imo there's a good number of interesting cars to keep me occupied for a while. If you can't find a car you like driving in AMS2 either you haven't tried enough cars or maybe racing sims aren't for you.
    -for most cars I tried leaderboards are kind of empty, we need more people posting times in the leaderboards. I mean, if an average guy with a controller like myself can get into top 10 in the time trial leaderboard that's clear sign there aren't enough people posting their times in the leaderboard. Maybe Reiza could set up a weekly time trial or something.
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  2. 2ndLastJedi

    2ndLastJedi Free speech matters AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 7, 2016
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    I honestly don't understand the fascination with GT3 cars in the wider sim racing community :confused: I tried the GT3 cars the other day and frankly find them bad when compared to ACC but then I jump into the GT1, Group C, Group A and other older cars :D and think to myself how lucky I am that AMS2 is more than just a GT3 sim. AMS2 really shines in these older classes and I'm puzzled as to why people drift to GT3 cars so often....don't even get me started on Spa and Monza :rolleyes:
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  3. FS7

    FS7 controller filters off please AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 23, 2016
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    GT3 & GTE are fun to drive but imo GT1 & Ultima GTR are just as fun to drive, and if you want something a bit more challenging there's cars such as Porsche Cup and the Brazilian Stock Cars and there's also several interesting open-wheelers & prototypes.
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  4. F_B

    F_B Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 25, 2016
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    While I agree with everything you're saying I have given up on most simracers who only know and try GT3s at Spa or Monza. It's really desillusional.
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  5. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    The main reason for this LB ghost towns is:
    1. The low total user number in AMS2
    2. The fear of being revealed of how slow a driver you are compared against other human drivers
    3. The advantage instead of "competing" against AI bots where you can decide how slow they drive
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  6. Erzurum

    Erzurum Salvador Street Circuit Fan

    Jan 6, 2022
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    I almost exclusively do TT but as @BrunoB said there is maybe a fear to be "slow" compared to the others. It's sad because comparing yourself to fast drivers and racing them is a good way to learn.

    In the same way, that's maybe why GT3 are popular because most people know these car and feel that they can be more competitive in them than a new obscure car.

    Personnaly I feel that TT is great for variety and allows me to push myself to the limit and increase my skill in a fun and engaging way.

    I though we maybe should open a thread to exchange our experiences and skills on the TT leaderboards but I don't know how to make that a reality. If you all interested of course.
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  7. Maser V6

    Maser V6 Assume nothing._ Verify everything._Have fun AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    The thread below is rather old /empty.

    Plus @Ralonso newer thread seems popular in recent times.
    Automobilista 2 -Time to Beat The Best! Can We Set The F309 World Record at Guapore?
    Also that the board have been reset, so time is needed for more results for the many cars and track combo's
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  8. FS7

    FS7 controller filters off please AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 23, 2016
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    Agreed, most people are like that.
    I have a different mentality though, I know I'm not the fastest driver but I try to look from a positive perspective: there's usually a bunch of people that are slower than me. For instance, in F1 2020 where some of the leaderboards have 100k+ players I'm usually somewhere in the middle. I joked in the other thread about posting the fastest time in leaderboards that were empty or nearly empty but I actually enjoy comparing myself against other players in leaderboards that have lots of people.
    As for offline racing against AI, I have a different mentality in that area too. Some of my most enjoyable races across all my racing games were races where I didn't win but spent most of the race fighting against competitive AI.

    Maybe we need more time to fill up the leadeboards, but it also feels like a lack of interest imo.
    I've been posting laptimes for the past few weeks, posted laptimes for 31 cars at 2 different Nurburgring layouts, usually I post laptimes for 2-3 cars every day. I'll probably post laptimes for all those cars at Interlagos next.
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  9. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    I have to admit that this "racing" against pretty un-intelligent AI bots have never caught me - or turned me on :D
    But I also agree that this does only point into differences of ones own mentality.
    Because its easy to see - even for me :D - that a lot of people in different racing games gets a lot of fun and thrill out of setting up "races" against bots.

    ByTheWay: In a very relaxed way (IE without any patronizing pointing fingers) I guess that IF the newly hyped neural network based AI does ever begin to be of any use in racing games - then Im all in.
    Because then we can maybe begin to feel that the bots are reacting intelligent.
    Instead of as now only being governed by some rather simple rules/algoritms and fixed scripts.
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  10. Marius H

    Marius H Forum moderator Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    Things I learned in TT?
    • You doing things you won't do normally in a race, so it teaches you bad behavior.
    • I don't like it.
    • But I like it when I am rallying aka hotlapping cause I memorized everything.
    • but memorizing everything in Rallye is not what Rallye is..
    TT why you so harsh!
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  11. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    So racing games without TT have much more friendly behaving MP races?
    That sounds veery reasonable.:whistle:
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  12. FS7

    FS7 controller filters off please AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 23, 2016
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    There's 2 sides to this argument: there's no tyre wear & fuel consumption so you can push harder in TT than you would in a race; but on the other hand TT has tyre heating, damage, and track limits, the last 2 especially teaches players to keep it clean.
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  13. Sunscreen

    Sunscreen Active Member

    Dec 24, 2020
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    There's also probably a feeling of 'why bother with the timetable boards until physics changes stops them being unrepresentative'. The board times are only representative of the version that they were set under.
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  14. Wilfred de Ruijter

    Wilfred de Ruijter Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 10, 2020
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    I started TT at the beginning of EA. I also discovered sim racing (again). Using TT I learned the behavior of the Formula Trainer Advanced. I spent weeks at the same circuit using a ghost trying to keep up. After a while I discovered that a small (unknown) circuit is easier to get the fastest time. So I went to tarumã and spent a lot of time there. Because I knew to circuit so well, I took another car on that circuit and I was at the top in (sometimes) minutes. That way I picked up another favorite, the Formula Vee. At first I couldn't drive a lap, but if you know how to handle it, it's really fun. You have to steer with your throttle. After putting times at all circuits available I turned to another car, the Fusca. It drove different, but at a race I discovered I was not slow with this car. This way I did TT with almost every non-aero-car, except GT3 or GT4. After and invitation to a GT3 race I found out that I suddenly became quite fast at a GT3 car. Something had to do with my knowledge of the circuit, but I didn't know that at the time.
    Until recently I was up at a lot of LBs with a lot of cars and a lot of tracks. After the reset I hardly play TT. ATM I prefer the online races. Since I know most tracks well I prefer odd circuits and the not so standard cars. Now I can hop in a car at almost any particular circuit and I will be in the top half of the list qualifying within 10 minutes (usually).
    So because of TT I know how to drive a lot of cars fast and I know a lot of circuits. Now I have to learn how to race :).
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  15. ControlLogix

    ControlLogix Active Member

    Nov 22, 2020
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    I find TT is a great way to learn a lot about a particular car and track and how to extract the most out of a car. It's also great for learning to drive on the limit, learning where the limit is and what happens when you go beyond it etc.
  16. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    Thats the reason it looks like Raceroom are taken TT much more serious.
    Because here you can see exactly the date of every TT laps.
  17. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    Good description of the advantage of getting to know the track(s) and car(s) before entering a MP race.
    I guess one of the reasons your learning curve became so steap was that in TT there are no other drivers (or bots) to disturb your learning.
    And if you as you said loaded a ghost then you could concentrate of where your lines does differ from the ghost.
    And intensify learning because the ghost are using the same lines lap after lap.:D

    ByTheWay: I started my own iRacing career the same way.
    Where I before a socalled official race tried to top the TT LB in the same car/track combo.
    When the MP race arrived I was often surprised how reasonable fast I was against human drivers.
    Hehe human drivers who often asked for a setup few minutes before a race :rolleyes:
  18. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    I have not seriously tested a lot of these older classes in AMS2 but recently I installed AC - and was so fortunate that one of the first cars I tried out was the Lotus 98T.
    It was love at first lap :whistle:
    But when I returned to AMS2 then I was told that this car we have too.
    Just in a more "generalised" version called Formula Classics Gen1.

    Do yourself a faviour if you own AC.
    Compare the 2 cars.
    And enjoy the one you like best.
    Because one of these simulated Lotus´es does drive extremely enjoyable :p
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  19. Neem

    Neem New Member

    Jun 7, 2021
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    I agree with your comments. But one of the reasons the leaderboards are empty is because they just got reset. The other is that there are 16,510 different combinations of car, track combos. Not all are allowed (I don’t think the trucks run on the kart tracks) but that’s a lot of leaderboards to fill. I run a time trial group that’s doing our best to fill them Look out for the TTT drivers…
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  20. WarmRed

    WarmRed Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 30, 2019
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    Unfortunately, the TT mode is very neglected by Reiza pCARS2 and also AMS1 had web leaderboards where you could see on which date, at which time and with which driving aids the time was driven. In AMS2, we are all deprived of this information. It would be a great enrichment for AMS2.
    • Agree Agree x 2

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